Theme Park Discussion / Roller Coaster Draft 2 America group
- 24-October 15
Austin55 Offline
The awkward thing is Morganfan has two picks in a row, and it's been a day, idk does that mean he gets 48 hours? And then it goes back to shotguns who still hasn't picked, so really he should get another 24 hours.
MCI Offline
Give them another 24hours or so and then eliminate them if one of they havent picked yet.
MorganFan Offline
Shit. So do I get my two picks? I wasn't counting on my pick being over Halloween, which kinda sucked. (Halloween itself didn't suck, it was awesome)
Anyway, I choose Nemesis (Alton Towers).
If I get both, I also choose Karnan.
Current lineup (this is for me):
Boulder Dash
Schwur Des Karnan
Maverix Offline
Was wondering what took so long for Wood Coaster and Goliath to go. Glad to see you two are on top of things.