H2H7 / Rank all the H2H7 parks
27-May 15
Cocoa Offline
^someone's a canes fan
I organized this via the classic "would this beat the one above it?" strategy. probably different from my last attempt lol
star wars
carreira de india
asteroid fields
paradise pier
diamond heights
circus circus
worlds fair
lotte world
erlebnispark raubritter
meizhou rising
universal studios
morrow world
seven wonders
calico canyon
area 52
hanging gardens
battle for new elementia
arcanis mineralis
san fransokyo
indiana jones
village and the park
costa del maya
parque los mortos
fantasy park
eras of america
nin Offline
Thanks for that post Steve. I too hate that the coasters shared the same roof style, it was a product of tight deadlines that led me to do that. I'll make a post detailing a lot of that park in the coming days, it's something I've been meaning to do as I have a lot to say on it aha.
Faas Offline
These are my favourite parks, in no particular order:
#Diamond Heights
Erlebnispark Raubritter
Carreira da Índia
Bermuda: The Lost Colony
Asteroid Fields
Tenochtitlan -
Camcorder22 Offline
Incoming long post but finally got around to checking out all these parks. First off just have to say wow, so much inspiration from viewing these. Not that you should expect me to make a solo anytime soon but just the level of planning and attention to detail is inspiring for any sort of artist. No matter what anyone says, I really think that right now is the peak of RCT, just take a step back from all the petty criticism and compare whats being made now to what was being made 10 years ago. That being said, my reviews are a bit short and blunt, so to balance it out I included some screens of all my favorite parts of each park. Despite any criticisms I had every park 1-26 was incredible in its own way and probably better than anything I could churn out these days.
Favorite (Completed) H2H7 RCT2 parks
1. Bermuda - Just an overwhelming amount of detail here, but not in a way that leaves me stressed and confused, but in awe. Nothing covers or obscures other parts of this park, rather everything seems to work in harmony. Basically every corner of this park could’ve been in a “highlights” screen.
Always a fan of restaurants with waterwheels
Such a simple yet elegant station.
So much detail in such a remote buried corner of the park.
2. Pridelands - Simultaneously had some of the best rides, buildings, and landscaping of the entire contest. You could’ve phoned in the layouts in the name of concept, but the invert looks like it would be extremely fun and scenic to ride in real life. Reminded me of Animal Kingdom in a lot of parks, could and would love to see it as a part of a bigger Disney resort.
dat subtle elevation change
Huge fan of the murals
Would totally eat some food here
3. diamond heights - This has got to be one of the ones I’ve come back to most in the whole competition. There’s nothing technical here that makes it better than the other parks, but there’s so much charm and fun factor. Like most Liampie parks, there’s just so many fun details to find. If I was to be pretentious and analyze RCT like music, I’d call this “post-realism” since it seems like the next logical step after realism has been beaten to death.
Just love how the queue perfectly frames the last turn. Also the vines over the queue.
Took me a while to notice this station but its beautiful
How...such good ride and building interaction.
Always a fan of a little music
Never wanted to go to a Starbucks so much
4. Erlenbnispark Raubritter - Seen this type of theme done many times before but can’t even complain because the execution was beautiful. One of those parks where absolutely every inch of it was picturesque.
Absolutely beautiful waterfront view. Love the windmill...waterwheel...patio...everything
Always wanted to see a ride like this in RCT, glad to see it happen.
How do you make a boomerang so classy? Love the location between two bodies of water.
This just makes me happy
would totally fuck with this
hell yeah
5. Worlds Fair - One of my favorite themes I’ve seen in this game. The green steel arches make such a defining presence here. Great balance between the huge steel structures and the more peaceful areas. This could have been an absolute nightmare to view but I think you guys pulled it off as well as it could have.
Perfectly done, reminds me of my trip to Hungary and the Czech Republic
Something about the sphere, maze, tower combo is pleasing
Such a unique ride, well done
Love the naturey greenhouse effect, reminds me of epcot
This layering could've been a complete clusterfuck but you made it work.
6. Paradise Pier - Maybe its just the childhood nostalgia factor, but I think I actually would have voted for this over Asteroid Fields. Not only is it a spot on recreation, but the vibrancy of the area is captured perfectly to me. Comes close to the brilliance of DAW.
Could be a postcard tbh
classic pac
Seriously fuck your shit
One of my favorite parts of the pier, pulled off the atmosphere perfectly.
7. Star Wars - My favorite style of fantasy park, one which doesn’t overlook the importance of ride interaction and peep interaction. Could honestly see this being what Disney bases their real life Star Wars parks off. Brings me back to the Kumba of DRC, though with 8 more years of experience and refinement.
Framed this drop perfectly, brilliant planning.
Took me a while to realize this was custom and not an object
Great interior details, better than space mountain
The transition on the paths looks so good
Would hatevomit if I rode a robocoaster but the details for this ride are great
8 year old me would shit myself
8. Carreria de India - I must just be a fan of flashier architecture as much of the front end of this park seemed a bit bland to me. I was much more enticed by everything past the suspended coaster. Some great bits of architecture and landscaping, although the rocks were sort of overused. However, the area with Varanasi and Karma was one of the most vibrant and intriguing areas of the entire contest. Out of all the parks, this ascended my rankings the highest as I continued viewing it.
So much to see here but it all comes together
Love the murals, landscaping, vine tower thing, everything
9. Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Served as a nice contrast to the more insanely detailed parks of the competition. I felt like it was easy to see the contrast between building styles here but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Weird to see in a park like this but executed well
Won it for me
10. Cyleal - Absolutely beautiful, love the elevation changes and how the landscape and houses blend so seamlessly together. Didn’t have the mind-blowing factor to go down as one of the all time H2H greats, but I just got such a pleasant, relaxed feeling from viewing this.
would love to pack a fat bowl on that hill
Interesting but well done inclusion of some fantasy elements
11. Asteroid Fields - So many “how the fuck…” moments throughout this park. First of all I have no idea how you changed the color of the peeps without me having to do any weird object shit. In terms of the overall aesthetic, sometimes the overwhelming number of colors worked really well and other times not so much. Either way, this park shows an impressive amount of ingenuity and thinking outside the box.
maybe my favorite asteroid
Love the assortment of cars
The colors here are intense, but don't make me want to rip my eyes out.
This mindfuck of an element
12. DisneyPunk - Moments of greatness, but just missing the coherence to get it into the upper level of parks.
13. Meizhou Rising - The overall scale and detail of this way impressive. Lacked the gems of the top 5-10 parks, but still enjoyable to look at. On an individual scope, the pagodas were well done, but on the back end of Yuji, they were a bit overwhelming to look at.
Imagine watching the ride from this waiting area
Nice serene break this park needed
Absolutely overwhelming but gotta give props
14. Tenochtitlan - There were some issues I had with the overall composition (for some reason the colors on the pyramid really bothered me), but this part was really made by the amount of fun details put into it. The dark ride/reverse free fall, peep interaction throughout, and attention to historical detail. Very immersive into the theme it was trying to portray, would love visiting this in real life.
love how this is made to be manual. Just one of many great details. Thought I had more screens of this :/
15. Lotte World - This isn’t my favorite park by either main builders and although coherent, I feel as if the park plays away from the builders strengths. However, the result of two of the best parkmakers ever building together is still impressive. It was hard to appreciate the aesthetic initially due to the overwhelming use of brown, but once I did, I found all sorts of intricate details I’d say the parks biggest strength is the use of water and interaction of the rides and landscape with water.
Favorite part. Just imagine the view being surrounded by water on all sides.
Just a cool execution of a station
Wished that dum tower wasn't there because this was one of the most beautiful buildings in the park
Such a chill break run. I like how the grass is level with the water here.
16. Adventuredome - Seeing the entire structure in game is just mind-blowing, wow. Captured the slightly-tacky casino amusement park vibe perfectly. 13 year old me would have been super pumped to ride the coaster and 23 me would be super pumped to get drunk and relax on the beach. This is honestly everything I wanted the original Adventuredome to be, a more interesting ride selection but still fitting the same footprint. Might be a small detail, but the “roller coaster in a hotel lobby” with Big Top just captures the idea of rides like Desperado and Manhattan Express so well.
Pulls off that trashy but fun hotel coaster vibe so well
17. Raptor - Parks like this have never really been my style with a few exceptions as so much of them ends up being tarmac. Nonetheless, I appreciate the cleanliness and perfection present here, as well as being able to see such a classic ride in game. The most impressive part is that not only do gee and walto capture what’s physically present perfectly, but the Cedar Fair vibe is present throughout. I’ve never been to Cedar Point, but there’s little details and areas that remind me of being at Knott’s Berry Farm.
My favorite part seeing the gondola over this colorful but scenic area
This is Cedar Fair af
18. Port of Entry - Thought I would like this way more based on the overview, but the glitchiness really got to me in game. Its obvious Shotguns is one of the hardest working players in the game, and I think he’s at the point now where he could improve by doing less. Glitchiness aside, the composition of the buildings are very well done. With that extra couple hours of refining what’s already there (obviously difficult in this contest), Shotguns will be one of the elite builders on this site.
So much detail, but the symmetry makes it work. Keep building like this.
19. The Village and the park - Hard for this to compare to some of the other parks due to the nature of
this competition, but you guys pulled off the concept perfectly. Even with the scale of RCT being fixed, the park just feels convincingly smaller in every way.
12 year old me would love to live here
Stained glass...and that queue tunnel waterfall interaction
Love the boat, love the playground over the reeds
20. Morow World - Didn’t see a read me and missing the background info, but the sequence at the beginning seemed well choreographed. So while I didn’t “get” the park, I very much enjoyed the otherworldly vibe it gave off. There was so much that I just haven’t seen anything close to in the game before, both aesthetically appealing and totally alien. Some of the best apocalypse theming I’ve seen in the game.
Looks exactly like an apocalypse park that got the shit fucked out of it
nice little bit of landscaping
Seriously couldn't have done this bit any better. Looks so real
Same with this destroyed building
21. Universal Studios - A few mistakes resulted in this being decent instead of brilliant. I know Diagon Alley is inherently narrow, but for the sake of the isometric view it could have used way more space. I was disappointed that I could mostly only see gray roofs and bits and pieces of the stores. Similarly, I’m sure it was a time issue but the lack of interiors for Escape From Gringott’s resulted in an unremarkable ride. The park was best when areas could breath, such as parts of New York, and the front of Harry Potter. Overall though the map might have been a bit too small to do a full Universal park justice.
Wish I could see more like this
22. Arcanis Mineralis - This seems like it should be right up my ally but it just wasn’t visually appealing to me as a whole. Unfortunately, the main culprit seems to be a couple overused objects and textures. For a park based on colorful crystals, there was just way too much brown. The crystals themselves and bits of the architecture were brilliant and if the entire park were anywhere close to the quality of my favorite parts, this would’ve been one of my favorite fantasy parks made.
Could stare at this one crystal for hours
Some of the better archy
Loved the color interaction here, would've liked to see it a little more throughout the park.
For some reason a fan of the teal and pink.
23. Calico Canyon Adventure Park - All of the ideas were great including everything about the duelers, the cliff diver, super shot, rope ride, go karts, etc. While the rides were a lot of fun to look at, I feel like the landscaping, although okay, kept this from being in the upper echelon of parks in this contest. With the lack of buildings and theme of the park, the landscaping here was really important and kept this from being great.
Would be so sick to stand under this
Just like staring at this mess of track
24. San Fransokyo - With a bit more planning, this could have gone from a decent park to a great one. I feel like so many potentially brilliant details were obscured by other parts of the park, which is one of the classic pitfalls of a city theme. Instead of positively interacting with its surroundings, Upgrade just kind of tore through them, as if the surroundings were constructed first and the coaster was thrown in as an afterthought.
This street needed way more space...would've been super cool to actually see more of it :/
Park was very well done and much needed
Love the blue building, the facades and abundance of colors made the area look messy though.
Nice layered section
25. Archaelus - Another fantasy park I just couldn’t quite get into. I know me of people have no room to say this but there was just a little too much color and textural clash to enjoy. I enjoyed Colorflood because at some level, there was some sort of coherence in texture and color, but here it just felt a little too random and confused.
Cool ship station.
Love the color interaction here, wish the rest of the park had had similar color coherence.
26. Costa del Maya - Just a little too unfinished to place up with any of the finished parks, but definitely has some cool ideas.
Would've been a great looking water park if everything else had been finished to this level.
I guess my preferences have changed a little over the years but yeah, again congrats and great work to anyone who participated. PS sorry for wrecking the thread.
Xeccah Offline
Funny how you put that row of buildings and that mansion as "classic pac" work, lol....
tigre53 Offline
Yeah I'm not too familiar with all the parkmakers' styles, but as I was scrolling down and got to Shotguns' first round park, I was like "how is this style of building any different from 'classic pac'?"
Cocoa Offline
^it was classic pac, only painstakingly built in real life by shotguns, the maestro of other people's work
thanks cam! honored to be #1, although your highlight reel of disneypunk is of all the average-est areas
ps your one photo of tenochtitlan is actually the tower of the tower of babel
Liampie Offline
Your pic for Tenochtitlan is indeed actually from Babylon. Shame on you!
Great review otherwise, I enjoyed the screens of the parks I haven't seen in months.
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