Custom Scenery Exchange / Custom Rides by X7123M3-256
12-June 15
Sephiroth Offline
A reddit user by the name of X7123M3-256 has made a webpage for his amazing custom rides. A few of you already know of this, but for the rest of the crowd here who didn't know, here is a link.
So far the list includes:
-Intamin Wing Coaster
-Maurer Sohne Spinning Coaster
-Raft Ride
-Body Slide
-Tube Slide (Single and Double Tube, as well as a "No empty tubes" option for Single and Double tubes)
Just thought this guy deserved some proper recognition for his work over here.
Liampie Offline
I'm really happy with the Maurer spinning coaster. That was my #1 wanted ride type. I love Maurer! -
Coasterbill Offline
I was playing with that spinner a few days ago and it's amazing. Sure the spinning is simulated but if you build the layout well you won't know that. It's great to see high quality new rides being built.
inthemanual Offline
Many of these have already made their H2H debuts. The wing coaster is the only one that hasn't shown up yet.
Austin55 Offline
Yea huge shout out to this guy, he is fantastic. Surely someone at reddit will show him this so he can know he is appreciated.
Cant wait to see whats next!
inthemanual Offline
He's also currently working on wider DM cars.
They apparently allow 8 car trains, which is odd, but as long as 2/3 car trains work too, it's not a problem. -
Dirk Pitt Offline
Poor people who are sitting on the edge, an drop in the tunnel would be their last sights as a peep in RCT lol.
X7123M3-256 Offline
inthemanual, the 8 car trains wasn't supposed to be permanent - I forgot to change the default and I thought the result looked cool so I posted screenshots.
The dive cars have staggered seating, so I have three different models for each car of the train. The articulation is also kind of odd - the joint between the front car and the second isn't the same as the joint between the second and third cars. If I wanted to have more than 8 cars, I'd have to make a seperate model of the rear car without bumpers to allow for joining on another car behind it. There is a spare car slot, so I could do it, but since there are no dive machines with more than 3 cars per train I'm not going to create another model and render even more sprites - having seperate models per car and 8 riders per car adds up to a lot of sprites ... not sure what the limit is but I haven't hit it yet.
EDIT: I posted a screenshot of the current version here:
Xeccah Offline
I remember Loopy was trying some trains of some sort, I think they were gerstlauer. Would like to see you do those justice.
X7123M3-256 Offline
I'd like to do Gerstlauer trains - RCT2 really needs a Eurofighter and I think an Infinity coaster would also be cool - but they would really need inversions on the triple rail track. I'm hoping OpenRCT2 will eventually implement support for this, but I think it's still a way off. And I'm aware some people are happy to merge tracks, but that still doesn't work properly in OpenRCT2 yet, plus it looks awful unless you can find a track with the same gauge.
Technically though, these dive cars are on the wrong track - the game does distinguish between normal B&M track and dive track, but it uses the same sprites for both, so the track is too narrow for the wheelbase. This didn't turn out to be as noticeable as I thought it would be.
To be honest, the biggest limitation on which rides I can do is the availability of photographs to work from - that's why I stopped working on my RMC and started doing dive trains instead - I have a diagram of the dive cars, and there are lots of detailed photos here:
Six Frags Offline
Holy shit, how did I miss this?! You have the same ability to create custom rides as Amazing Earl, which is really rare. Awesome to have you join the community X7, hope to see lots more content from you in the future!
Tolsimir Offline
This is awesome. And it seems like that you know how to do the proper peep models that I miss on the Amazing Earl rides and JA's (and that shitty wing rider). To be honest in all of these rides the train models are okay but with peeps on them it's really bad. But your ones look really nice! Good job!!
X7123M3-256 Offline
I've posted updated screenshots of the dive machine cars here. These are the final sprites for the 8 across trains, the final thing to do is add support for corkscrews and inline twists, which aren't included in the default dive track but can presumably be merged in. The 6 across cars will go on standard B&M track and not dive track, because that's what they use IRL.
X7123M3-256 Offline
I've just discovered a bug that affects all the rides I've uploaded so far. I will have to update them, and that update will probably conflict with the old files. If you've downloaded any of my rides, you'll need to download them again, but not yet because I haven't updated them yet. I'll edit this post when I'm done updating them.
inthemanual Offline
What is the bug? I'd urge you to release the new versions as fixed versions with a different .dat name, because there's already live versions out there in released parks, and there will be conflict and confusion having both.
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