Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
G Force Offline
Looks great guys, lots of possibilities still out there for parkmaking.
Still not at all a fan of the coasters though, the Physics and POVs still seem really off to me. Shadows are a bit too dark as well I think, or perhaps the lighting isn't strong enough, which is possible. Makes everything look a bit too dark and kind of difficult to look at.
Richie Offline
I have that problem with the shadows, ive turned graphics settings down to make it slightly better but its all still be being worked out, beta releases in a couple of weeks im sure there will be plenty changes yet.
That looks great meretrix, so many uses for the items at hand! Have you seen this park yet? My computer sounded like it was going to take off when i opened it but what hes done so far is incredible!
G Force Offline
Do any NE like sites exits for Planet Coaster? I honestly hate Steam Workshop for anything other than mods...
I'd love to see some of what the more serious community is producing with the game, if nothing more than just to look at the screens.
Meretrix Offline
Planet Coaster has their own forum G Force. With a thriving community showing off their work. Some truly groundbreaking stuff happening there. -
Six Frags Offline
Lol, I remember emailing SAC some years ago when rct3 was just out to ask if I could recreate RoB in rct3, he said it was fine but i never really got to do itRivers of Babylon recreated in planet coaster? xD
Maybe when PC comes out (with a new PC that is)
Great screens guys, keep them coming!
BTW, only a month left! It releases on Steam on November 17th!! -
Cocoa Offline
wow this game is bringing out the old legends... I'm not sure I've ever seen sacoasterfreak post in my time here
sacoasterfreak Offline
As far as a site for planet coaster.... we have a site right here and were all already here... why don't we talk to the admins and get a dedicated forum? It's still posix right?
And as far as me.. my personal situation currently prevents me from owning a computer or the game but I just found the motivation necessary to invest in these things.
I am curious about the gameplay however and I am having a hard time finding gameplay videos that show building construction and how the UI works, anybody have any good links? I gotta see how this game works.
And as I said, maybe im late to the party but I am almost certain Chris Sawyer has his hand in this. For those of you who remember, he is the one that saw what we were doing in the beginning (danimation) and changed the game to allow us to have scenery and stuff, especially with RCT 2.
MAN Im psyched for this. .. -
sacoasterfreak Offline
Oh... and Meretrix... sup? How you been? ...and your stuff looks freaking fantastic bro... -
Meretrix Offline
I've been good thanks. And thanks for the compliments on the work. If you want to see some truly STELLAR work....check out Silvarett on Youtube........his stuff is beyond belief! There are others who do great work too, but his use of the very limited scenery pieces at the moment is absolutely beyond the beyond.
Richie Offline
This is our part of the forum for planet coaster haha. Maybe if more people here start playing but for now we just have to hang in the other games section. =) I forget this forum part is even here half the time haha.
All i can say about the game is just.. fantastic. There is so much to it already and theres still a ton of features to be added from what i have heard. A couple of people got a tour of the studio at frontier and a sneak peek at some of the content coming but cant say what! Beta is out in a couple of weeks anyway. Check out silvaret on youtube for building timelapses. Hes good because he explains what he is doing. Start with his earlier videos, alpha 2 onwards once the advance movement tool was added. Colour change was added in alpha 3. His first videos are probably still worth watching to see how the games progressed in only 3 updates (not including small bug fixes)
Ill link the first episodes of each of his builds here
tutorial for custom walls and roof
first park grizzly valley (alpha 1)
2nd (with advance move alpha 2)
neckar park
fantasy valley (one hes currently building)
Its pretty bug free to be fair. Alot of people only had it for a long weekend which isnt really long enough to get to grips with all the tools and how it all works. Its a really steep learning curve to build advance stuff which many people have moaned about, but once you get the hang of it the options are unlimited. You build to 'buildings' which will allow you to build on a grid at 90 degree angles, but there are items you can attach to the buildings which you can rotate freely, also snap angles, center them to walls. Alot of items are modular so not restricted to one piece like the tree house. Can use the tree seperately for example.
If you have a computer that can handle the game just get it. You will not regret it.
G Force Offline
My problem is with this game is that my Laptop simply isn't good enough to run the game on anything other than the absolute minimum and probably open large parks at all.
Like I said earlier, not sold on the coaster builder at this point either. I actually like the Parkitect one much more for what it is. The whole 3D node based system is just to free form and finicky for my taste, and is probably the main aspect holding the game back in my opinion. Perhaps if it was at a NL level of input I'd enjoy it more, but at this point it just seems rough and a little basic, pretty much impossible to make smooth elements outside of hills.
Maybe if we ever get around to doing a NE6 we could better integrate games like Theme Parkitect and Planet Coaster. At this point, they feel a bit separate from the rest of the community just due to it being limited to this sub forum. Though, its still good to see the progress people have been making with the game.
Can't really say I'm a huge fan of Silvaret's parks though. They all feel like extensions of the same park in a style that isn't my favorite. He just builds the same ideas over and over and doesn't know how to theme something not to a country (other than the steampunk thing).
sacoasterfreak Offline
...thanks guys for the links.
If NE opens a forum for PC, it might revive the community and prevent people from flocking to a PC fansite/forum once the final game is released. It seems like this game has the potential to attract a strong following, a la RCT1 & 2.
I swear I had read an article that mentioned Chris Sawyer went to Frontier but what Im reading now says hes not working at all. I guess I was mistaken, I just see his work when I look at this game, because back in the day RCT was never intended to be used to build scenery and crazy sandbox parks, yet once the developers saw what we were doing they gave us the expansions, and made RCT 2 VERY scenery friendly. It was originally supposed to be a management sim, but I personally have NEVER played the career mode. Its like SimCity, its way better in sandbox.
I know there's alot of people out there who could care less about building insanely detailed fantasy theme parks, and then, of course, there's us. Looks like PC will cater to everyone. God, again, I cannot wait.
Meretrix, what are the specs on the comp youre playing on? How does it run? Im going to have to pick up a laptop or a desktop PC (probably laptop) and im curious what I need exactly. Ive seen the system requirements but I wanna know what it really takes to run RIGHT. And does the game have graphics settings that can be adjusted to make it run faster?
Sorry for the long posts, I've been out of the loop and had no idea this game was coming, and suddenly Im excited like crazy and I feel like a kid again... lol.. -
Meretrix Offline
I have a dell quad core with 3.5 ghz processing, 16gb ram, and nvidia graphic card....runs great at high settings and runs stellar at medium settings...and honestly, I can't tell the difference between med and hi setting. -
Meretrix Offline
And G........ I'm surprised to hear your dislike of the coaster much easier to use than RCTW...and with the smooth tool, piece of cake to make smooth coasters with custom elements.....just look at the PC forums to see some of the amazing work people are churning out there. -
G Force Offline
And G........ I'm surprised to hear your dislike of the coaster much easier to use than RCTW...and with the smooth tool, piece of cake to make smooth coasters with custom elements.....just look at the PC forums to see some of the amazing work people are churning out there.
Compared to RCTW anything is great, that might be the worst game of all time so being better than it isn't much of a compliment.
Meretrix Offline
True......but again....look at what peeps are doing on the PC forums....amazing and SMOOTH coasters......really great stuff there kiddo. -
sacoasterfreak Offline
Okay last question guys... Im watching vids of the coaster editor... is it intuitive? Is it something you can pick up pretty quickly? Its making my freakin' mouth water watching silvarett but it seems like if I had my hands on it I could ace him at coaster building, from what I can see of the editor.
Building coasters was always my favorite part of RCT. I have not seen any wood in PC..Is the game lacking wooden coasters?
God... I swear this is a once in a decade game as far as I can see right now.
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