H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 5 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Hurricanes
09-June 15
G Force Offline
Morrow World:
This park confuses me so much, its like 5 different themes mixed into one. Nothing is bad really just it doesn't make any sense to me. I liked the area around the circular cage, and the area by the river. However the buildings were just too small of scale for me, it really messed with my perception when I looked at the buildings and the rides at the same time. The initial chase was kind of cool, reminded me of Mad Max a lot but wasn't really enough to capture my attention for more than a 20 seconds. The coaster was also super odd, its just so weird, there really isn't anything else I can say about it. Ferris wheel was actually very nicely done, liked how you used the rapids cars as the buckets. Drop tower was also interesting to look at very good use of trackitecture and scenery objects there.
Overall, I dont know how to score the park or honestly how to feel about it. So much randomness and oddities that it bothers me. Seems there was a lot of potential, but lack of time really hurt the execution and didn't allow the park to reach its potential. Still, congrats to the builders on the park and completing what they did.
Star Wars:
Amazing and was worth the switch... That is all.
Stoksy Offline
Is Morrow World based on something specific, or just a fantasy post-apocalyptic world? I think that going for such a bare park is an interesting [I'm going to assume intentional] way of making people look for all the details in the park. I can't deny that I skipped over the park on first viewing but if it's finished [or at least very close to] then I'm sure I'll be able to find some additional features in the park that will help me appreciate the minimalism content wise [at least re: rides]. Loved the opening scene, explosions can get really annoying if done too much or without context but I think you guys nailed it here.
What a _____ park. That was all I could say when first opening the Canes park. Haven't seen Star Wars in a long time, so I'll probably miss a number of references but I did love the ATAT and the robocoaster scenes were really awesome. However, I think that the robocoaster attempt [without moving trains] was quite unfortunate. Ironic given the amount of movement going on elsewhere, but it would have been better just going with functional cars I think rather than making fake ones.
Cocoa Offline
Is robs park unfinished? Maybe they can shed some light because i assumed it was based on the tidiness/completeness of detailing and years in the park, but lots of people seem to think otherwise. i feel like we should judge it based on whats there not on our perceptions of whether its finished or not. Because as soon as you think a park is unfinished its really hard to give it a vote against a finished one so it is an important distinction imo -
Austin55 Offline
Usually read me's are useless but Morow World would have benefited from a quick explanation for sure,
Cocoa Offline
Darkjanus has returned
haha it totally did remind me of that
ps more people review plz, I want to see the next round when I wake up
Version1 Offline
Star Wars is clearly superior.
I'll have to think about my vote.
That logic o.O
Roomie Offline
Both excellent parks here.
Morrow World
+ Car/Train chase at the start was epic. loved the car driving off the cliff and exploding at the end
+ The abandoned theme park which has been re injected with life in the future was an awesome idea. The man powered lift hill and the way they've jerry rigged on an ending to the old 4D now that most of it is sunk in the sand was cool.
+ the sunken ferris wheel was awesome
- Mini Himalaya looked liked it should have worked but there wasn't time to get it going?
+ some excellent tower architecture here. Especially with the new dilapidated details. The snapped radio mast and the company logos with missing letters were especially cool.
- Lots of things not named
+ Drop tower top was great
Star Wars
+ It's star wars done will in RCT that's cool in itself
+ well done custom soundtrack
+ lots of great references and well built props like the AT-AT and various ships
- Coasters were poor. The Intamin didn't really sell it to me at all.
+ Endor speeder bikes were great
- Coruscant seemed a little under done compared to the rest of the areas
- transitions between areas were a little sharp at times.
- needed more Ewoks
A tough choice for me. RB park is a better idea and fairly well executed where as Hurricanes park is a mediocre idea executed very well. I suspect my vote will goto the Canes though.
alex Offline
Star wars:
+Very well composed to fit so much content in. Although the transitions were tight the gateways to each area were clear (which is as much as you can ask for with a park this size containing 5 very different areas) Having the starfield floor fade into the tatooine sand was cool.
+The storytelling with the rides was fantastic here: the snowspeeder coaster swooping through the AT-AT legs, using a bikes/steeplechase in endor and the death star trench ride (housing it in a Yavin VI temple was a nice touch too)
+Great architecture in Tatooine. Mixture of white/peach/tan/brown was a wise choice to keep things from looking repetitive. Tatooine was a standout area in general, it felt so full of life.
+Awesome sculptures of iconic Star wars vehicles or structures. The sandcrawler in particular looked great.
-The streets of the coruscant area were a little lacking in life.
-If I'm being picky I'd say everything was a tad blocky, as though made by lego. However it was all consistent in it's style and had a certain charm.Morrow World
+Beggining was cool with all the vehicles chasing the train and exploding. I like it when parks have an opening narrative like this then leave you to explore freely.
+Post apocalyptic theme park was awesome, had good tacky fairground vibes. Loved the coaster with the shitty repairs. The ferris wheel was stunning, the big purple flat ride wasn't.
+Bumperdome was great. Had the potential to be a very obnoxious reference but it was really well executed and fit the area. The idea of bumper-cars till death is funny too.
+Good landscaping and foliage. Loved the bare areas as much as the skyscrapers.
-The submerged interiors/streets felt very isolated from everything else. Same with the lush river/canyon area. It wasn't really clear what this was about.
Hard vote this one. Morrow world had a better atmosphere and more original concept however Star Wars was just so well executed and crammed with cool stuff. It was more fun too. I'm leaning more towards Star Wars I think.
BelgianGuy Offline
The thing I find weird is that I'd have kept this one for the freaking semi's star wars truely is park of the season contendor...
olddtfan51 Offline
After a second long look at morrow world. I owe the Robber Barons an apology there is way more to there park than I gave them credit for. This park is really great a lot of thought must have gone into this I don't think I understood the concept at first but now I do and this is wicked.
Kumba Offline
The thing I find weird is that I'd have kept this one for the freaking semi's star wars truely is park of the season contendor...
Thing is, we need to make it to the playoffs first!
Ling Offline
So Morrow World is clearly a Mad Max reference, but I haven't seen any of the movies so I don't get the references. It doesn't see like anyone else does, either... Music was cool, but having a third of the map dedicated to just the train chase, a third of the map dedicated to "just dilapidated buildings", and the remaining third with actual rides and such... there was just so little to look at after the train chase (which, admittedly, was spectacular) ended. Pocylypse had a great layout but I couldn't seem to get it to run. Also the park has made my laptop chug to a crawl, which I've never seen RCT do before...
Holy shit Star Wars. I think everything that could have been done, and should have been done, was done, and done well. As others have said, the layouts aren't perfect but I love their scale and how each one represents the staples that each of the movies is known for. It's a love letter to the original trilogy but still nods to the first three episodes. Endor section was amazing. Tatooine section was amazing. The only thing I didn't really like was the Millennium Falcon... while the one in Death Star Assault wasn't quite the right relative scale (to the other ships), the massive one by the entrance just looks like a mess. I think monorail track would have been the way to go there, at that size. Other than that though, all the ride ideas are brilliant and this simultaneously feels like a fantastical vision of the entire universe and what could be a real theme park somewhere (probably in Hollywood). Love it.
Six Frags Offline
Great parks, one of the most enjoyable matchups of the season for me.
I soooo want to know what the context is for Morrow World. I agree with others a readme would help this park a lot. Same for black tiles, it would've made this park seem much more finished and it takes like 3 secs to do.. I really like the chase when you opened the park, so unique! When I explore the map a bit further I get a bit of that Darkjanus feel of his unfinished futuristic h2h park with that weird title. Love the city area, especially those underground alleys. Also like the little themepark area with that big cage and those peeps on top of it watching the fight. Couldn't really care for the 4d, but maybe that's cos I was missing some reference.. All in all a great park, but with a little bit more effort could've made it difficult for the Canes..
Star Wars is one of my favourite parks this season, certainly my favourite Canes park so far. There's just so many little awesome Star Wars references all over the map, that as a Star Wars fan I really appreciated and gave the park so much more depth. I'll probably make a little things about them as there are way too many to mention. The coasters had some great interaction with the surroundings and nice flowing layouts. The music added so much too, you really get a feeling to be there. As a whole, the park felt really atmospheric and did justice to the series I felt. Great job!
RCTER2 Offline
Morrow world remind me of fallout and https://www.youtube....h?v=8ktMe0xclxA
Star wars is epic!!
Someone make a kung fury theme park please!
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