H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 3 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Heaven's Atlas
11-May 15
Lotte Offline
erlebnispark raubritter
there's some great little things in here, for example the large white castle (inspired by neuwannstein?). there were some things off about it though, for example the dark red wall at the front of it felt a bit weird, and the area in front of the frontdoor of the castle felt a bit empty (atleast make it another colour than black). the german architecture was amazing and looked great, though at times it was a little bit too much square building + roof. there were some great ideas in here such as the whole adventure area with rockclimbing and calbecarts, though that part was a bit too brown for me. the area around the woodencoaster was way too brown, making the path the way it was there wasn't a good descision really another type would've suited this part better. i loved the hotsprings/hottub though, that was a great little detail.
overall a great little park, best german styled park we've had in a while. 75%
Calico Canyon Adventure park
there were some great little details in here, for example the airport and actually making airplanes for it is incredibly original. i also loved the skytrams and how realistic they were. overall the architecture wasn't that great, and that's probably the thing that i like the least. the RMC duellers were very neatly made, they have the exact same time while still being distinctly different layouts! the overall layout could've been better though, same goes for the supports for it over the bridges (could've been a little bit less thick, maybe less thick and just more and thinner supports?). the landscaping felt a bit unrefined as well, though overall not that bad. the go-karts and climbing attractions were great, that's always something i've tried to do correctly so hat off to whoever made it. there's also many other cool little things such as the radio transmitter, the parachute jumpingspot, and the fact that you guys used waterboatstrack to make the RMC more realistic was great. there's more things in here that i feel like i need to mention, but there's just too many and i'd just start summing them up haha.
overall a very nice park, best. canyon. ever. 70%
overall my vote goes to the Robber Barons
chorkiel Offline
Unfortunately I can't open the HA park so I had to look at the video to see it. Couldn't really see things on a micro level because of the quality but overall there was some really cool stuff in there. I really liked the layouts of the coasters. Especially that diving element. Of course the parachute jump was executed very well too.
For the RB park. I liked this park but it wasn't on par with your others, I'd say. It had some great parts and interesting ideas, like the motor bike ride. It's still a fantastic park, gold-level. But I had some issues with the park. Mainly, a lot of architecture felt copied or at least heavily inspired by Schwarzwald. There was some terrific landscaping/foliage in it but I'm pretty evident whose work it is because it feels like it's almost a copy of all the landscaping/foliage he did before.
Great matchup. Both parks were really well built and even better, they had really creative ideas. If I could vote, I think I'd give it to Heavens Atlas but from what I'm reading here, there are some complaints about things on a more micro level which I can't judge on.
bigshootergill Offline
Review time... plus I’m hungry for Match 3!!!First off, I think it’s kind of cool that these two parks have similar goals in terms of rides and attractions, but completely different settings, German/Swiss and America.Erlebnispark Raubritter- Sweet hot tub!... I didn’t realize what it was at first, it seemed strange, but when I got it, I loved it!- Rübezahl had a decent layout, would have liked to see it interact with the park a bit more, seeing as it’s on the outer edge.- Nailed the German archy! Really nice work there.- Love the motorcycle track from top to bottom, plus that cool jump at the end! Stellar!- Overall, I enjoyed it. Looks like you’ll put up a good fight against our park.Calico Canyon- I won’t go into too much detail, since it’s our park, but there are some innovative ideas that fit this park so nicely: RMC’s are well suited for this park, and to my knowledge the first every sky diving ride, which is a great piece of work- As shogo said, the archy fits the area. A lot of the parks went all-out nuts on the architecture in some parks, but this park didn’t require that. The desert-canyon style of Calico, with simpler construction and basic foliage was exactly what this area needed, plus it’s a little refreshing change to the other parks in the contest. I think it took some guts to go in a different direction, but it's a great park!Should be a great match up! -
Wanted Offline
Unfortunately I can't open the HA park so I had to look at the video to see it. Couldn't really see things on a micro level because of the quality but overall there was some really cool stuff in there. I really liked the layouts of the coasters. Especially that diving element. Of course the parachute jump was executed very well too.
For the RB park. I liked this park but it wasn't on par with your others, I'd say. It had some great parts and interesting ideas, like the motor bike ride. It's still a fantastic park, gold-level. But I had some issues with the park. Mainly, a lot of architecture felt copied or at least heavily inspired by Schwarzwald. There was some terrific landscaping/foliage in it but I'm pretty evident whose work it is because it feels like it's almost a copy of all the landscaping/foliage he did before.
Great matchup. Both parks were really well built and even better, they had really creative ideas. If I could vote, I think I'd give it to Heavens Atlas but from what I'm reading here, there are some complaints about things on a more micro level which I can't judge on.
I had to download this and put it in the objdata folder before I could open the HA park
Lotte Offline
yeah that's a glitch that happens from time to time, not sure what causes it.
also holy shit Heaven's Atlas, i just saw that parachuter, that's amazing O_O
inthemanual Offline
Robber Baron's park was updated with a small change to a broken queue. This update was submitted before the deadline, but unfortunately overlooked when the parks were put up. -
AvanineCommuter Offline
Unfortunately I can't open the HA park so I had to look at the video to see it. Couldn't really see things on a micro level because of the quality but overall there was some really cool stuff in there. I really liked the layouts of the coasters. Especially that diving element. Of course the parachute jump was executed very well too.
For the RB park. I liked this park but it wasn't on par with your others, I'd say. It had some great parts and interesting ideas, like the motor bike ride. It's still a fantastic park, gold-level. But I had some issues with the park. Mainly, a lot of architecture felt copied or at least heavily inspired by Schwarzwald. There was some terrific landscaping/foliage in it but I'm pretty evident whose work it is because it feels like it's almost a copy of all the landscaping/foliage he did before.
Great matchup. Both parks were really well built and even better, they had really creative ideas. If I could vote, I think I'd give it to Heavens Atlas but from what I'm reading here, there are some complaints about things on a more micro level which I can't judge on.
Both parks are doing a german theme, which, like the Meizhou vs. Lijiang comments in the other round, only has so many ways you can express that in RCT2. I wouldn't slight it beyond a superficial level, because how else are you going to make German tudor architecture in RCT2? Besides, I think the atmosphere of the park transcends the specific architecture present, and is much more immersive than Schwarzwald ever was.
Louis! Offline
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chorkiel Offline
Both parks are doing a german theme, which, like the Meizhou vs. Lijiang comments in the other round, only has so many ways you can express that in RCT2. I wouldn't slight it beyond a superficial level, because how else are you going to make German tudor architecture in RCT2? Besides, I think the atmosphere of the park transcends the specific architecture present, and is much more immersive than Schwarzwald ever was.
I mostly agree with you. But the difference is that in Meizhou the architecture evolved and technically improved on Lijiang. While in this park, I'd say Schwarzwald clearly has the better architecture. I can't help it that I will compare the two, even though there is indeed only so many ways to make that architecture look. The problem is that if the older parks archi looks better, then it won't be a good comparison for the newer park. If I explained myself well enough with that. It's hard to put in words to be honest.
For the Atlas park. I opened it after adding a ride to my objdata. It would be nice if that would be provided in the download next time, as it usually is.
My previous comments stay although I want to add that I quite disliked the station of your coaster. All in all still a very nice park and also the one who'll get my vote.
FredD Offline
Erlebnispark Raubritter
I visited Tripsdrill once, and I do recognize it. Maybe a bit too busy but that didn't bother me at all, it's not a recreation. It feels so German, so guys got the atmosphere pretty right! Theming and archy are good. About the coasters: a boomerang is not so special to see, Die Baronin is a bit too shirt for my likes but does fit the park. The woodie is awesome, great layout! Looks better than the real woodie from Tripsdrill
But what's really lovely is the fact you've used one side of the map as a mountain instead of just filling it in with rides and such. It makes it more realistic, and yet so atmospheric. It's funny how both parks used the same special rides like the rafts and the rope course. Maybe it's a missed opportunity you didn't chose for a alpine coaster or rodel track instead of the mountainbike ride. In Germany, those alpine coasters are like McDonalds: you can find them on every corner... Though I don't want to say the mountainbike ride was bad, was pretty fun to watch. There were some neat details: the jacuzzi, the birds with the bird cages, Liam as a jester, the raft storage tractor,... And kudos for putting me in there, getting high on life lol
Didn't saw myself before in a H2H park so thanks! Oh maybe this: didn't feel anything Neuschwanstein-ish on the castle. The fact that only a small bit is build off the castle doesn't make it very recognazible. I think Neuschwanstein needs to be done completely to see the comparison... As it's whole shape is the most recognazible part of it.
alex Offline
It's crazy the amount of non ride attractions and adventure stuff both these parks had. Really weird coincidence.
Calico Canyon:
+The RMC woodies are executed brilliantly, the supports and top track were looked great. Nothing says classic RCT fun like a duelling woodie either.
+That parachute! So many neat hacked rides in general, one of the main things this park shared with the Barons'
+The simplistic landscaping was a breath of fresh air in this competition. Some people will see it as a minus but I loved it. I guess I'm just getting tired of seeing tonnes of 1k and lotr rocks. It meant the cool details above the canyon could really stand out.
-Could have had more lively colour choices. The browns/tans/greys in the landscape are fine but theres lots of dull greens and reds in the architecture where brighter colours would have been better. I do like the use of white and reds on the tall scaffolds and towers though.
-Too many steel roofs and wooden walls, it became boring quickly (especially when combined with the dull colours).
-Another colour/texture problem was the cobbled path. It was too similar in colour to the dark sand. In this instance I think you needed it to stand out not blend in. The area with dirt footpath by the dive loops worked better.
Erlebnispark Raubritter
+Woodie was great
+Downhill course was cool (although I don't think the wooden coaster worked as berms.)
+I like the entrance area a lot because it was spacious and it had a cool viaduct going over it.
+ Great #windmillflow
-Just so much texture, everywhere and I don't know where to look. Even the water… way too many rapids in that river. The mountainside wasn't bad but had loads of 1k rocks using the same rotation and sunflowers in weird places. The meadow area behind the woodie and near the castle was nice though.
-Bavarian architecture got very repetitive
I voted Calico Canyon in the end. I prefer this cleaner, minimal style and I was really impressed with the RMC's. -
csw Offline
I went with Calico Canyon as well. The hacks won it for me. Erlebnispark is still one of my favorites of the season though.
Roomie Offline
I also ended up going with CC. The skydiver was incredible.
But it was more of an issue with getting into Erlebnispark Raubritter. I guess it just wasn't my kind of park. But then very few in this years H2H have been,
AvanineCommuter Offline
@chorkiel I guess we can agree to disagree. While Schwarzwald was technically impressive it was not immersive nor atmospheric in any sense to me. The RB park was completely immersive and it felt very atmospheric with their texture choices and foliage work. I think it's a definite step up.
I'll give a full review later tonight. Great parks, both of them! -
Louis! Offline
Voted Calico Canyon, surprising as I'm central european and as such should be bias to the central european park.
I'll give a short reasoning, no time for full reviews atm
Erlebenchsehsejsrpark Robberbaronner was full of weird textures to me, and I it kind of killed the atmosphere. Great stuff in there though, the bike course was good and the architecture was too, just some of the textures clashed and yeh. The layouts also weren't that special, but still, a nice little park and I enjoyed it very much.
Calico Canyon wasn't much better than the other park, just the landscaping was impressive, the setting was nice, the layout was pretty darn good, just a bit quick, but it had #datflow so that's good at least. Sling shot won it for me though, so beautiful and majestic, likewise the towery thingymabob. Just yeah, close match up IMO, Canyon just edged it, I enjoyed it more.
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Robber Barons beat Heaven's Atlas
Robber Barons vote count: 34 (64.15%)
Heaven's Atlas vote count: 19 (35.85%)
Erlebnispark Raubritter was made by BelgianGuy (56%), wheres_walto (37%) & RWE (7%).
Calico Canyon Adventure Park was made by Coasterbill (45%), Ride6 (40%) and Dr Dirt (15%).
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