H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 4 Match 3] - Italian Stallions vs Heaven's Atlas
25-May 15
Six Frags Offline
I think #diamondheights might be one of my alltime favourite parks, so it deserves a little things from me
Love all the bikes/bike racks/bike rental. Nice touch with that coaster car in front of the entrance gates too.
Awesome pole work on the flume station! Adds so much more depth to the station.
Love the water wheel besides the drop. I would love to wait in that queue with such a nice view
Once again, I'd love to wait in this queue with such attention to atmosphere. Great little scene coming out of that cave and nice layering with the ride overlapping the queue which overlaps the train track. Reminds me of Europapark (which is a very good thing
Love how you guys created all those stalls out of custom objects and how they look like those plopable shops from the original game. Also love Arachnophobia and how you modernised it with those supports.
Same as with Arachnophobia; The ladders, custom supports and its upgraded station really give it a nice realistic modern yet still nostalgic feel.
Some nice waterpipe smoking backyard area, why not right?
Love the architecture.
Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia's station, just awesome texture work and details. Reminds me of Fenrir
Love the coloured smoke and those Doppelganger buildings inside of the turns. The bars in front of those windows really resemble the industrial theme well.
Love how Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia circle around the mary-go-round and dive in and out of the ground like in the original scenario. Also love how you created the entrance and exit boots with custom objects and polished them with Toon's decorative stone pieces.
Clever use of the maze animation to make it seem like the peeps are jumping up and down to the beat of the music!
Nice starbucks, also love the steaming cup of coffee in front of it. Also like that the passage besides is the entrance to the twist, just like the twist is on a little island in the original scenario.
Arachnophobia's station. Love the bit of hay in the attic and the eerie feeling the building has. I can imagine some spiders creeping around in there
Indiana Railroad's station, Love the little fences to keep people from jumping on the tracks.
Why haven't I seen this before?! Such a simple yet effective way to show what can be bought in this beautifully designed shop.
There are even nice backstage areas
Love the little passage into the seating area. Also love the little reference to my London park last season:
This was the only thing I thought was not so pretty though:
Just didn't like the color choices here.
Hope it's not too much scrolling, but this park is just one of a kind and I feel like it deserves some more praise
Great job again guys!
ottersalad Offline
Awesome post Six Frags.. your comments on the flume ride are spot on with how I felt about that section of the park.. the attention to queue line details really immerse you in the park.. very believable. Also, I feel that the archway into the seating area into that London-ish area feels very Disney to me. Lovely details in the park.. Tons of fun just looking at the park.
inthemanual Offline
Please be reminded that since the Italian Stallions park is in LL, you need to have LL in order to vote.
turbin3 Offline
Wow, I am in love with Heavens Atlas park! Simply amazing.
+ architecture
+ all these details, for example the coffee in front of Starbucks or the head on the berber store
+ the duelling coasters. good job on layouts and timing
+ doppelganger and it's industrial theming, really like it
+ the remade original Shops/toilets etc.
+ interaction with the landscaping and the rides
- i dont know.
Overall this park is amazing, one of the best parks this H2H
AvanineCommuter Offline
Absolutely loved Diamond Heights!
I think overall the concept is the MOST ORIGINAL of any thus far into the contest. It's simple but brilliantly executed. The recreation of existing food stalls / ride entries with CSO is a stroke of genius. The atmosphere was beautiful, the architecture was on point, the inspired-yet-altered ride layouts were all fantastic, and overall the park was brimming with humor and life and excitement. This is definitely my favorite park of the season thus far. I think we can all pinpoint at least one of the creators and it really is a testament to his skill and his ability to not lose it despite hiatus after hiatus. Congratulations HA. Absolutely stunning!
As for Italian Stallions park, I didn't get to see it in game and I know it's unfinished, but I just want to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the bull run idea with peeps leaving the park. Brilliant execution. It's unfortunate that it causes so many pings with the message system but I think that itself added to the excitement and ruckus of the bullrun!
csw Offline
I remembered my one criticism of Diamond Heights. It's that while Agoraphobia and Claustrophobia are nice duelers, they aren't too true to the original ideas for the coasters. Agoraphobia is fear of open spaces, so it's out over the water and has lots of airtime hills in the scenario. Claustrophobia, fear of tight spaces, weaves in and out of the landscape and has lots of tunnels. So in this park, Claustrophobia was spot-on, but Agoraphobia could have done with more open space.
This is my picky criticism because the rest of the park is fantastic.
5dave Offline
^Nice catch!
Are the peeps really meant to be bull runners? I'm just wondering, because it's themed after Mexico and not Spanish Pamplona and everyone seems to like that the most
"MFG" -
Stoksy Offline
Interesting response to #diamondheights. I obviously enjoyed the park, but based on two relatively short viewings didn't really get the "top 5 park" feeling that a lot of other people are seemingly having. Whether that's because I've only dabbled in the original RCT a very long time ago and therefore wasn't hit quite as hard by the nostalgia overload or I just need to revisit the park a few more times I'm not sure. Doppelganger was quality though! And some of the architecture was really well done; see starbucks. Can't say that I noticed the filter at first, but the dull red looked a lot like the red from the default housing buildings [which, if I remember correctly featured quite prevalently in the original RCT scenarios], not sure if that was intentional. Obviously will get around to providing a more in-depth review of the entire park [after I do last round, god real life is getting in the way at the moment haha] at a later date.
I swear someone did custom scenery versions of the default entrance/exit huts before...maybe I'm just imagining things though.
Coasterbill Offline
I've only dabbled in the original RCT a very long time ago and therefore wasn't hit quite as hard by the nostalgia overload
This is probably the reason, the park is a nostalgia-gasm. That music..
Six Frags Offline
^Yes, I forgot to mention how much the music adds to #DH, it really gives that nostalgic RCT-feeling I had when I played the original game for the first time back in the days.. It also sounds good in every other park I opened btw
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
I didnt even open it with music. I guess upon opening it, it is like seeing what a RCT park would look like in real life.
Liampie Offline
Voting Closed
Heaven's Atlas beat Italian Stallions
Heaven's Atlas vote count: 30* (100.00%)
Italian Stallions vote count: 0 (0.00%)
#diamondheights was made by Steve (50%) and Liampie (50%).
Parque Los Muertos was made by ][ntamin22 (50%) and alex (50%).
*Usually we check if all the voters have LL installed to make sure they've seen both parks, but since it won't affect the scores in this particular match that would be a very kafkaesque waste of time. -
SSSammy Offline
its a real shame that ][ and alex couldnt get out a completed entry cause i would have bet at least £1.20 that it would have been great.
on the other hand, #dh was wonderful, such great work liam and steve
Liampie Offline
Thanks for the lovely comments everyone. I had a great time building Diamond Heights. I was looking forward to working with Steve, after H2H6 which was slightly disappointing, and I was looking forward to seeing new Steve work in general as well. I'm glad both worked out so well! I took the lead with the park, coming up with a lot of the ideas, planning the map and designing the coasters, Steve came up with the landscaping style and did most of the support work. All theming is 50/50, the best stuff like the Phobias' station being Steve's! Here's the who-did-what map:
Will do a little things post soon, there's a lot more on the map than I've seen mentioned so far.
Stallions, thanks a lot for being good sports and submitting something instead of forfeiting - really.It's a shame the park isn't finished, but I did enjoy what was on the map! The front half of the park wasn't that far from being completed and looked quite lovely. Back half of the park looked way more unfinished but it still had some interesting stuff going on. I hope to see this finished someday!
Sulakke Offline
Can't say that I noticed the filter at first, but the dull red looked a lot like the red from the default housing buildings [which, if I remember correctly featured quite prevalently in the original RCT scenarios], not sure if that was intentional.
The filter had nothing to do with that. It's actually a new object Liam made, based on the texture you mentioned I think.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Of course two of favorite players will make my favorite park this h2h thus far. Congrats!
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