H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 5 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Hurricanes
09-June 15
Kumba Offline
Damn, kinda close to what we did without ever seeing that map, lol. Too much from the new trilogy, but I guess they cannot just leave it out. Sucks there is no Yavin, but really awesome otherwise.
tigre53 Offline
Needs to be built.
(Pretty sure itm drew that, drawing inspiration from your park, Kumba)
Louis! Offline
Ummmmm some graphic designer on the internet somewhere. It's been doing the rounds on facebook etc etc it was drawn by someone that has no doubt, never ever seen or heard of this website.
Cocoa Offline
well there's no way they're not related, I'd assume at least someone on the canes was using it for inspiration. if you look at some of the stuff a page ago (scrapped ideas) it fits up even better. I'd be surprised if two people independently came up with an almost identical star wars map (given the amount of choices available!)
not to say thats a bad thing, I'm a big fan of building concept art
Louis! Offline
Star Wars was released way before this concept art was ever made (it was made after the Star Wars land announcement, as far as I can tell) which means they didn't use it as inspiration during construction.
And considering I've seen the image from totally random people all over the internet, I would believe that it would be made by someone without any knowledge of this site (like I said before)
So yeah, its just purely coincidental. And not meaning to be mean to the creators of Star Wars, but the ideas they had are pretty stereotypical ideas to have, don't get me wrong, they are amazing, but I don't see how they can be seen as one of a kind and that 2 independent parties can't come up with the same idea.
Kumba Offline
Here's a larger version of their pic. Okay, so Hoth and Endor are next to each other and kinda like each other with Tatoonie under Hoth. The Death Star as the weenie is the most obvious thing to do in a SW park. That's about it. Two different parks themed to the same thing really.
Again, we didn't see this fan-art pic which seems to be brand new. It's great stuff tho, not too hard to argue that it would work better in real life and possibly in RCT also, just it's a scale beyond H2H.
Maybe over the weekend I'll join some of these forums and post pics from our park. Considered doing that a while back.
Version1 Offline
(it was made after the Star Wars land announcement, as far as I can tell)
I wouldn't be surprised if it was around longer. Why draw a hypothetical Star Wars Land in a way the real Star Wars Land would never happen?
Louis! Offline
Because it was inspired by the new films and announcement of the new land. At least thats what all the articles on it say.
Plus its not a take on the Star Wars land, its a take on a full theme park.
But still, Kumba has clarified no knowledge of its existence when they built it, and NE is really not that famous a website.
nin Offline
Do we not do this already whenever we build a Six Flags, Cedar Fair, Disney, or any other sort of theme park?Why draw a hypothetical Star Wars Land in a way the real Star Wars Land would never happen?
G Force Offline
IIRC Zach drew out the whole layout for the Star Wars park around the time of the week 1 deadline. The final park ended up being relatively similar to the original concept, just with some changes in the Tatooine section and entrance area.
Xeccah Offline
yeah i drew it out originally but kumba really was the one the lay everything out on-map and used my sketches as just a general idea -
Cocoa Offline
Thats weird. Even the rides are similar, like a landscaped coaster thing in tatooine (see last page), a bigger one in hoth, etc. It just seems to me that theres so much choice in star wars you could design a park based on that its amazing there are so many coincidences! Even having coruscant as the entrance is not obvious imo. I do believe you that it must have been a councidence but the odds are crazy -
5dave Offline
Why shouldn't it be possible that the artist of the artwork just googled around and found this site?
I mean key words like Star Wars, Theme Park, Rollercoaster, etc. could easily lead to NE.
tigre53 Offline
It's obviously not a coincidence. Especially given the timing. I think 5dave hit it on the nail. It's also possible that one of the less active members of this website happens to be a graphic designer and used the Star Wars park for inspiration.
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