H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 5 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Hurricanes
09-June 15
JJayMForce Offline
Nice job all round from the builders on the Canes.
I would have thought nin was in on Star Wars, but surprise.
Had a lot of fun with this one, hope y'all had fun too.
5dave Offline
Morrow World
I really love the concept of a dystopian cityscape with a fallen civilization, kinda reminded me of Wasteland with its heavy on atmosphere. But IMO it was hard to tell if it's based on a movie (with the car chase and Thunderdome being like Mad Max) or not. If it was themed after the movie it wasn't clear enough and if it wasn't, it wasn't distinguished enough. A readme would have helped here I think. But it's a solid world that sucks you in nontheless.
Macro (Park Impression):
From afar the park looks unreal, really well composed but also very empty in parts because of the barren areas. While it creates a great atmosphere it's a very risky move to do this in H2H. The city looks amazing, really realistic buildings, the park looks interesting and adds color to the map. The canyon looks interesting as well. All in all it's very well composed but I think more city or buried park areas would have made the park more interesting despite the car chase at the beginning.
The knocked-up coaster is a really good idea - really loved it! Why shouldn't they have some fun riding coasters? And why should they care about safety, breaks or any of that stuff anyways?The buriedness of the whole park was really nice. The custom rides were amazing (that ferris wheel!)
The skyscrapers look really nice and believable. The brown-framed, the round and the layered towers are my favs. I love how you made them look run-down and the fact that they're all buried into the ground. The mall and the domed building are nice as well.
Micro (Details):
The landscaping is really solid. The textures you've chosen are really good and the attention to detail all over the map is really good. The details to explore are all really nice, but there could be more to see over all. I mean I really like the canyon camp, the buried park area as well as the underground parts. But I just wished there were more story-driven details behind it. Why is the world like this, who are the people in it? Why is there a chase? Who is living in the camp? Why is the park there and so on.... Just a lot of questions that I wanted an answer to.
Star Wars
Surprisingly there was no big take on Star Wars in RCT yet. I'm glad to see it good executed really well. Nearly everything Star Wars has to offer is in there.
Macro (Park Impression):
The park looks really packed from the overview - maybe a little bit too much is going on. The areas are so different that it's really clashing. You have ice next to desert next to forest. I know the areas are representing the different planets of Star Wars, but why are the packed next to each other. The park has a fantasy feel to it anyways so I think seperating the planet areas with black tiles in between would have been better. The amount of stuff you can see already from the overview is really imposing and reminds a little bit of classic 4-corners H2H-parks like Tim Burton, Art of War or Shadowlands which is kinda outdated IMO, but it works here. Park is packed but you can still see everything in all areas, which is great.
Echo Base Snowspeeders was a solid ride, I loved all the interaction with the walker, the shield generator and the base itself was nice. I just wished you would have included some speeders in the station/queue building, though. I was kinda dissapointed the Tauntaun Scout ride wasn't turning. Death Star Assault was also a great ride, loved the trench part and all the indoor details. I was kinda confused were the building starts/stops though at the lifthill/second hill part. The Robocoaster was a nice idea, pity it's not possible to make it work. At first I was a bit confused what I was looking at, haha! Nice indoor details again! The Speeder bike ride was great as well, loved the whole area especially - felt really fresh and also the Dagobah swamp next to it was a nice transition zone.
The buildings - especially in the Tatooine area were spot on, as well as the whole Endor and Javin sections. I also liked the sith temple building. I didn't like the other buildings at coruscant and the Hoth base wasn't convincing either (besides that shield, though). I think coruscant didn't fit the park well and the Hoth base was too big and should have been more underground. The terrain there was a bit too rugged IMO.
Micro (Details):
There are so many details in the park, it's insane! The statues are my favorites - the ships are perfectly executed, the druids, the antenna thingies everywhere - really amazing stuff! Pod racers could have used more love and maybe a ride, and maybe Jabbas palace or Naboo would have been nice as well? But that might have been too much for the park I guess. All in all amazing work!
"MFG" -
Kumba Offline
It was really great working with Shotguns and Xcoaster on this. They were a big help and made a try at a park like this possible. Xcoaster was a lot more active then I expected, kinda adding him just hoping he would help us brainstorm and build a little bit, but he's been fairly active. Here is some actual footage of Shotguns working on Star Wars... That's for all the ghost scenery you left for me to remove bitch!
I am glad that we won big and for the most part people seemed to really enjoy the park. The AP score of 80 is fine with me. The park was not really finished. Coruscant might be one of the hardest themes anyone can try, we all were stuck on it, skipped it for a while and ended up with a bit of a mess there in the end. The corner part of Yavin was pretty weak. Hoth was rushed in the end. Naming is missing almost everywhere and I was pissed when I realized I forgot to add rofl on the staff list. I guess the good news is that the peeps work very well with it and the park will run (for me) for a whole RCT year without a problem.
Some said the death star and falcon were weak. I would love to see someone try and do better. I mean, the death star is pretty ugly in the first place and we were stuck on it for a while, but I love the end result.
Yeah, the robocoaster and show don't really have any movement. I have always thought good frozen scenes are just as good, but okay people want to see movement, I'll make a note of that. Also the show is not a pod race. The podracer is the prize to the winner of the tournament which is basically summed up by the bracket on the scoreboard. Chewy is fighting Sebulba and throws him into the lasers. My hacking is not as good as I thought it was and I had to take some kinda lame shortcuts, sorry about that.
Thank you guys for all the feedback. -
JJayMForce Offline
JJ, how finished is hershey?
Still near the same state, but after the contest I will continue. Thanks dude.
You're right, i was drunk making hoth and coruscant...
JJayMForce Offline
Yeah, to imply in that post-apocalypse people don't know how to say or spell most things correctly.
I would still pronounce it 'morrow' though. There was a scene in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome where the kids would say, "we are going to MorrowMorrow Land." That's where it originated, here.
Xcoaster Offline
I'm happy to have finally had a chance to work on a Star Wars theme park, and with two great builders, Kumba and Shotguns. The park was crowded with ideas, but I think we did the theme justice and I'm very happy with the end result. I focused mainly on making spaceships and vehicles.
Death Star
I'm pleased how the Death Star turned out. Originally I was against including it altogether since I didn't think it could be done well, but I'm proud of it. I'm also really happy with the Star Destroyer. I really wanted to include some of the larger spaceships throughout the park, and it wasn't until near the end that I found a good place for one (though it ended up being relatively tiny). This is also one of the only areas where I got to include the "Death Star walls", though they probably could've been done better
I tried a bunch of ways to make the Millennium Falcon but I never got it quite right - getting the angles on the front end was hard and the rest of the thing has such a gentle slope that it's nearly flat. The mini version in the X-Wing ride probably turned out better. Anyways, I'm proud of the sarlacc and the krayt dragon skeleton in the flatride queue and I'm happy with how the sandscrawler turned out.
The Landspeeder Spin ride originally had better timing where the cars rarely "crashed" but at some point that stopped working. The idea was that it's supposed to be a trackless car ride like Aquatopia or the Festival of the Dance ride going into Carsland, with cars going all over the place with near misses and interaction with different props and characters (most of whom are shooting at you). I made some other little stuff in the area, like the landspeeders, Rancor (before it got moved), and escape pod. Also, I really wanted a Podracers ride in this area (either a coaster or something like Radiator Springs Racers). At one point I attempted to squeeze in a tiny Podracer coaster, but it turned out pretty fugly. I thought the layout was fun though (it was supposed to be similar to Rita/Desert Race and Kanonen):
Unfortunately, we forgot to include the Star Wars Hooters restaurant on Jabba's Sail Barge, where all the waitresses wear Slave Leia costumes. Alas...
I made the Tauntaun ride (originally moving but peepless), the AT-AT, and modified the coaster a little so that it made the turn around the AT-AT. I'd also made a test Snowspeeder, but didn't have time to rebuild it somewhere appropriate.
The AT-STs took a while to figure out, but overall they're probably what I'm most pleased with in this park. I never got the shuttle quite right, but I like this version better than when I had the wings folded all the way in. I also did the first iteration of the shuttle landing pad, and did some work on the bunker and satellite dish.
I made this big X-Wing, then it got moved over. Kumba made the smaller X-Wings elsewhere in the park
Yavin IV
The X-Wing coaster and basic temple structure (minus the station portions) was my single biggest contribution. I first thought of making the X-Wing coaster a custom Megalite (I wanted something quick and twisty), then I briefly tried a Wingrider before settling on a Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit / Shock style Maurer Sohne coaster. I imagined the coaster as a faster Space Mountain crossed with Mystery Mine, with the start of the ride as a jump to lightspeed as you ascend the lift, getting into formation with other X-Wings, then a Death Star prop at the top of the lift firing its turbo-laser as you go down the first drop. The rest of the coaster is supposed to simulate attack runs on the Death Star surface and a finale going through the trenches. In reality the entire thing would've been covered by the building, but then you wouldn't be able to see inside. If we had more space maybe it would've been an outdoor B&M invert or something, but for compactness I thought this worked pretty well.
I also briefly tried to make a Cloud City mini-area above this area, with the elevator entrance inside the temple. The idea was the park facing side would look like Cloud City, with a restaurant and observation deck, and the back side would be open with the Slave I and such (the Slave I would've been moved over from where it was). The Slave I and cloud car got reused.
I moved the cloud car here. Aside from providing the general idea for the robocoaster and naming the simulator to Star Tours, that's about all I did here. I'd thought of including some kind of jetpack flatride in this area similar to what's going into Disneyland Shanghai, or maybe something like Astro Orbiters. I also thought it'd be cool to have some monorails and vehicles moving between buildings to simulate aerial traffic, but I never got around to it.
Liampie Offline
I love posts like yours, XCoaster. And I think it was lovely to have some new RCT2 from you, it didn't disappoint. I haven't had the time to comment on this match but both parks were amazing! Hopefully I'll remember to write some reviews later.
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