H2H7 / Kumba's Thoughts (H2H7)
21-July 15
Kumba Online
So another season has come and gone... Overall, I was pretty impressed with H2H7. Almost every team sent in a finished/nearly finished park each week. Guys were into it and the admins were really active and helpful throughout.I don't have any beef with HA winning the championship. They are a worthy champ and had a great season with 6 finished parks, even finishing before quite a few deadlines. I don't think AF was better overall than PP, but yeah the fun factor was at a high level and I see why people base their votes on it.
nin and Shogo... No regrets there. Still, after Pridelands nin basically went insane with ideas about how to lead the week 5 park. Our week 5 park was started and had the theme changed 5 FUCKIN TIMES! That sucked and at one point I tried to forbid another change, but no luck. Sadly, I cannot make people build... W5 got moved to W4 and resulted in Eras of America with nin's work removed so he could build in the finals with Rofl. The finals park should have been... Pac & nin & Xcoaster & Rofl doing a re-imagined Magic Kingdom park which would have likely been the greatest thing ever... Till nin talked Pac into a change to Jurassic World... Kyle, you were awesome this season, just... STICK TO THE PLAN!
Shogo... like nin, an amazing start to the season. I was 100% right about him being active, but his skill was much better than I thought. Thing was, he builds out of control and makes a mess. He did kinda pull it together, but that level of detail was kinda a waste of time. He also didn't plan or communicate very well and Six Frags, Rofl and me all tried to work with him on PoM, but in the end calling it a solo and giving him the ability to jump on any other park to add some fast work seemed best. Like most of our parks, PoM ran out of time. I expected him to clean up his act a little for Star Wars, but not really. He did a good job, just his try at Courascant was too ambitious and never really came together. He helped a lot in the last few days, so I kinda doubled his shares. I really did like 55-60% overall. On Paradise Pier he did some solid work all the way up till the end, but dropped the ball somewhat and left Pac with a lot to do. I don't blame him much, the 4-way meant he had to put in an extra two weeks and he was burned out after building 3x. Zach, it would be a crime if you didn't win Rookie of the Year... just please clean up your parkmaking!All our other guys did great too and I'll get them some feedback in our team forum soon with the report cards I do every season. Pac was everything a #1 pick should be, just I think he borrowed from real parks too much when more of his work should have been freestyle. Arjan never really got into parkmaking much, but did help us a lot with his object making. RCT2Day was great and did a sick job on all the custom supports on California Screamin. Thirteen helped PL get done, tho due to limits didn't really have a chance to build anything else, which sucked. Xcoaster was awesome as ever and did more than we expected. G Force... one of my personal highlights of this season was going off on him in a team Google Hangout... Kumba means "roar" afterallWe talked after tho and have been cool since. His opinions are all totally wrong most of the time, but he grew on me. Russ, I am very happy you ended up with us. Your level of activity and dedication to the team was really great.
If anything pissed me off this season it was that Rofl got screwed at every turn. First no luck trying to work on PoM, then he was with me/Arjan on a CityWalk theme, but I was not too happy with it and we just got Xcoaster, so the switch to Star Wars. I thought he'd be good with nin and G Force on week 5, but that was likely hell for him as it changed 5x. It's funny how as soon as he posted about being ready to dive into a Jurassic World theme... Louis announced the 4-way final. Rofl had the most annoying season I have ever seen anyone have in H2H. Really sorry you went through that on my team.
Count me out if it's exactly like H2H7...
The limits need to go, at least for the post-season parks. It takes so much fun out when people need to sit on the side line for the biggest match-up. I would be in favor of another 4-way, just everyone on my team that wants to build on it will be allowed to even if they built with someone before. If that's going to be against the rules, then H2H7 was the last season for the Hurricanes.
Last season I give posix a 86/100 for his job as referee during the season. For Louis, I think I can go a higher, like 90/100. My only issue in-season was with the w3 deadline. It was on Mother's Day and when I asked if everyone could have more time (like till midnight in each time zone) he refused. That was just unnecessarily strict and his logic of it not being a holiday that effected everyone was weak. The 4-way... okay, yeah it was needed for a happy ending to the season with finished parks, I get that. Still, it turned all the rules on their head. I know input from Liam and Tim went into deciding that we had to still follow the match-up rules, but shit... When I decided to build with Pac week 3 it was because we had to have TWO post-season parks to win. Hey, I know that also screwed over ML too tho. I would be happy to see Louis ref again. He did a great job under a lot of pressure from everyone.
This season was basically a return to RCT for me and I must say I enjoyed it. I know a lot of guys are sick of building now, but I really want to dive back in to finish Logos and Musket before the end of the year. I also have a really cool design started, but finishing the other two projects will come first. This might be my last chance to make a push for a second NE Parkmaker of the Year award, so I am motivated to finish releases and show some new work. -
Austin55 Offline
Kumba, great write up. I hope those Europeans you picked over me worked out well
You guys had a great season and some of my best rct friends were on that team, so you guys were the most fun to root against.
I think this community really wants another Kumba style design from you. That was a beautiful style of realism and you promised more of it, but I don't think you've ever delivered on that fully.
I hope some other teams do this, it's great to hear.
Rofl Offline
Nice writing Kumba, my run this h2h was terrible. Im sorry for the ones who had trouble with it, cause I did everything I could to be a good h2h competitor. Everything during h2h went against me, the parks getting switched and just canceled, but also my health, cause I was diagnosed with BDDV 2 months ago and I am still suffering from it. Thanks Darren for the time you spend in to the hurricanes, I had some fun and it is a rct experience I won't quickly forget.
nin Offline
Till nin talked Pac into a change to Jurassic World...
Whoa now, that was a collective decision: we wanted our summer back! -
Dr_Dude Offline
ppl who actually built can correct me here but i dont think the site will be ready for another h2h within the same timeframe we've been using
Louis! Offline
My only issue in-season was with the w3 deadline. It was on Mother's Day and when I asked if everyone could have more time (like till midnight in each time zone) he refused.
Eh...that was very much Liam & Tim's input as well.
I'd take a 90/100 though, no one's perfect
bigshootergill Offline
My only issue in-season was with the w3 deadline. It was on Mother's Day and when I asked if everyone could have more time (like till midnight in each time zone) he refused.There was basically minimal building on our team that day too, everyone was busy (Calico was an all-american builders park), so even steven. And Liam knew that our park's quality would suffer a bit because of it, but the admins stuck to their guns.
Roomie Offline
I agree with many things Kumba says but that W3 deadline issue is rubbish.
As i said at the time. You cant move deadlines because its a holiday in one country. It wasn't a holiday in other countries, Our Mothers day is in March. Why should there be deadline extension that just favours one country. We had holidays during H2H too but you just plan around them.
Dirk Pitt Offline
I propose the mod re-label this thread title to "Why the Hurricanes lost H2H7". So much tears in here...
Blaming your players isn't going to do much or blaming everything else, at the end of the day you were the captain, it was your decisions to make that led to your demise, you weren't quick enough to adapt to the situation. But hey, it makes for good drama so I'll sit back with my popcorn and watch it all blow up.
Faas Offline
I don't have any beef with HA winning the championship. They are a worthy champ and had a great season with 6 finished parks, even finishing before quite a few deadlines.Cool, I agree!I don't think AF was better overall than PP
Unnecessary.Liam has become a hell of a captain
I agree!He has topped me for being the best H2H captain even if my Hurricanes have a longer history and as many championships. If we were on the same team...
What? You're basically complimenting people and then saying how they are almost as cool as you. Is it hard to compliment someone without throwing a few compliments in for yourself? What are these statistics about anyway?
I would be happy to see Louis ref again. He did a great job under a lot of pressure from everyone.
I agree.This season was basically a return to RCT for me and I must say I enjoyed it. I know a lot of guys are sick of building now, but I really want to dive back in to finish Logos and Musket before the end of the year. I also have a really cool design started, but finishing the other two projects will come first.
Good to hear!This might be my last chance to make a push for a second NE Parkmaker of the Year award, so I am motivated to finish releases and show some new work.
Wait, is that the reason? So you can throw more irrelevant statistics and ancient 'accomplishments' in our face for the coming years? Then never mind.
I mean come on man, it's a game, not a career. No one thinks of you as "the NE Parkmaker of the year 200?" or "second most succesful but longest running H2H team captain ever", we just think of you as Kumba, a guy that made some pretty cool stuff with Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Don't get me wrong, I like posts like this, but stop using it as a way to stick feathers up your own behind or look for excuses why you didn't win. The team you were in (or 'my team' as you would call it) got second place, which is great, congratulations!
Sorry if I come over as offensive, but I think the things I pointed out are pretty annoying for a lot of other members too. Again, congrats on second place, and I hope you finish some more cool stuff in the future, and I hope you have a lot of fun with the game, because in the end, that's what it's about.
Edit: Sorry for the quotes in quotes, but I guess it is still readable now.
G Force Offline
Can we just have one thread where people don't call each other out for being assholes, I mean god damn. -
Kumba Online
Other European countries have the same Mother's day tho. Pretty sure it was the same for the Dutch and Germans. Maybe I should have taken more time to comment on all the good moves Louis made as ref, but it's human nature to remember negative things better. Going back to that pacific island time zone so everyone gets to build to midnight would be most fair, as right now Europe gets a edge of 5-9 hours over the US.
Dirk, I never blamed anyone. nin and Shogo had some major flaws in addition to being great players that, if you noticed, I said I didn't regret drafting. I decided to vent on those flaws here with the hope that some public criticism might help them work on improving.
Faas, so what's wrong with wanting to win an award? By your logic there should be no NE Awards... If that helps motivated someone to build there is nothing wrong with it. Even if there was no NE, I would finish both of those projects and start the new design.
G, only an asshole would say something like that...
This is why I started a topic for this post. I knew if I posted it in the champions topic a bunch of comments would sidetrack it.
Faas Offline
There is nothing wrong with wanting awards and having the NE awards, it's always good fun.
However those NE awards are not there to continuously remind everyone of that award you once won back in the days. I don't need to remind everyone that I was most promising parkmaker of 2014 in every post I make. It's like you continuously need to reassure everyone that you once won some Rollercoaster Tycoon awards to justify your opinions or whatever.
An example from this topic: You could have just mentioned Liam being a good captain, without comparing him to all the things you have achieved. It makes your compliments seem like a step up to talk about yourself again, therefore making you come across as less genuine. -
Louis! Offline
Other European countries have the same Mother's day tho. Pretty sure it was the same for the Dutch and Germans. Maybe I should have taken more time to comment on all the good moves Louis made as ref, but it's human nature to remember negative things better. Going back to that pacific island time zone so everyone gets to build to midnight would be most fair, as right now Europe gets a edge of 5-9 hours over the US.
The whole Mother's Day thing was also asked for 1 or 2 days before, so ulterior motives could have been at hand, the deadline was there ages before I was informed, had I been informed earlier, it may have been able to be changed. In the end, the captains weren't agreed on the change and neither was I. Anyhoo, that doesn't matter, it doesn't bother me.
With the timezone thing, like I've explained to you before, whatever way it gets done, someone will always have an edge. Going back to the previous time zone, Europe are even more better off as they would have until midday when you guys would get until 3am or whatever it is. By keeping the times GMT, Europe have to hand in before they go to bed, as opposed to getting extra time the next day too. Also by having it GMT isn't to aid the Europeans, its to do with the fact that it is my timezone, and its just easier for me to keep track.
Anyhoo, just answering/giving information for anyone that wants it, not looking for an argument or anything haha
FredD Offline
Fun to read what happened at the Hurricanes, but less fun to read you 'threat' to don't participate H2H anymore if you don't get what you want. I agree there could be some things changed but whining you don't want to participate anymore if they don't fit your opinion is weak. You did the same thing after H2H6...
I thought GMT was the prime meridian, so it is the most logic standard. The USA agreed back on that in 1884 too so I don't get the problem.
Don't know how you celebrate mother day over there, but I'm sure there were more holidays than that. There and over here. Or else you have to do prolong the deadlines for day of labour, easter, whitsunday, ascension day, the national days of England; Netherlands; Denmark; Canada; or anyother country's national day that falls in H2H... You see it's just an impossible request.
Kumba Online
It's called a deal-breaker. Either they loosen up on the limits or I don't captain again. Happens all the time in the world when setting rules or contracts. I don't see how anyone can argue that everyone on the team should not have the chance to help win the championship match-up by building and with the current rules it's not possible. This season they did allow back to back building and that helped A LOT, but for H2H8 it will be time to improve a little more.
Also, Rolf you didn't do anything wrong this season. You were drafted in a spot where it was expected that you would help a lead builder, but you never had the right leadership to give you a chance to play a key role. We did have something pretty good going on CityWalk, just the team had doubts and Xcoaster meant we had to change-up the lineups.
FredD Offline
You can also discuss about changing the rules without threatening. That's just distasteful in my opinion.
Kumba Online
I have, no changes get made. At least not to the post-season parks. I think it's better to bring it up now then start shit when a new season is getting set to open.
inthemanual Offline
No, a new season would be a lot better time to discuss it. Complaining now seems like both A) threats, as people have already mentioned, and B) insulting to the way this contest was run.
Now is the time to celebrate this contest and the competitors, not push your agenda.
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