H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 3 Match 2] - Robber Barons vs Heaven's Atlas
11-May 15
BelgianGuy Offline
first of all, good matchup!
it's funny to see how both parks took a swing at the adventure rides and both executed those very well!
I won't review our team's park since my opinion will be biased.
The rmc's where cool and the dueling was very nice but other than that I felt like the coasters didn't really fit all that well. The skydive was nice and I can't imagine the timing that took to get it right, other than that rest of the hacks involved in this aren't overly difficult, just the timing, was stupendous, I liked the cliff divers but the landscaping felt dated, too rough and too bulky for my tastes since detailed landscaping is very well done lately and very detailed and I think with a landscape heavy park like this it would've helped you guys to have it more refined than the version there is now. The catapult was nice but nothing major since I've done this particular thing myself in HRPB so it doesn't impress me as much, I will say that the placement of that ride was spot on near the cliffs. The rafting was cool but it's a shame it just left the map instead of seeing where guests arrive, I'm guessing time constraints and it being difficult to get the peeps back in the park without too much of a hustle. The architecture was in spots decent but for me and certainly regarding the theme and such it never got past decent for me. It felt dated (again time I think) and underdetailed and I'm no sucker for overdetailing as everybody knows, but the architecture in general felt a little lacking...
All in all a good park but it could've been better, the rides where great but the rest felt rushed and underwhelming while the landscaping should've been the real tie in here.
+solid rides and good hacks overall
+nice to see a park that isn't all about the coasters
+good dueler
-coaster felt too big and out of place despite being well built and having nice flow.
-architecture could've used some love
-landscaping felt too bulky for my taste.
-underdetailed in a lot of areas.
Very nice park and I hope this turns out to be a great matchup
Version1 Offline
Before MCI and I figure out who is gonna make the video review, I want to say a thing or two about Erlebnispark Raubritter. You say in the readme that erlebnispark Tripsdrill was a big inspiration and the thumbnail of the park screenshots seems to support that as well. Alas, when I looked in the park I was so massively dissapointed, because a park really inspired by Tripsdrill would have been so much better. Tripsdrill is still one of my favourite parks in the world with an atmosphere rivaled only by the heavyweights of the Theme Park Industry. Tripsdrill is just a really special way to build a park and I feel that not much of its specialness made it into Erlebnispark Raubritter. I will try to adjust my expectations for the reviw, though.
Btw: As German I can confirm I have never heard of a "Nachzehrer"
chorkiel Offline
That opening message I get when opening Calico Canyon is really weird. Might even turn me away from voting on them.
Unable to load file... File contains invalid data
bigshootergill Offline
That opening message I get when opening Calico Canyon is really weird. Might even turn me away from voting on them.
Unable to load file... File contains invalid data
You can't vote if you can't open the file chorkiel
MCI Offline
Here you go.
As version1 said in the video, that counts as two reviews
5dave Offline
Calico Canyon Adventure Park
The park somehow reminded me of Peuble Canyon Boardwalk from H2H5 in terms of basic idea and style - I wonder whyEven the look is similar (you have one big wooden-style coaster dominating the map and lots of arid color plus iconic bridges).
Macro (Park Impression):
As I said the park is really impressive at first glance, everything seems to overpower everything else (as in most H2H-parks so far). The coaster are gigantic, the landscape imposing and the vertical rides and that radio tower add more vertical dominance to the park, even though it works here because it somehow makes sense. The park somehow makes an NCSO impression because of the standard paths and crude buildings I think. Also the landscaping is old-school in parts, but I quite like that - it gives the park identity and charme.
Revolver and Tomahawk certanly are impressive. Great to see a RMC coaster executed well, even though the layout could use more flow and lenght IMO. Also a second set of trains could've helped the capacity problems (also why is there only 1 spare train on a dueller?). The queue was too generic for me, firstly because of the layout (hidden underneath everything and no interaction) and secondly because of being vanilla blue standard rct queues. The elements used and the interactions with the bridges were really nice, as was the custom sign on the lifthill. The raft ride was great but 1-2 more boats would have been good I think Another good idea would've been a timed transport truck carrying the boats back to the start on a dirt road. The climbing parcour was good too, I like the idea of using a maze instead of mini golf for capacity, but peeps were running to fast I think. Go Karts were also solid, as well as the Skytram and vertical rides. Basically all the rides had excellent ideas and execution behind them, but the sky diving thingy was my favorite - made me smile!
I prefered the smaller buildings of the park and their vernacular western style (especially the airport, skytram station, calico bar and the cavern tours buildings were nice. The station of the RMC was a bit unproportional and blocky, I think a smaller scaled, more open station with nice station details would have worked better.
Micro (Details):
All the fun little custom rides really made the park for me, as well as the overall atmosphere. I loved that radio tower, the airport details and the bridges. It was kinda sad to see not much attention to details in terms of supporting shops, naming of shops and staff names as well. Those could really round up the whole experience in some cases. But all in all a nice evolution of the modern canyon theme.
Erlebnispark Raubritter
I really like the idea of having a small family-orientated theme park in Germany. Fits the contest really well (smaller scale, smaller rides, believable theme). But I think the clichés are a bit too much. I'm missing the humor Tripsdrill has this sense of self-deprecation which is missing here I think, so all the over-the-top 'German' stuff is a bit too much for me (Yodeling, Bavarian castles, Timber frame,...). It's more like some American park imitating 'Germany' IMO. This really hurts the realism, as well as other things.
Macro (Park Impression):
From afar the park looks really nice with the river dividing it into the park itself and some kind of adventure/sports area. The colors are refreshing and the textures pop nicely as well. Landscaping looks believable as well.
Rübezahl had a nice layout, nothing to complain and nothing spectecular either. I didn't like the way you solved the entrance - was somehow hard to find it. Die Baronin was really short and not really exciting. Could have used more space, mouse curves and also only one car - also the queue was weak, also the Hexenrad was glitching into it. The tower and green spaces in between were nice though. Nachzehrer probably was the best coaster in the park. Nicely detailed in terms of realism, placement and interaction - a prime example how to do a Boomerang, so well done! Rückkehr vom Tod and Bootstour were also really nice and unique rides. The rides on the adventure part of the park were also really inventive. Loved all the bike trails and the parcour as well, but I wasn't sure how the Todessturz should work (people climbing up and going down with this thing?). I loved how the bike parcours were made and the invisible return to the station. Pity again some of the ratings didn't work (remember kids: always hack non-returning rides last!).
The castle clearly was the highlight (why hide the other half btw?) and also the tower of the Mack as well. The orange-roofed building was also very nice and didn't stick out too much. The diagonal windmill delivered (although a ride inside or next to it would have been a good idea being such an eye-catcher). Most of the other framework stuff we've seen too often I think and it was too much cliché for me. Also not every tile needs a window.
Micro (Details):
You had some really lovely details throughout the park. Loved the bird show+birds, the rafting truck, About realism: I don't really get why the castle owner would lose his land and a park like that is allowed to be built next to a probably heritage-protected castle (it's Germany after all)... The readme was fun to read, but some sort of timeline how the park developed or ingame year dates would have been nice I think. Also pity the entrance wasn't really clear - I'd have loved to see that and maybe less of the mountain or fields in the back. Path textures, layout and details were also standout, as well as the bridge construction - good work!
"MFG" -
wheres_walto Offline
Version1, I think you should judge our park more on what it is and less on what you want it to be. If our guys wanted to recreate tripsdrill, they would have recreated tripsdrill. The decision not to was based largely on the feedback raptor got: that head to head for a lot of people is about creativity and imagination. That being said, I love your videos and hearing other thoughts about the parks.
HA, my first impressions of your park are pretty nostalgic, it definitely feels more H2H5 than 7, but I'm not as convinced as everyone else that it was intentional. I can't shake the feeling that that's a romanticized interpretation based on the mystique of previous heaven's parks
Version1 Offline
Version1, I think you should judge our park more on what it is and less on what you want it to be. If our guys wanted to recreate tripsdrill, they would have recreated tripsdrill. The decision not to was based largely on the feedback raptor got: that head to head for a lot of people is about creativity and imagination. That being said, I love your videos and hearing other thoughts about the parks.
As I said, it was only the initial dissapointement, because the thumbnail looks so much like Tripsdrill and the readme said it was a huge influence. If I hadn't read it and hadn't looked on the humbnail I would have had a different reaction. It's not like I wanted a Tripsdrill "recreation" but I would have loved something with a Tripsdrill feel, which just wasn't there.
chorkiel Offline
You can't vote if you can't open the file chorkiel
Of course I won't vote if I can't open the file. That's why it's turning me away from voting.
It would be great if someone can help me figure out what's wrong.
RCT2day Offline
Not as good as a match as the other. Great parks though
Erlebnispark Raubritter
-Loved that wooden coaster, the horse thing on the hillside, zipline, pretty much every ride
-the supports for the train were beautiful
-paths were really ugly
-Loved that castle and entrance area too
-Not much to look at though, I closed the park after about 20 minutes
-While I like the idea of immersing people with the German names, there were things I wish I knew what they were but couldn't find out
-Loved the RMC dueling woodie, seems like that could be the only way to do a RMC correctly. That said, the coaster was a little too tall I think and the pacing wasn't great.
-That big bridge (with the red supports) was awful. Missed opportunity there
-Loved those planes, maybe my favorite part
-Loved the rapids and the rafts
-Architecture was bland
-Probably the worst HA park yet, but still good. Does seem a little rushed
I think my vote goes to HA on this one. Both were good, not stellar, but HA's park just kept my attention for longer and boasted a lot more innovation in my opinion. I'll redownload the parks later but for now I'm pretty sure they have my vote.
Maxwell Offline
Chorkiel, perhaps try renaming the file. For me when I get that error it's usually due to some sort of disconnect between English characters, and some other foreign characters within the file name itself. Hope this helps, and if not then I have no idea how to fix that!
chorkiel Offline
Chorkiel, perhaps try renaming the file. For me when I get that error it's usually due to some sort of disconnect between English characters, and some other foreign characters within the file name itself. Hope this helps, and if not then I have no idea how to fix that!
Unfortunately that didn't work. Is there anyone else with this problem? -
Xeccah Offline
still don't know who i'm gonna vote for, but i'm impressed at these 2 parks and how much they vary. HA's park had a fantastic rmc with hella great integration with path and landscaping. the flat rides also were incredible, the slingshot omg. architecture wasn't that good but it suited the purpose of it being a cheap park on a canyon well. the argument for that is the same as xophe's canyoneer i believe, and that i find the archy adequate here.
RB's park was fantastic as well. The coasters aren't as good as the dueling rmc's are, but they are great otherwise. also the motorbike ride was incredibly well pulled off. the composition was nice for the most part, and i love the way the entrance is made with the train over top.
really close match
Dirk Pitt Offline
Calico Canyon Adventure Park:
+ Dueling Coaster, I liked the layout and the mini coaster on top of the track, thought that was clever.
+ Skydiving plane impressed me, surprised me too even as I followed the plane around, Loved it.
+ Ripcord was also executed well, but I thought it could be hacked more to swing more back and forth.
+ River rapid ride was also great I enjoyed it.
+Nice bridge and scenery around the park.
Erlebnispark Raubritter:
+ Reminded me of my trip to Germany last year and gave off that vibe.
+ Those buzzard/vultures flying around the stage
+ Schloss Neuschwanstein, would've loved to see more, thought it was limiting. Also the landscape around it was limiting, where's that waterfall?
+ Rückkehr vom Tod: nice coaster, can't say anything bad about it.
+ The mountainbike Anfängerkurs, I liked following the motorcycle around the track, didn't understand that rock wall climbing thing too well, could've been executed better.
+ The zipline, done extremely well, only wish it was longer and wasn't so steep.
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