H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 5 Match 1] - Italian Stallions vs The Rat Pack
08-June 15
Coasterbill Offline
I need more time to look over these in detail but this is a very good matchup. Universal Studios was outstanding but I need to spend more time on it as I know I probably missed a ton of little details and I feel the same about Area 52. The condor ride was great and I like the SFFT influence as it's a park that you rarely see copied even though the setting in a rock quarry is awesome.
FredD Offline
Universal Studios
Great park. Has a a lot of content on a small surface, would love to see this concept worked out on a bigger map. The B&M hyper has a great layout, it was a bit weird it wouldn't ride while no mechanical problems. Resetting worked, but still no clue why it was blocked... Great colors too for this coaster. Archy is superb, very detailed but not too much so it doesn't glitch. Wonderfull! The HP part is my favorite one. Nice job on Kings Cross and I love that buss riding around. The alley is cramped which is a shame, would love to see the facades of those crazy magic shops better. But overall the HP athmosphere was represented. Escape from Gringots has also a nice layout, and as Belgianguy said: FINALLY a real rct2 Maurer spinning coaster with the right cars!
One of the best parks of H2H7 so far!
MCI Offline
Awesome matchup! I really enjoyed both parks.
Hard choice who to vote for...
BelgianGuy Offline
I can't vote cuz no LL
but I have to say the stallions made a great park, can't really compare but I have to say it feels like I've seen it before, it's very DAW and while it is high quality the park layout felt so similar to me, also the architectural style felt quite in the same realm.
Very high quality park but I think the biggest let down for mewas no interiors or at least very few..., the gringots ride looks fabulous but you hide it, the enchanted airwaves same story, big building for not that much coaster you hide in it...
overall still a very strong park though
and honestly I don't know if it's due to the block brakes but you guys did a robber baron on the hyper
disneylandian192 Offline
No working LL at the moment so this will be a null vote from me unfortunately but I can still review the Stallion's park.
I was pleasantly surprised to open Universal Studios in game to find that this was an original park inspired by Universal, not just a recreation.
I looked at Diagon Alley first as that was the area that first held my intrigue.
Very nicely done with a great amount of detail but did not feel overpowering. +1 for minimum glitches. You achieved that cramped feeling of the Alley well, but I would have preferred I think to open up the street by a unit or two and just increase the scale- it was difficult to see some parts of the Alley and some portions of buildings were completely hidden! I was disappointed that the Gringotts ride did not have much in the way of a themed interior.
I liked NYC Dreamin', was a nice coaster with the lift reminding me of The Hulk. Good pacing but I'm so shit at telling good from great so take that with a grain of salt haha. The archy and atmosphere of the rest of the map held a similar feel of just the right amount of detail without being overpowering. The use of texture, especially in the NYC section was handled very well.
Ultimately I am very impressed with this map. The Diagon Alley area was done very well and I'm happy that you did your own thing with it. NYC was fantastic with excellent use of texture and color to represent the City well. Despicable Me was cool, but never saw the movie so I don't know how true to the movie it is but what is there is done very nicely. Are those towers supposed to be from the NYC Worlds Fair? Regardless GREAT JOB!
Maxwell Offline
^The towers are from Men in Black! (which I thought was really awesome to see as well!)
Coasterbill Offline
I thought they were from the World's Fair also... I'm kind of disappointed that they're not. lol
Ling Offline
The hyper in Universal had a pleasant layout, but the dumbest block setup I've ever seen. You have to close and re-open the ride to get it to work. Also Enchanted Airways has an issue in its queue that is not allowing guests to get to the ride. It looks like a sign was placed there, but I can't imagine why that would be intentional. The buildings are all very pretty. King's Cross is too small and on the whole the Harry Potter area REALLY needed more room to breathe. Diagon Alley is supposed to be cramped, but that's also all there was too it, and the contrast between the huge, almost empty space outside the buildings and the Diagon Alley area behind them was too much. All of the coaster and tracked ride layouts were good. The Pokemon area confused me... does Universal even own Pokemon? Why, of all things in the Pokemon universe, did you choose a museum as your centerpiece? Why no other real rides? This feels like a major afterthought and the space could have been better used to give other themes more room to spread out. Still though, very very pretty buildings, and particularly the old townhouse-y looking one in the middle of the park feels so utterly "Universal", so great job there.
Area 52 takes this for me only slightly. The utility of the land hack is just everywhere and it's so cleanly done. The foliage is great, the layouts are all great, and Flight School was badass. On the whole, it's much simpler than Universal but it accomplishes more. I liked the ghost train that goes through various sci-fi/alien iconography. The monorail cliffs are used just enough to not be annoying, but so much is accomplished with them. I like pretty much everything about this park (although, wtf is going on with those flying bumper boats cars??).
Six Frags Offline
It was, so I'll nip it in the bud right now. It wouldn't do the builders of this park any favors if you compare his screen to the finished work you see here. It all was re-done and is original to the builders in this park, so please do them a favor and comment on their own unique work and not Airtime's.
Lol, that's not true and you know it. The screen is the same with 1 or 2 minor details added or changed. I'd expect that airtime at least get's like a 5% share for this.
I'm not that amazed by either park. Universal was very cramped, and had those big buildings with rides in them, but no see-through (Gringotts did have some nice custom supports inside, but you had to delete scenery to see it). I'd prefer if those small buildings/rides (like the simulator) didn't have see-through and the big rides had. Some nice details and mosaics/billboards here and there, but the park didn't really feel as a cohesive whole for some reason. Maybe it's because Airtime started the park with a certain style and it couldn't really be continued by the other builders to that standard.. Still an enjoyable park though.
I liked the rocky sides in Area 52, they really added to the atmosphere and made it a pretty fluent/flowing park.. Flight School and Black Hawks were cool rides and Taranis had some pretty cool moments too (when you turn the view that is
) Some parts did feel a bit rushed and unfinished though (like on top of Jurassic Cascade, the LSD ride and the flying cars)..
Overall I feel Universal was a bit better, but I'm not sure it's fair if I compare the screen Airtime posted (http://www.nedesigns...1942/universal/)
AvanineCommuter Offline
The Italian stallion's park causes my RCT2 to have an error trapper while loading RCT2. Now my RCT2 is fucked.
AvanineCommuter Offline
The three objects .dats attached with the park causes my RCT2 to crash upload loading. Anyone have a solution?
wheres_walto Offline
That happens sometimes when you put new objects in the ObjData folder, just try to open the park again and it should work the second time
trav Offline
Lol, that's not true and you know it. The screen is the same with 1 or 2 minor details added or changed. I'd expect that airtime at least get's like a 5% share for this.
Overall I feel Universal was a bit better, but I'm not sure it's fair if I compare the screen Airtime posted (http://www.nedesigns...1942/universal/)
Do you just post with the intention of starting shit with everyone? Airtime's work was deleted. Airtime will not be getting any credit for this as none of his work is on the park. Of course the buildings are going to look similar - they're the same fucking building in real life.
Can we please comment on the park without the Airtime comparisons? Not fair on the current builders at all.
Dirk Pitt Offline
Lol, that's not true and you know it. The screen is the same with 1 or 2 minor details added or changed. I'd expect that airtime at least get's like a 5% share for this.
Excuse me? I know this for a fact 100% and so does everyone else because I'm on the team as well as louis already posted airtime replacement in the H2H7 general thread. Airtime replacement was alex, who was in last week park. By H2H7 rules, all of airtime work has to be deleted for him to be replaced. Therefore airtime gets 0% credit in this park and rightfully so.
EDIT: I see trav posted before me, I second his comment about the comparsion of thr curent builders to airtime, its really is doing an disservice to them by comparing the work of an former member to their own unique works.Its like comparing two RCT recs and saying which one is better when theyre two different and unique recs.
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