Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
202mitch Offline
this game looks insane.. can't wait to see what people make in Alpha 2
Six Frags Offline
^^Ah, you beat me to it
But yeah an amazing feat of Silvarret to get this done before the 24th when Alpha 2 comes out..
Grizzly Valley can be downloaded here:
Unfortunately it runs on like 2fps for me, so pretty much a slideshow, but still nice to see it ingame and what can already be done with the game.
Can't wait what Silvarret is gonna do in alpha 2, especially with the new terrain tool and 3 axis rotation of objects.. THe new coasters will also be cool to see as well as colorization..
Again, grz to SIlvarret (if he evens knows of us
) and an amazing video and project to see come to life!
Liampie Offline
Seems like Silvarret plays every coaster related game there is except RCT2. Maybe allergic to isometric graphics, maybe ignorant of its possibilites. But either way, it's a shame. I have no doubt he could do great things. -
G Force Offline
Sadly it basically will take the equivalent of a Space Shuttle to run this game at a decent frame rate with parks of this detail. Kind of what always holds these 3d sandbox games back, which is a shame.
][ntamin22 Offline
Seems like Silvarret plays every coaster related game there is except RCT2. Maybe allergic to isometric graphics, maybe ignorant of its possibilites. But either way, it's a shame. I have no doubt he could do great things.
He mentioned in one of the Grizzly vids (and I believe in one of the recent Parkitect ones as well) that he's been playing "the original RCT," though it wasn't clear if that's 1, LL, or 2.
The guy is obviously an exceptional builder and knows his stuff in terms of park planning and the principles of environmental design- he talks a lot about sightlines and weenies, guiding guest flow through areas, etc. and its all great. My one big hangup is that he definitely overdetails - over-decorates, even- just for the sake of throwing more bits on stuff. It doesn't overshadow the fundamentals, just a little annoying.
Meretrix Offline
Howdy. I'm back to coaster games after a decade absence. Miss me? Remember me?'s what I'm doing now in PC.
Cocoa Offline
wow all this shit is awesome. but the camera swivel on the pov still pisses me off
thats sick meretrix, yeah obvs we remember you
robbie92 Offline
I think Liam meant that in a good way. Your architecture has always been so wonderfully complex, and in some ways, it felt like RCT2 could quite keep up with that level of detail and texture, so it's great to see your work on a platform where it can really flourish.
Still waiting to get a new laptop so I can finally play this...
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