Custom Scenery Exchange / Custom Rides by X7123M3-256
12-June 15
X7123M3-256 Offline
The only major feature the ride generator needs to have before it can be considered finished now is some way to select default color schemes (it's also missing support for flying or multidimensional coasters, but that stuff probably won't be in the first version). It still needs quite a bit of debugging, and some other stuff like the ability to change existing models would be useful. I hope to get some of this stuff done while I'm working on this ride. I have started on some documentation for it, but there's quite a lot to write there as well.
Otsdarva Offline
I'm looking forward to it. What do you mean by selecting default color schemes? Aren't the colors for both the track and the train randomly assigned for a new ride when it is created?
X7123M3-256 Offline
Yes, they are randomly assigned, but the set of color schemes to choose from is set in the file. Most of the default rides have 3 color schemes for the trains - if you build a few of them you'll see the color schemes repeat. At the moment, to edit the set of default color schemes for a ride built with my tool, you have to type the color indices into a JSON file manually. I want to have a dialog with a color picker like you have in the game, and a preview of the train so you can see what it looks like without having to have the game open in another window like I do at the moment.
I also want to generally clean up the interface. At the moment it's very cluttered - some stuff might get moved into a dialog box, and some stuff might end up being determined automatically from the other information provided (this can come at the cost of flexibility though - at the moment the list of available track sections is determined from the list of available sprites, but that means you don't have as much fine-grained control; you can't exclude a specific radius of turn or exclude vertical loops but not other inversions, for example).
X7123M3-256 Offline
Has anyone had problems with my raft ride? I just downloaded it onto my laptop and it's not swinging out on curves. All other swinging rides work fine, so I think the problem must be with this ride.
inthemanual Offline
Does not show in "create new ride" menu in OpenRCT2. Does show up in "Object Selection".
X7123M3-256 Offline
Strange. For me it does show up in the new ride window, but doesn't seem to be swinging properly on corners. It worked fine at home. It's odd, because this is one of my older rides and I've not encountered problems with it before (it worked fine on my desktop), but I'm going to have to look into it, as I'm fairly sure the problem can't be with OpenRCT2 (all my other rides still work fine). I will have to look at the source file and see if this ride sets any options the others didn't. I'll also try regenerating it with the latest version of my tool, and see if that helps anything.
inthemanual Offline
nevermind, I had the weird RCT1 ride selection option selected. I got it working, but youre right in that it does not bank.
X7123M3-256 Offline
OK. This needs fixing then. I'm wondering if the version I have on my desktop is not the same as the one I released, or maybe OpenRCT2 changed something recently that broke the ride (it's happened before). If that were the case, though, it's odd that my waterslides didn't break - there's no real difference except the sprites. I'll have a look at the weekend or possibly sooner. Thanks for testing it though.
inthemanual Offline
It does work as normal in rct2 though. I'd assume it was something about openrct2. Your other waterslides are working fine in both games. -
X7123M3-256 Offline
I updated OpenRCT2 on my desktop and they're broken there as well. Something has definitely changed, I've asked on Gitter to see if anyone knows what it might be. I'm still fairly sure the bug is on my end though.
Jamaka2001 Offline
I'm sure this has been reported, but in ORCT2, your 10 wide Dive Machine crashes upon trying to build a track piece.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Huh? No, I wasn't aware of that, but I've been having issues with my rides recently. I can't reproduce your problem though - it works fine for me on the latest version. Do you get any specific error message? Can you post the save file you're using?
Jamaka2001 Offline
The only error message I receive is that the program isn't responding... Sure.
Xtreme97 Workbench 2014 - 150x150.SV6 (375.09KB)
downloads: 5 -
X7123M3-256 Offline
I'm still getting missing object errors, which means it's either not exported or something else went wrong (note: for me at least, OpenRCT2 only exports when you use "Save As" and not "Save". Could that be the issue?). I can have another look in the morning. Can you see if it still fails on a fresh map or in the coaster designer (to rule out the possibility that you've corrupted the map somehow).
If the program simply stops responding and doesn't throw an error, it's probably in an infinite loop, which could well be a bug in OpenRCT2 even if it's triggered by a broken ride (are you on the latest version?)
I need to go to bed now, will check again in the morning. If I can get the save file opened I'll have a look, but if the issue still occurs on a blank map, then it's not going to help much anyway. It's difficult to track down the problem when I can't reproduce the issue, but I'll see what I can do.
Jamaka2001 Offline
I exported it as you said above... I tested it in the Coaster Designer and on a blank map and got the same error. (I am on the latest version) Thanks for attempting to help.
X7123M3-256 Offline
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the color scheme for the Mack mega coaster (which is now nearing completion). Normally, the exterior is remap 1, the interior is black, the seats are remap 2, and the restraints are remap 3. However, I can't find a single example of a Mack mega coaster with anything other than black restraints. If the restraints were made non-remappable, it would free up an extra color, which I'd probably use for the seat backs or for additional detailing. Anyone have a preference?
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