RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages
06-February 16
X7123M3-256 Offline
A few minutes ago, I tried to load OpenRCT2 to do something else and this is what the main screen looked like, and remains the same after loading a park.
Me too, I literally just updated and it's like this. It looks like none of the original RCT2 code is being called - the only items that are drawing are those whose paint functions have been implemented already.
Since this completely breaks the game I imagine they'll fix it soon, but for now reverting to the stable build (which is still relatively recent) effects a temporary fix.
Fisch Offline
Is it possible to rotate huts in ORCT with tile inspector?
Also are all the things that you make invisible with tile inspector also invisible in vanilla rct2?
FredD Offline
Also are all the things that you make invisible with tile inspector also invisible in vanilla rct2?
I guess not, though I get instant error trappers in vanilla when I open my park with entrance huts made invisible by the tile inspector.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Is it possible to rotate huts in ORCT with tile inspector?
Also are all the things that you make invisible with tile inspector also invisible in vanilla rct2?
It doesn't quite work the same way - you have to make sure the elements that you make invisible are above all the elements that should remain visible if you want it to also work in vanilla. I was told that one of my saves doesn't open at all in vanilla because of corrupt elements, so if you're using them and you need backward compatiablity, I would test your park regularly to be sure.
Jappy Offline
Tile inspector? Never knew about that feature. Where is it in the menu and how does it work? -
inthemanual Offline
Is it possible to rotate huts in ORCT with tile inspector?
Also are all the things that you make invisible with tile inspector also invisible in vanilla rct2?
Yes and Yes, but only if done right. I've noticed that a lot of OpenRCT2 invisible tiles produce error traps in RCT2. In the minimal testing i've done, the error traps tend to show up if you've built things on the tile after making things invisible.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Tile inspector? Never knew about that feature. Where is it in the menu and how does it work?
The tile inspector shows you all the map data for a tile, and provides some (still fairly limited) tools to edit it. So far, it can:- Reorder the elements on this tile. This is useful when you have two elements at the same height, and you want to control which is drawn first. I find it useful when placing custom supports, or building scenery directly on top of footpaths.
- Make elements invisible. This is done by inserting a corrupt element below the element you would like to hide
- Delete elements (note: you can delete terrain tiles but there's no way to replace them, so be careful)
- Rotate elements (this is a new feature, I've not played around with it much)
Currently it cannot be used to raise/lower map elements, change clearance heights, or set flags on elements.
robbie92 Offline
Dunno if this has been thought through or not, but is there a possibility for there to be a feature in the game that allows you to control the speed of block brakes in the same way that normal brakes can be controlled? I love being able to run blocks but hate how they always slow a train down to 4mph.
Liampie Offline
For most multiplayer sessions, I keep getting the message that I need to have Wacky World or Time Twister installed. I have both installed. What's wrong? -
janisozaur Offline
For most multiplayer sessions, I keep getting the message that I need to have Wacky World or Time Twister installed. I have both installed. What's wrong?
Perhaps you have two versions of RCT2 installed and the one with no addons got selected?
If that's the case, you can correct the setting with
openrct2 set-rct2 /path/to/rct-with-addons
nin Offline
I don't know if this has already been discussed or not, but I'm having trouble creating my own title sequence. I'll make commands (location/wait/location/wait) yet it always "fails to load content".
Is there a tutorial or something showing how to do this? Would be cool to make sequences with really legit parks. -
spacek531 Offline
I don't know if this has already been discussed or not, but I'm having trouble creating my own title sequence. I'll make commands (location/wait/location/wait) yet it always "fails to load content".
Is there a tutorial or something showing how to do this? Would be cool to make sequences with really legit parks.I made the title sequence for 0.0.4, I can do a write up. But not this week, because it's dead week and the avalanche of work is already upon me.
As a quick heuristic, did you try using the ingame title sequence editor? You access it by going to the wrench tab in options.
EDIT: As well as making sure that the park file is included in the title sequence's folder?
spacek531 Offline
I'm posting on the OpenRCT2 github about the error, unless you would rather. They will ask for a zip of the title sequence, so it will probably be a good idea to have that handy.
EDIT: since the submission form asks for OS and version, I better let you handle it. Here's their github page in case you needed to search for it: https://github.com/O...OpenRCT2/issues
nin Offline
Alright thanks. Honestly it could still be me just not doing it correctly so I'll mess with it a bit more before claiming it as an error, but if no luck I'll do just that.
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