H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 5 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Hurricanes
09-June 15
chorkiel Offline
G Force, you're looking at everything to black and white. Are you into sports? Because I hope this comparison makes sense.
Say, you're watching two football teams compete where you don't have a strong opinion on who you want to win. You like how one team is playing the game better than the other. Then you'd rather that team score more goals than the other. In this case, I'm rooting for the Barons because I liked how they played more than the Hurricanes.
If this were a game like figure skating, you'd grade them on quality rather than your personal preference out of professionalism.
In terms of rct. H2h is football, where two parks directly compete against each other and no other. The accolade panel, while not a perfect match, is something more along the lines of figure skating. Where you compete, based on the grades, against many parks to be looked upon as the best.
nin Offline
What awful logic. If I enjoy a park more, it's gaining my vote, regardless of the technical skill involved to make it. An incredibly detailed, hyper-realistic park with a 100% accolade rating may be regarded as the best park of all time, but if it went against a park that I enjoyed more, there's no way that "better" park would gain my vote.The question for the poll is "which park is better", not which park is more fun BTW, interpret how you wish. But at the same time... SW is probably the most fun thing there is ever, so the park must blow if another park is more fun.
wheres_walto Offline
I'll review Star Wars as I go-
Immediately I'm greeted by a unique entrance area and I can tell who built the park. The diagonal Star Wars text is a really cool idea, that opening sequence is iconic, as is the music. Without leaving the entrance area I can also already tell that this is an intensely themed realistic park; clear function is good.
I don't like the Death Star very much; I know large round objects are near impossible in rct and it's another iconic part, but the execution isn't great, too many different textures that ultimately don't look that much like the inspiration.
Next up is the Millennium Falcon; again, the execution of a very difficult object is poor and I don't like peeps glitching through the ship.
Next is Tatooine, which was done very nicely; the buildings are small and look like they should. I'm not blown away by anything around here, but it does well in recreating the sandy village look.
On to the grand arena; I like the buildings for it a lot, but I hate it's complete lack of function. I looks nice (aside from the tacky scoreboard), but it's a a dead area of the park that could have had moving parts.
Moving onto Hoth now, I think this was my favorite area of the park. People have complained about the layouts, but I couldn't find anything wrong with this one. The AT walker looks very good and the station is large without being an eyesore. I really like the use of lotr rocks as snow, I can't remember seeing that before and it works really well here.
After that is Endor; the first thing I thought to myself was "you took the time to make an object for the opening text and another because you couldn't hack a ride, yet you can't make a diagonal wooden plank with the boards going the same direction?" The shape of the treetop walkways are good, but the non-uniform planks is distracting. I would have liked to see the speeder bikes without the track, but I guess that wouldn't really make sense in a realistic park. The station here is awful, but the nice ship on top almost makes up for it.
Dagobah making an appearance is nice to see, and the x-wing is perfect covered in the vines.
That Death Star Assault coaster is atrocious. Inconsistent speeds throughout, an aversion to inversions, awkward bunny hops everywhere, and dynamic banking despite the track being B&M. Poor effort here, and the station isn't much better. The interior is really cool though. I'm also not a big fan of the defense force ride, it just looks kinda like a waste of space. The staff don't work here at all in representing Jedis or storm troopers fighting.
The last section brings me back near the entrance. I can't decide if I like the buildings or not; I like that they are unusual shapes and aren't scared to experiment, but they're inconsistent in their effectiveness. I really don't like the mini-golf trick to compensate for the lack of functionality for the Jedi Knight ride. The ride itself is themed very well and I could imagine myself being on it completely, but the mini-golf thing is crap (peeps don't even enter the ride, they just queue until they decide to exit).
The sheer amount of content is staggering and I can see why it's getting votes, but this is NOT the best park of the season. I'm glad you decided to use it in week 5 because it would have lost in the semifinals just like Rowling vs. Tolkien did. This just feels like that park with a different theme: it's quantity over quality, where you're throwing EVERYTHING at the wall and hoping most of it will stick, rather than just including what can be done to the highest level.
Coasterbill Offline
I loved the opening scene of Morrow World and the car doing donuts was brilliant but besides that the park wasn't mind-blowing. It was really, really good, don't get me wrong... but Star Wars was incredible. My vote goes to the Canes.
Zaiush Offline
The question for the poll is "which park is better", not which park is more fun BTW, interpret how you wish.
'Really, all of that is just abstraction on top of the goal, which is build a park that will get more votes than the opponent's park. This means you must convince NE, which as a whole does not share the same criteria for which they will vote for. Take that into account and you can get an edge.
That said, is Morow World supposed to be Mad Max Fury Road + Tomorrowland? If so, it's amazing, and the small bit of final polish it lacks can be overlooked. This park gives everything space to breathe and some really really well made designs in the highway, the ferris wheel, the custom flats, etc. I love it a ton.
robbie92 Offline
The blacktiling for my team's park was not a priority, but it IS finished. This isn't another WF scenario here.
Star Wars looks like it could be amazing but it's just so overwhelming that it almost comes off as too much. Not surprising if my builders guess is correct, but it could've been nice to see things pared down a bit more and made cleaner and more impactful.
AvanineCommuter Offline
I'll give my full review later but I have to say that the landscaping in morow world is pretty damn inspiring. Those land textures and weeds are so well done and very inventive, I don't think I've ever seen it done like that before. -
csw Offline
Went with a null vote here, the atmosphere of Morow Land is enough to cancel out the epicness of the Hoth area in Star Wars.
FredD Offline
Morow world
This opening scene was pure awesomeness! That's one hell of a way to get sucked in the park immediately. The pârk is atmospheric and that's amazing seen the many open parts. Those open parts make the athmosphere even stronger... I like how and old 4D coaster is reopened with some clearly fucked up dummy track. I also loved that camp with the burning tires near the river. I just don't get Bumperdome or what it has to represent.
Well that's one winning theme choice. Finally a StarWars park! Loved the movies, have to admit it is a long time I've seen them. I loved how you guys implemented the text at the entrance, but I felt the actual entrance building could be better. Overall archy is good but I think they could be more detailed. It's very recognizable, very immersive. Makes me want to see the movies again. I like the Intamin but the Death Star coaster lacks too much speeds in my opinion. But overall very nice park, the choice of the StarWars theme makes this a winner.
Strong match, I voted Morow World. While the theme of StarWars interests me more, I think Morow World has better foliage and a stronger atmosphere. Morow World as a park interested me more, that's why they get my vote.
JJayMForce Offline
Star Wars
Love the movies for star wars (except episode1 ;-) ), and very nice park to look at, here. The models/sculptures were so nice (on that imperial shuttle, it looked like all those objects were designed to build just that ship, awesome rec. Also the chicken walkers were..like.. perfect). The fact I can tell something is R2d2 and it's about the size of a peep is pretty impressive as well. I think I know who designed lots of these little incorporations, so I'm not surprised I like them.
I was looking at the Jawa crawler, and a peep sat down on the wheel, I was like "yeah, that's awesome." love the invisible benches touch. The laser beams all around looked really cool, glad you kept them to 3 or so beams shooting at a time.
I liked all the different areas, except there was a coaster near Hoth that was blocking my Star Wars. Just me, but I thought it detracted from the area a bit. I would have wanted to see it shorter, or more condensed, there, but I know we have to include a coaster somewhere...
The little garden area in Tatooine, is so nice, and wattos shop!
Podracer looked beast, I would like to steel that basic design to some extent in the future. I do wish you made a few more of them, though.
The architecture overall was nice, especially with the incorporated monorail in places. The round mud like buildings were just meant to be made, good stuff. Tatooine archy was probably my fav.
The negatives for me were:
I would have preferred to hear the music all around the park, to enhance everything even more.
One thing I didn't like was that Star Wars is such a powerful theme, where everything is already laid out to build, I think this park did it about 85 percent justice. I would have wanted to see more varying elevations, higher cliffs to have buildings sloping down. Bigger ships, and more of them. Even a moving scene would have been really cool. I think it could have been slightly more epic.
Ending, It looked like you guys really took your time with this theme, and the passion for it is all there. Sweet park. -
AvanineCommuter Offline
Having not seen either movie, I can only comment on what is shown and not all the little references that are lost on me.
Some things I loved in both parks:
Marow World - absolutely amazing opening sequence. Loved the diagonal bridge. The landscaping was innovative and original with all the different land textures. The ferris wheel is the best I've ever seen. some of the architecture was phenomenally done. The ruins and the freeway were very well built and designed. Loved the encampment site. The centrifuge was beautiful and so very clever! Loved the bareness of the landscape. The cars and the junkyard elements were spot on as well, so very nice!
Star Wars - so many things to see! amazingly creative structures and ideas, as expected from ________. Loved the temple structure, the composition is beautiful. The cut aways are so detailed I need more time to explore all the ins and outs! Loved all the custom ships and cars, very well done. The entry is also stunning! A lot of custom rides that all look very well done. I am impressed at how many things you fit into such a small space... it looked like it was extremely difficult and time consuming!
Some things I didn't like overall about each park:
Marow World - well we know it's unfinished and that's seriously a pity because this was such an innovative park and the ideas were very very cool. Things I've never seen before. The organization though left something to be desired - it was a weird layout and didn't look good from above. The main coaster layout was strange and I didn't like it, and the emptiness by that area with the coaster looked odd and not to my liking. It doesn't necessarily look "unfinished" persay, but it looked strangely laid out and didn't have a cohesive organization to the area to make it look intentional. The ruined abandoned city portion, while well crafted, felt empty and uninteresting to look at.
Star Wars - maybe TOO many things to see! I couldn't wrap my head around all the things in the park and it was overwhelming to look at. And I thought Arcanis Mineralis was cluttered
I think it would have been wise to limit what could have been put in so it could breathe more easily, right now it's so cramped that it's not as enjoyable to look at and explore. It isn't really necessary to have so many areas when you could have just a couple and had them larger, more in depth, with room to breathe and more fleshed out! Also, while I appreciated the attempt, the two larger ships and the Death Star weren't really that nice. The diagonal building is also in a weird position, despite how well crafted it is. I think large diagonal buildings are just hard as shit to pull off because of the isometric nature of the game, it comes across as very forced. Also some of the smaller buildings weren't particularly interesting. Also, I would suggest naming ride tracks something that could help explain what the structure is - there were a lot of things that I couldn't tell what I was looking at and had to spend a minute or two trying to figure out if it was a ship, or just a building, or supports, etc. If you named the ride pieces obvious names to help identity what we are looking at it would clarify a lot of the complex work you put into these parts!
I'll have to come back and make more comments after exploring some more, but I have to say: I could not have been more impressed with the two parks from this round. The name of the game was INNOVATION. Such complex hacks and structures in both parks astounded me at what is now possible in RCT2. I absolutely LOVE the originality, the creativity, the hacks, the beautiful structures, the great ideas, etc. Bravo to both teams!
Tolsimir Offline
This is a real good matchup! Nice efforts from both teams. And I finally got the time to give my review of both parks.
Morow World:
I like the concept of the "park" a lot, and it is done really well. The opening scene was good but not as awesome as everyone is stating. The train stopping at the end of the track and going backwards destroyed it somehow.
I loved the setting of the city sweeped over by sand. The large plains area was really nice, it did set the right atmosphere. I liked the city area, but unfortunately it shares the same fate with most skylines in RCT. On the macro it looks awesome but in detail skycrapers are just boring. Nothing wrong with your scyscrapers being boring, too, but still it annoys me a little. Nevertheless, all thos car crashes were nice and that underground mall was a nice idea.
The camp around the river was a nice change but being so unconnected to the rest of the map it did not make too much of a sense.
The actual theme park area was the best part. Some awesome ideas went into it, especially the coaster was just clever and convincing. The battle cage was fantastic too, as was the barricade around the park. The ferris wheel looked so nice and believable. I feel, however, that the actual park could have been a little larger and taken more of the map.
The biggest letdown on the map was the map itself. The black side of the landscaping where the bridge is was ugly and confusing. And having no blacked out background is just lazy. I mean, Louis said he is okay with little delay on park entry. Take those ten minutes and black out the map, would have added a lot to the atmosphere actually.
Nonetheless a great park, and IMO it would have won against a lot of the other parks, only because of the perfectly pulled of concept.
Star Wars:
It was about time for a good Star Wars park, and here it is! The park does a lot right. Overall it's nice to see that you mostly stick to the original trilogy and not the shitty new one. Some features from the new movies sneak in like the pod racers but it still is okay. But you shouldn't have mixed things up like Chewbacca directly next to anakin's pod racer?! It is nit picky but I want accurancy when you do something from a movie
Generally all the vehicles and ships are awesome and well done. The AT-ATs look badass. The death star is okay, I mostly liked that there is a cinema in it. The X-Wing darkcoaster was boring and nothing too special, it did not give the space fight vibe imo because it was too packed.
I'm torn on the Robocoaster ride. In fact it's a nice idea and themed well. I can imagine it being an awesome ride. But it's soo sad that it is frozen in the park. you could have thought out a way to make it work somehow, or take another tour ride type. now the area looks lame a little.
Mos Espa / Mos Eisley is the best part of the park. I actually gives the atmosphere you get in the park. the topspin over the sarlacc is awesome. I especially like the background behind it with the two setting suns. The millenium Falcon is the only space ship that doesn't look so good. Maybe some more trackitecture would have given the round forms in a better way.
The problem I have with the park is the general credibility. I think the park raises the claim to be realistic. However, everywhere there are floating things and laser beams. Doesn't make sense actually. And '1k Steeplechase with peeps' WTF?! when you can't do the hack then don't make such an cheap object. lol
It seems like I picked out all the negative aspects... But this park IS good. The yavin IV temple is great. Endor area is well done with the speeder ride. The entrance is awesome with the text on the path. Overall one of the top parks so far. Morow World was unlucky to come up against it.
Vote: Star Wars
inthemanual Offline
Voting Closed
Hurricanes beat Robber Barons
Hurricanes vote count: 39 (84.78%)
Robber Barons vote count: 7 (15.22%)
Star Wars was made by Kumba(45%) and Shotguns(35%) and XCoaster(20%).
Morow World was made by JjayMForce(95%) and RWE(5%). -
chorkiel Offline
Had expected Star Wars to be a 50/50 between Kumba and XCoaster. Would love to see a who did what.
Great job Jjay. I've never really looked at your work before, but this definitely put you on my radar.
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