Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
RRP Offline
The main thing that concerns me with planet coaster is performance. Its alright having high poly models and 4k textures on rides and objects when you have a little tiny area of high detail. But when you start pushing for rct2 size parks,the frame rate will drop to stop motion standards unless you have a top of the range pc and they use performance saving methods,LOD's,draw distance etc.
It worries me that we haven't seen any sort of scale yet other than maybe 50x50.
NL2 has the same problem,i have reasonably decent rig (i5-4690k,gtx960 4gb,8gb ram) but when you have 2+ coaster with theming objects its becomes unplayable.
Although NL2 is perfect as it is,the 'park' aspect in not the main reason to buy that product. Whereas planet coaster is not just about building a single ride and riding it as a simulation.
It looks great,sounds great,but will it be playable this decade? -
RRP Offline
Im quite a bit above predicted requirements on that site.We shall see when its released,but i expect recommended specs to be higher than that.Planet Coaster System Requirements Coaster -
Six Frags Offline
Yeah, that could be true rrp and it's something that worries me too about this game. RCT3 also had that problem (which was made by the same studio) that when you had a full size park it became a slideshow, and I had a pretty decent rig for that time. I hope personally that I have a good enough setup by the time this gets released (which I expect will be around the end of the year).. But it does look like you need a high end pc to run this properly and it probably won't be for everyone..
I think however this will be a game for me personally to be worth to upgrade my pc for if I have the resources that is
RRP Offline
Yea the RCT3 fiasco worries me aswell,i hope they are stress testing large scale parks,with 1000's of peep on current hardware. -
Six Frags Offline
There was a livestream yesterday with Art Director John Laws and they showcased some exciting new content:
I'm especially excited about the general theme and how the modular buildings looked and the level of quality already in this pre-alpha (imagine what beta let alone the finished game would look like!). Also like that they will implement user generated content later on and that they created small general scenery objects to create/decorate larger buildings with.
Cocoa Offline
wow that looks really beautiful. I mostly just scrolled through looking for gameplay or concept art but it seems exciting and they seem to actually care about it a lot. They did stress modular stuff although they mostly showed small scenery like barrels or statues and not as much stuff like walls or windows (or how coloring stuff works)
They briefly addressed performance at the end but I'm still skeptical... they're so much going on! shadows and reflections and peep animations etc. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Six Frags Offline
Another livestream yesterday with Lead Artist Sam Denney about rides:
I'm a bit worried about the amount of art they're putting on rides. Like in the videos you see some oddly themed rides such as the tentacles and weird male mermaid thingy on the Seastorm ride, the weird animal heads on the junior coaster cars and the weird face with sunglasses on top of the star flyer.. I hope they don't put too much resources and time on this themed crap as most of us hardcore players will only use the generic version anyway.
Oh, and anyone planning on buying the early access? It's around 70 euros and will be available 22 march. I'm not gonna buy the early access as I don't like to be spoiled/disappointed before the final version and don't think an (pre)alpha is worth 70 euros..
Ling Offline
I refuse to pre-order or pre-pay on principle. I'm slowly working through these videos, and I do really admire their apparent devotion to how things actually work. The attention to detail looks to be at a good level. Now it's about how functional it all is - how easy is it to make something that's actually really impressive? Is it straightforward to set up straight lifts and brake sections? What constant-radius pitch or yaw? The other thing that concerns me is that the models and textures all look decent (at least on par with RCT3/NL1 in most respects), but every single thing is an image or pre-recorded video. I'd like to see what the state of optimization is in this relatively small park they keep showing us. Give us some specs and show us how it behaves. If they're not willing to do that, it doesn't bode well for how it will perform on your average PC.
Six Frags Offline
Alpha is out, people are livestreaming it on twitch; https://www.twitch.t.../Planet Coaster
Mattk48 Offline
In a few years, this may be my game of choice. I think all these new games just need time. Coaster models look good.
Six Frags Offline
I don't even think those pictures, and in that thread, look that nice.. There's waaayyyyy more possible with this game already.. Just waiting for people like silvarret/shyguy/ctrs etc. to get their hands on this and show what's possible..
Six Frags Offline
Yay, Silvarret did a video, looks good so far;
Ling Offline
This looks really, really good. The ability to use any object in any way you look leads to the exact kind of creative foundation that makes RCT1 and 2 so fantastic. I do hope they have plans to release many, many more objects and theme sets, however. More choice can never make it worse (unless it's like WW and TT, then it just floods your game with objects you don't need...).
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