Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
Steve Offline
Fuck, that menu music is great. Plus that tutorial is great. And yeah his Asian architecture video is unreal -- this guy could land job in the business for this shit. Genius stuff.
Looks like this could be the true sequel to RCT2 that we've been waiting for.
Roomie Offline
Played another 20mins or so messing around with another hyper. Wanted to see how certain other elements would come out with the builder which i didnt try last time
Hammerhead turn
Twisting drop.
Fury style diving turns
All game out pretty well for a first go i think.
On another note
Uhhhhh this is a thing.
Six Frags Offline
Great screens again roomie, really shows how versatile the coaster editor already is and how fluid the coaster designs can be.
And holy crap, that Colosseum vid is epic! Really shows how powerful the modular building mechanic and how time consuming the clone feature is! Thx for linking it
Steve Offline
Holy shit Roomie that last screen is great. I really like how this game has curvy single-width paths; makes for an interesting queue like seen here. And that turnaround is gorgeous.
Also, that video is ridiculous. That's a level of detail we haven't even dreamed of in RCT2... -
BelgianGuy Offline
^ yeah, it ws possible in rct3 but you needed custom scenery for it and it was a bitch to load it once you had everything in you wanted and needed, this is with 2very limited scenery sets... I hope the controls aren't too clunky and are intuïtive to use... -
Louis! Offline
I just love the grid system. How you still build to a grid, which is incredibly useful, but that grid can be personalised for each individual building. Fantastic idea, makes building easy, but gives the free build look.
Six Frags Offline
^Yeah, I also think that's one of the best new features in this game. It's a bit getting used to, but once you got the hang of it, it gives tons of freedom and versatility while building..
MCI Offline
How you still build to a grid, which is incredibly useful, but that grid can be personalised for each individual building.
Not only for each building, but if you do it right for every single piece built. Round buildings, buildings with multiple different grid levels... So much potential!
Roomie Offline
This is also fairly impressive given the really limited amount of scenery objects so far
][ntamin22 Offline
I've preordered, but I'm not getting in on the alpha or I will never finish my LL projects.
Steve Offline
Holy shit that Space Mountain is un-fucking-real. This game continues to grow and amaze me. -
Roomie Offline
Anyonr have links to some good POVs? Should be some juicy ones out there by now
Theres tons around but most people messing around with the game are rubbish at realistic coasters it seems
also the lack of a video recorder in game means whatever software some people are using makes videos seem quite jumpy.
This is a good video though but shows off what i mean about jumpy bits.
Ling Offline
That looks intentional...
I was asking around on the PC subreddit and it seems like the coaster building tools are just generally frustrating to work with if you're expecting to be able to execute NoLimits levels of realism. I also think it suffers from the same problem as RCTW where gravity seems a touch too powerful for some reason and friction values aren't high enough. Trains seem to speed up way too quickly and maintain their speed for too long.
Whitehawk Offline
The coaster tools aren't ready. They're only accessible by a cheat code--they were not intended to be a part of this first Alpha release.
Keep that in mind: this is only Alpha gameplay.
Mattk48 Offline
I think that the coasters will be fixed, these developers seem to really be on the ball. Needs more finish. I am so pumped for this game
RCTER2 Offline
My park. Lets forget RCTW...
And they will make a safari planet and water planet after Coater planet, like the two expansion of RCT3, one is zoo and another water park:
"Those of us that are Elite Dangerous backers sorta knew about this since the time of listing or so...we were looking about the theme for the next E:D expansions when we first saw the Coaster Park Tycoon / Safari Park Tycoon / Water Park Tycoon trademark applications. I just thought of posting this here too, since it is an interesting tidbit about their future plans. "
Cocoa Offline
there's one little thing which is annoying me a bit, which is that it seems like the camera on the coaster povs seems to move a bit before the coaster actually gets to that section of track. its a really subtle thing but it throws off the whole realistic pov camera experience IMO
Ling Offline
It's exactly what RCT3 does, which isn't surprising considering it's the same developers. Would be nice if they include an array of options for the camera(s) though.
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