Music Forum / Radio & Podcasts
21-January 16
alex Offline
I'm always trying to seek out good radio. Do you listen to any? Any favourite stations?
I really like NTS - . It's London based and plays all sorts. Very eclectic, a bit weird sometimes. Probably a bigger proportion of electronic and world music. (online)
I occasionally listen to BBC6 music too - It's more mainstream but good. More of a focus on rock, in all it's guises. It's best shows are in evenings and on sunday. (online + DAB)
Resonance FM is also quite good - It's made up of short 30min-1hr shows mostly. All completely different, some music, some are discussions on art, politics, the environment etc. (online)
I sometimes listen to podcasts too. I've only listened to radiolab - which is usually just interesting or weird stories usually science and philosophy related. Would love to hear about some others.
G Force Offline
I know its not a formal podcast but I enjoy listening to these guys. Probably not for everyone but some might enjoy their take on Video Games among other thinks like movies.
Also in terms of Radio this used to be my favorite station, just music, but the DJ's are fun: They've kind of gotten stale and predictable in the past few years though, not nearly as unique as they used to be.
MorganFan Offline
I sometimes listen to podcasts too. I've only listened to radiolab
RadioLab is amazing. I always look forward to the next episode.
I listen to a few music-based podcasts
And a couple others
I just got into listening to podcasts, and I really need to find some more that fit my interests.
In:Cities Offline
Jim Hill Media.
These are the only podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. For anyone who is a fan of Disney and Universal park rumors and in depth analysis - this dude is absolutely spot on. Very very cool and insightful content!
The back content is incredible to catch up on as well.
Can't recommend him enough.
alex Offline
Song Exploder looks good, I'll deffo check out some of those. I like how broad it is and it doesn't seem too elitist to have episodes about pop songs.
Coasterbill Offline
The only podcast I really listen to is In the Loop. As far as radio I used to be a big Opie and Anthony fan on Sirius XM until they fired one of their shock jocks for being shocking because they're idiots. Now I rarely listen to radio.
Liampie Offline
I always listen to Radio Mirror Park, Non-Stop Pop FM or WorldWide FM. Sometimes Space. -
][ntamin22 Offline
Hardcore History
History Extra
China History Podcast
A History of the World in 100 Objects
Dear Hank & John
BBC radio4 podcast
News / Gadgets
News / Gaming
Roundtable Podcast
used to be a big Escape Pod listener but I haven't kept with it for years
Coasterbill Offline
Yeah those guys are assholes actually knew that guy. He was a friend of the show and remained one after that. It was a radio stunt that people blew up about when it was taken out of context by people that didn't know it was a radio bit.
I didn't agree with everything those guys did and definitely not with Anthony's world views but damn they were funny. Since they were a comedy show I never cared about anything besides their ability to make me laugh. It's not like I look to radio shock jocks as a moral compass. lol
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