Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
Ling Offline
Oh my god I just got to the part with the rocks, I am so sold on this game
EDIT: So I see you can place the entrance and exit, and it all looks pretty decent (except there is an employee where you enter the queue, not to let people onto the ride? kinda weird, but w/e) but what about operating booths? I feel like that could take this to another level. Maybe even make them optional, but just have an additional piece that can be included on or next to the ride's footprint. Can be covered in scenery as usual, but have the employee and some technical equipment built into it to make it look completely authentic.
RCTER2 Offline
I‘ve played both RCTW beta test and Planet Coaster Alpha test, RCTW is playable, PC is surprisingly well (especially the graphic is better then I thought ) And for whoever love to build scenary and arquitecture, the system of PC is a must try!
What I build after 30 min first contact XD
Cocoa Offline
fuck the game looks good but I don't think my new-but-inexpensive laptop will be able to play it based on what other people are saying. :/
G Force Offline
Watched the Silvarret video, to me it seems like an updated RCT3 with a No Limits like coaster builder. Surprised with the variety of default objects in the game at the moment, especially for an alpha. Probably not going to be something I'll play though, will be far to hard to run on my laptop and still look half decent. Makes RCTW look like a complete joke though, which is nice.
Six Frags Offline
That's indeed kinda what it is G Force. The interface is like 10000x better though, which would be a relief as the the rct3 interface was horrible.. Also, I think they are planning on implementing other stuff like sharing a park and a cso maker later on as this is still an alpha.
I'm afraid my setup will have a hard time too, but we'll see..
RCTER2 Offline
I like it! game is awesome. What I can say is only good.
The current "scenario" shows the potencial of the game. The complete version will be a super awesome game!
Six Frags Offline
Managed to get my hands on this..
It's pretty good already, but there's still a lot to be added. The game ran pretty good when there's nothing in the park, but once I load up the kraken park for example it becomes pretty choppy (core 2 duo/radeon r9 200 series), but it got to upgrade soon anyways as you can see
It has short loading times compared to rct3 which is a big plus for me. Hope it stays this way when cso is widely available.
Controls are hard to get used to, the freelook helps a lot tho..
Just something I quickly created;
RCTER2 Offline
Great game...I can have a lot of fun even without any rides, rollercoaster and manegement.
Six Frags Offline
Eeeuh, kinda
edit, silvarret uploaded 2 new vids of his park, I highly recommend them
BelgianGuy Offline
care to share a bit about this six frags or you working on something to surprise us?
Roomie Offline
I've had a quick mess around today. The game certainly is powerful even in alpha stage. A bit rough around the edges at the moment and its taking me an age to get the hang of the controls but fun so far.
The coaster editor is a bit fiddly right now but certainly good. Its not ready for this alpha which is why its locked away behind a cheat code but its functional enough to make some decent rides. The premade elements like loops are a little wonky at the moment as can be seen in my screen below but they've nailed curves.
Thanks to one of my graphics cards going kaput recently I cant run it a full power but my rather old now single card handles it at 4K on medium settings really well on a small park so far.
Ive not messed around with buildings much at all but the video below shows off what can be done even with the limited pieces currently available.
Metropole Offline
Yes Planet coaster looks like it will be the real deal. Playing through the Alpha is a blast but has also made me realise I need to invest in a new computer. The building tool is really strong and I'm sure we will be able to build some really immersive areas.
Coaster builder currently needs a lot of work although I'm aware that they didn't even really want it in the game at the moment. I think half of the problem is how hard the camera is to control as sometimes you are building without realising you have a roll on a straight or its actually going up/downhill when you though your were building level. Definitely has the potential to be really good though.
But for me the game is all about the scenery and architecture.
And those Silverret videos are just fantastic. Shows the potential given what he can do with a limited scenery/wall palette.
Ling Offline
I actually considered trying to get in on the alpha, but 75 dollars for the cheapest version? That's absolutely insane...
Mattk48 Offline
Im in the same boat. I saw a video on youtube of this game, loved it, rushed off to their site to buy it and give it a try, and died of sticker shock. I would love to try it, but i just cant justify spending that kind of money on an unfinished game.
There is very little doubt in my mind that this game will be my rct of choice. Only game Ive been excited for in a long long time. Im a fan of realism. Imagine once we get kumba roofs, fans, spotlights on coaster at night (already have that in the game). I am pumped for this. But ill wait and buy it once its complete, just in case the wheels fall off and the project crashes and burns. At the moment I dont think its worth the money yet.
Roomie Offline
Got to mess around a bit more today for 20mins or so. it's no Mako but not bad for a first attempt at a hyper. Some of the hills are a bit oddly shaped and i cocked up the brake run alignment but that's more my fault.
mintliqueur Offline
It's just hilarious how much better this game is looking than RCTW! Wow. I'd love to give it a try but I doubt I'll ever own a computer capable of running it smoothly...
Ling Offline
How is the heartlining? Is there any? I really hope they implement some kind of FVD into the coaster builder. I miss being able to use Newton for NoLimits. Could have a piece-by-piece version, vertex version (like it is now), and an FVD version. Now that I think about it that's basically just my dream coaster creator.
Roomie Offline
It's just hilarious how much better this game is looking than RCTW! Wow. I'd love to give it a try but I doubt I'll ever own a computer capable of running it smoothly...
What PC do you have? its actually fairly forgiving and even low settings look pretty good. In fact better than RCTW looks at full.
How is the heartlining? Is there any? I really hope they implement some kind of FVD into the coaster builder. I miss being able to use Newton for NoLimits. Could have a piece-by-piece version, vertex version (like it is now), and an FVD version. Now that I think about it that's basically just my dream coaster creator.
Currently there isn't proper heartlining but to be fair the Coaster editor isnt ready and was never meant for this version of the alpha. You can only access it via a cheat code thanks to some lobbying by people who went for a preview at Frontier. Its why you cant even change the colours of the rides and why its all so rough and ready at the moment.
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