Related Games / Planet Coaster
17-June 15
Roomie Offline
Looks like another new coaster game. This one is from Frontier. And I assume what was known as Coaster Park Tycoon before#
Already looks better than RCTW and made with a lot more love at least
Website: (Tons of cool stuff here)
Planet Coaster is the next evolution in coaster park simulation games from the team behind the genre’s benchmark.
We’re giving you the best-ever design tools, crafting the most sophisticated management simulation, and bringing your parks to life with crowds you’ll love to thrill. Planet Coaster will give you total freedom to make your park unique, and a connected global village where you can share your creativity with the world.
This is the game we dreamed of making. We hope you’ll join us for the ride.
Giga.JPG (38.86KB)
downloads: 63 -
Coasterbill Offline
I just assume every new coaster game will be pure shit until they prove otherwise. So far every game released after RCT2 has been shit (not counting No Limits which I don't really consider a game).
Steve Offline
That trailer was fantastic, wow. Very interested in this. Hoping the graphics/art design is the same as the video/screenshots; this is looking like the new Sim City of RCT.
Mattk48 Offline
Its too bad that this is in development right now, as it could take away from Theme Parkitect. Even though the scale of the two projects are much different, both might benifit from staggering there releases. Im not sure how much revenue there is to go around in the coaster simulation world. But I guess if Frontier thinks its worth it, there must be enough interest.
So far I like the look of it, any new coaster game is good to some extent IMO. The people look spetactular and could provide very atmospheric parks. The coaster model looks good. Its going to come down to how much freedom they give us with custom objects and landscape editors. Overall its a step in the right direction. But then on the other hand, I dont have much faith in Frontier.
RCTER2 Offline
Frontier made RCT3, this is the real RCT4 not RCTW. I think PC will be a better game than RCTW.
Louis! Offline
What I found funny was on their facebook it says from the people that set the benchmark for RCT. I was thinking, oh, is Chris Sawyer on this then?
Six Frags Offline
I agree rct3 is shit in its technical aspect, as the loading times, performance (not using multiple CPU cores) and the user interface (with all the scrolling) is garbage, but i think the gameplay and graphics are quite good.
I hope they get the technical side of this new game better than rct3 and they might have a winner..
Mattk48 Offline
I didn't like the game play either. Peeps are ugly, coasters don't seem smooth, bad landscape tools. Its been a while since I played it, but that's what I remember.
No faith in Frontier.
Ling Offline
The graphics were mostly awful. The way any track element devolves into a mush of lines if you get further than a few meters away, regardless of draw distance settings, always pissed me off. That and the general lack of smoothness even at full close-up render.
Sephiroth Offline
RCT's developers have dismal for over a decade.
RCT1: A great start, a masterpiece you could say. The expansions only made it better.
RCT2: Not as stellar as 1 upon initial release, but it gave the fans the tools to make it the ultimate park simulator to this day.
RCT3: Dropped the ball down a deep, dark void and into the pit of no return. I thought it would be like 2 with more awesomeness, but instead what we got was terrible graphics, washed out colors on so many elements (like coaster track), worse coaster physics, atrocious loading times, dumptrucks of lag, and peeps that were somehow more irritating than the previous versions. Also I swear they paid absolutely zero attention to the fans because there was nothing in terms of zero clearancing, ride-editing, any way to make a realistic launch track, custom supports - anything. I hate this game lol.
Everything in the park simulation world besides NoLimits has not even come close to rct2, so I have zero faith in any new projects until they have proven themselves after release haha. This is all just my opinion of course.
GammaZero Offline
I really only played RCT3 because there was a short period of time in which I couldn't find my RCT2 disc. I had some fun with it, but nothing more than that. I missed RCT2 so much that I swore I wouldn't use anything that wasn't included in that game in RCT3 (except scenery, because that would be kinda impossible) -
Six Frags Offline
Also I swear they paid absolutely zero attention to the fans because there was nothing in terms of zero clearancing, ride-editing, any way to make a realistic launch track, custom supports
Lol, that made you sound really dumb or just ignorant as rct3 doesnt need zero-clearancing as you can build through everything already, the community also made all rides there are as custom rides so need need for ride-editing (check, realistic launch coaster with custom supports?; http://www.shyguyswo...ic,17309.0.html
I think all you guys whining over rct3 haven't actually played the game recently or are not aware of the (much more active than rct2's) community creating awesome parks, custom scenery and rides. Just check http://www.shyguyswo...hp?action=forum and you'll see what I mean.
Six Frags Offline
Wow, thanks for the link cocoa, indeed a spectacular ride, something I think parks like Disney/Europapark/Efteling would be proud of!
I think those guys complaining about rct3's graphics and things should take a look at that video
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