H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 4 Match 3] - Italian Stallions vs Heaven's Atlas
25-May 15
Version1 Offline
why you call that Diamond Heights? Just because it has some rides with the same name of DH? For me it's a totally different park. I thought it should have the same landscape of DM but it's a plain.
I doubt the original Diamond Heights would have fit the H2H restrictions
Faas Offline
Diamond Heights was the best thing I have seen this year. Amazing! I loved the fact that you did not add more rides than were in the original scenario, while that would have been an obvious choice. Great idea, awesome execution.
MCI Offline
Diamond Heights was amazing!
(reviewcount +1)
RCT2day Offline
I really need to change the music...No you don't Austin. If anything, the Lion King makes everything better.
So the parks: Only can open #dh but I loved it.
+ not sure exactly what conveys this impression to me, but it looked like a ton of fun to build on
+ loved the dueling phobia coasters; they both had excellent layouts but also remained true to the game's style
+ loved that wooden mine/mouse coaster thing
+ those stalls and entrance.exit huts...
+ lots of humor around the park (like the concert area)
+ landscaping
- does not seem like typical HA
- the kiddie coaster near the entrance could have been better
- entrance was a little small for my tastes
- parking lots, which I normally like, don't have a place in H2H if you ask me. I'd rather you use that space for more to add to the park
Overall, excellent park. I would neither call it the best of H2H7 yet, nor put it in the top 5, but I think it was a great park. Looking forward to more from HA, who are shaping up to be my favorite team (other than the Canes, of course).
RCT2day Offline
This park doesn't follow the theme of parks inspired by regions of the world, which is what I have loved about the HA parks. To me, it's a con but it may not be to others
Six Frags Offline
To me, HA parks represent nostalgia and atmosphere. Regions of the world is just a way of achieving that as most countries (and there are a lot) provide lots of inspiration.
Which btw is a really good thing, that a team can achieve to build all their parks in a certain style. Not only this season, but previous season too (well, except Colorflood maybe
). Grats Liam
inthemanual Offline
I loved this park. Brilliant #throwback to the #classic #scenario #diamondheights. Nice to see what amounts to essentially a realistic interpretation of an #original #scenario rct park. Loved all the little #throwback details like the #foodtrucks, and the ride huts (although, I'm not entirely sure what purpose the ride huts serve in a realistic park). #claustrophobia, #agoraphobia, and #arachnophobia were all really well done and great references to the #original #rollercoasters. They each kept enough of the #iconic elements that they were immediately recognizable, but were #unique enough to stand on their own as solid layouts. I also disagree with the #hate on the parking lot. I thought it was a nice tie in, and helped make the map believable. #doppleganger was #incredible as well. Loved how #hipster that area felt. #review #h2h #head2head #rct #heavensatlas #diamondheights
Italio Stallins:
What was ther was generally good, it just unfortnate that it wasn finish. I loved the villag area, especial the church, and the wrstling ring. I also loved all the rides. the layouts were all great, and I really loved the colors on the wild mouse. I didn't really understnd what was meant to go in at the back of the map, but I thought some of it looked cool. I think this would have turnd out great had it been finished, so it's a shame it wasn't. Maybe the bilders can pick it back up again after H2H? -
wheres_walto Offline
Diamond Heights-
I've still never played LL so at first I didn't know exactly what the intention was, but after looking it up I really love this park. It's such a simple idea executed perfectly. I loved the custom entrance huts, and the shops around the park were spot on (pizza stall, fries, hot dogs, restrooms, burger bar, souvenir shop), it's just such a creative idea that I'm surprised hasn't been done before. I'd go so far to say that this is the most natural blend of modern detail and old-school nostalgia ever, so great job there.
The park itself was soooo charming; nothing felt overdone, but nothing felt bare either. I love the entrance area, so clean and that custom bike object is pretty cool. This is a really strong park, the colors are great, but I didn't notice any difference with the filter? Maybe my laptop is the issue there.
The more I look, the more I keep saying to myself "there is nothing wrong here at all." Definitely a top 5 park of the season so far, the execution and idea is outstanding.
RCTER2 Offline
For those who don't have LL, try this to find out what diamond heights looks like in LL:
Version1 Offline
I'm trying to add CSO's to his scenario, but for some weird reason I only get Error Trappers
Jappy Offline
I wish I could open the Stallions park, but LL said no....sadly.
Diamond Heights:
Unbelievable that this hasn't been done before. And I hope it will be done again... Such a cool idea, and brilliant execution! The custom entrance huts look great, but those default huts always had a nice look in my opinion... Why we go through such troubles to get rid of them in our parks, I'll never know...
The food stalls are spot-on, and the coasters are very recognisable. But I do have some issues with it... Like someone said before, Diamond Heights was a park with a lot of water, and I'm missing that here. Also, it was a park situated in a hilly, dense forest, yet it felt very coulourful. This gave it a distinct atmosphere, and though it's a very well executed recreation, I'm missing a bit from that atmosphere... It feels a bit cramped and dark, and the dark brick path didn't help either.... I know space is restricted in these H2H parks, but surely, a bit more...well, woodland and water would've helped.
Nonetheless, I think you have created my personal favorite park so far this H2H!
5dave Offline
Parque Los Muertos
First I was interested to see a park themed to the mexican dia de los muertos, as I thought the park was based on that, but when opening the theme isn't clear unfortunately. I mean you included elements like the graveyard, and mexican buildings and some kind of procession but it isn't clear what it is all about unfortunately. More proper naming would have helped a little.
Macro (Park Impression):
Upon opening the park feels somehow weird with it's two sides (but thinking about it a bit more it could be divided into the world of the living vs world of the dead - but then again I'm not sure). The bottleneck over the woody feels kinda forced and should have been more important than that but maybe it's like this because of the unfinishedness. The colors in the mexican area are vibrant thanks to the flowers and some of the details. Building colors are kinda samey here. And the urban/world of the dead kinda area looks a little bit too grey.
Pale rider is a nice ride - nothing spectecular but it does the job and fits the underworld-scythe-death theme quite well. Pity it's so unfinished - I could imagine this looking quite spectecular as a border between the to buildings with more prominent landscaping or a river (like greek Styx). The mouse coaster in the mountain looks nice and it seems to have kinda mining theme gone bad going on. Pity it's unfinished as it gets my imagination going. Coches Loco looks nice as well, shame it crashed. Also I'm not sure two mouse-style coaster work well in the park but they're unique nevertheless. The distillery ride looks unique as well. Shame you didn't finish the stuff that was there at least...
I like some structures like the church as well as the building with the cauldrons in front of the windows. The other buildings in the village were kinda boring or too unfinished to judge. The buildings in the underworld section (still not sure) are kinda too massive and grey.
Micro (Details):
Some details that were there were really nice - the Luchador ring, the graveyard with the passage to the underworld, the Agave-field, the stable, the mine and the Tequila-destillery were really nice and set the right tones for the theme. A shame the park is unfinished, as I really like the theme and the whole approach to it so far - hope this gets finished!
Really nice vintage park you've got there! I really like the idea of making a theme out of a RCT scenario, really unique and great twist to add the hipster-idea to it - haha! Gives the whole thing more charme, identity and add a lots of humor to it, good idea! What I'm missing though is more landscaping and more room to breathe in the park. This park could benefit so much from having more space in between for scenic pathways/bike lanes for its young creative visitors!
Macro (Park Impression):
The park looks kinda messy from above and has this strange cut-away corner. The colors and foliage are really nice but it's a shame you can't really figure out any landscaping from above - more space next time!
Claustrophobia & Agoraphobia are really great and every RCT-aficionado gets sudden flashbacks of that scenario immediately. The layout is really nice - really love the compactness of it, the underground and path interaction and that bunnyhop/curve combo near the end. Same as the 'Real' dueler the white coaster finishes first. Nice! Doppelganger in that refurbished Battersea-like power station was also great! It'S very similar to the classic one but still has a personal touch and layout. Arachnophobia had no mechanic assigned to it and didn't got repaired (always check that next time, please!). Again the coaster was nice and pittoresque again. Great to include the steep drop over the water to it! The only thing missing here was the interaction with Snake river falls, which had the least similarities to the original, but it was well done as well. Only thing I disliked was that the turn should have faced the path rather than the backside of the park/parking lot.
Really loved all the buildings in the park. They had the right scale, nice colors, good brickwork details, rich forms and the right amount of details. My favorites were definately the barber shop, the factory, the vinyl shop complex and also the Starbucks. Although buildings like the Arachnophobia station and the waterpipe rental were so different to the rest they worked really well and were so classy.
Micro (Details):
The park was filled with nice ideas - the interpretation of classic RCT-elements (shops, ride entrances and exits), the mocking of modern 'hipster-culture' (bikes, starbucks, vinyl, barber shop, veggie and organic shit), the happyland-stage with dancing guests named after the standard LL banner-text (wouldn't a straight-edge indie rock band fit the theme more?) and even the old-school NE users staff was really awesome! Fun little park that does everything right and my only complaint is to give it more space and landscaping in between. Great work!
"MFG" -
Casimir Offline
Diamond Heights took me back to '99.
16 years ago, 8 year old me with my best friend, trying to beat the original scenarios. On a 200 MHz computer.
Turtle Offline
so i looked at diamond heights, after being disappointed by the screen, thought it looked way too simple of an idea. then i started to notice more and more details, more and more niche jokes, more and more amazing work as a tribute to the best scenario from the original game (except three monkeys and that mine train in dynamite dunes). I actually managed to look at all the park pretty much, without noticing doppelganger at all. and i actually thought to myself, "oh what a shame they didn't put in that wild mouse, that was such a great ride". then i found it in the back corner, and loved it.
such a great park, amazing idea and execution.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Turtle you need to come back. Doesn't all this amazing work inspire you to play again?
inthemanual Offline
If you cannot vote, please use the 'null vote' option underneath the poll which will enable you to view the results like everyone else. -
Lotte Offline
this was a lovely little park, but I felt like it could be more fenomenal. the details and architecture were very nice, and the theming was amazing but i couldn't help but notice that it'd be better spend on a better idea. while doing a park like this is great, I think I would've preferred to see something that amazes me more. this park was great fun to look at in game though, the ideas you guys had in here were just amazing.
- nice idea
- well executed
- funfactor was extremely high
- amazing ideas throughout the park
- the woodwork on that logflume station was just great
- the woodwork on that logflume station was so great I wished you guys went for another setting (holidayworld plz)
- the idea was great, but not that spectacular
- shitty instagram filter, an unnecessary gimmick IMO
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
Fuck! I accidentally voted when I don't have LL. But lets be honest here...
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