H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 3 Match 1] - Itallian Stallions vs Manual Laborers
10-May 15
Liampie Offline
Round 3 | Match 1VS
Italian Stallions - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (RCT2)
Manual Laborers - Meizhou Rising(RCT2)
How to vote:
- This season we're back to using polls to count the votes. THE POLL WILL OPEN IN 24 HOURS.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
- You can only vote if you have viewed both parks in game.
- Voting will be monitored and anyone found to be abusing votes in any way will be punished.
NEW RULE: next match will be posted in 24 hours, on the condition that the first match has at least 15 reviews of both parks. If not, the next match will be posted in 48 hours instead of 24. -
inthemanual Offline
Please be aware of the new rule. New parks will be posted much more quickly if these parks get reviews.
Ling Offline
Hanging Gardens:
I liked the change in style and theme for the two areas, though I don't think they mesh that well. The entrance area feels very "Universal Studios" somehow while the actual gardens area feels almost Alton Towers-esque in the open-ness and focus on foliage and open space with lots of path. I must say the actual Rivers ride is lovely and the way it curls around the balconies is lovely. The general foliage in this section is nice but some of the tree combinations in larger planters are questionable and don't work very well together - maybe just slightly fewer full-tile trees and some darker underbrush would have evened this out. It could also be the contrast with the more minimalist/groomed appearance of the other side of the map making this look off. Ishtar is average I suppose. Kind of a one-trick pony, and I would have liked to be able to see it inside the Tower. The Tower itself is a cool idea but it's kind of a giant brown block that covers an entire corner of the map and is probably the glitchiest structure on the map. The contrast of nearly-claustrophobic in one corner with the open air in another, clean-cut gardens in yet another, and so forth did work well.
Meizhou Rising:
I'm very much trying to take this park at face-value and ignore everything I know about it. The ruined structures are all done well, but I can't help feeling there should be a TON more of them. The dive coaster is nice, but a little slow. Huashan Edge is easily my favorite thing in the park, as well as that broken-up area on the far side of the map with hints of volcanic activity that perhaps tell the story of why it all flooded. Qiando Rapid is nice as well, but I have to wonder... where exactly are these names coming from? Do they correspond to anything? There is no clear division in architectural style yet everything looks very different... despite all of the roofs, which all look the same. But I guess that's kind of the fate of Asian-themed RCT. The division of the plateau into "plazas" in parts is a good idea and should have been done in more places, I think. The giant imperial-looking bridge is also interesting and I suppose it's high praise that I really would like to see what might be on the other side of that bridge. I can't clearly say whether I definitely like this more from a quality standpoint, but it certainly feels different from what I think of as a "normal" NE park. Good work, guys.
ottersalad Offline
Hanging Gardens:
I liked the park.. definitely fun looking at all the details in the park.
The first thing that stuck out to me was the Arrow.. Why? I don't get why in a Classically themed park you have an Orange and Teal Arrow.. just clashes too much for me.
Beyond that, the architecture didn't give me a Babylonian vibe whatsoever outside of the gardens. I got a Persian feel, but I guess the Classicist in me is being cynical and not seeing "Babylon". The gardens give almost a Victorian vibe to me.
Going off that point, I think the garden is beautiful. I spent a good amount of time looking at the details. I liked the Log Flume a lot.. definitely a good addition to the gardens.. a part of me wishes that it functioned as an aqueduct at points to serve a purpose as opposed to just a ride. Regardless, whomever did the gardens should be really proud of how it turned out.
Also, the Gilgamesh ride was interesting. Although I didn't see much mention to the epic itself, I like that it was a dark ride that had a themed interior.
I just want to point out that my comments are nit-picking because of my Classics background. I get really critical of this kind of stuff. My apologies. I really enjoyed the park. Wonderful work.
Meizhou Rising:
First observation: puke. Noticed it right outside Tarantula. Could've cleaned up that stuff around the park!
Beyond that, the dive coaster was nice. I liked the clashing colors personally.. I don't know how others will feel. Yuji has amazing interaction with the buildings around it.. It looks like it would be a fun ride in person. But, did I miss the Crane memo this H2H? Everyone has cranes...
Huashan Edge was great.. the layout was good.. and I didn't expect the reverse track until I watched the entire thing. The reverse loop was a great finishing element.
The architecture is stunning.. but I struggle with all the whites/browns/greys and the massive expanse of water. I think a read-me might've helped explain the Japanese names and themes a little better.. there is clearly a story that I am missing!!! (I think Ling alluded to this as well)
Overall, I enjoyed both parks. Clearly high quality work. First time posting a longer review for anything, so feel free to completely disregard everything I said
Goliath123 Offline
These are both amazing
Hushuan edge tho dang that track layout and adventure those peeps queuing on the little bridge over a cliff wowzas and haninging gardens with the river of babylon and interlocking loops woooooow this is a really hard one!
bigshootergill Offline
MEIZHOU RISING REVIEW:- Loved the layout of Fenghuang, an extremely well executed Vertical Drop coaster, creates the double anticipation for the drops, worth riding over and over again.- And then it’s followed with another killer coaster, Huashan Edge. Taking a page out of the “Mountaineer” Design, this ride is so cool, kicking the coaster in reverse for the 2nd half of the ride!- It’s awesome how all 3 coaster are so deeply integrated into the landscaping and archy, perfectly intertwined!- And perhaps one of my favorite rides of the entire contest, Tarantula!!! Clever hack, and it’s awesome how it hangs over the cliff. Sweet! Sometimes the smallest things impress.- The wreckage is a nice touch, I love it in your last park, but wasn’t it already done in your last park? But with that said, there is a whole world to explore below the ocean, including the giant eel. Great work nonetheless.- It’s great to have the wide variety of water rides too, there are so many ways to soak up this park from a ride’s perspective, which is what rct is all about!- As great as the architecture is, it’s not necessarily I style I enjoy as much as other players do, but the rest of the park makes up for it.- I can see there is lots more to explore, I’m looking forward to opening this park again!HANGING GARDENS REVIEW:- Foliage builder’s paradise! Wow, incredible!- First ride I came to that jumped out was Gilgamish's Journey. A simple ride, partially a dark ride, with some great indoor scenery!- I would love to walk through those gardens in real life. Even though it’s a bustling theme park, it seems so peaceful, so beautiful. Absolutely stunning work in this section. I think I had to wipe drool off my keyboard! Seriously, hats off to the builders of this area, you’ve set a high standard here. And the log flume, Babylon Falls, it’s the prime choice to meander through it all.- Good variety in architecture too. For some reason, as huge as that castle building is, and as much as it seems like it’s out of place, it’s not. I actually really like it! Weird, but a good weird.- Ishtar - THE GOOD - It intermingles with the park surroundings very well, and the supports on the intertwined loops is very well done, plus those loops are so sweet. THE BAD - I’m not a coaster layout genius, but what’s with the two lift hills? Doesn’t really make the coaster seem as exciting. Plus, if you have to wait that long, it would be so much better if the two coasters at least hit the loops at the same time, for the fun factor, and for making the rides be so patient.- Again, I’ll be going back through this park for another few look sees!- From an H2H battle perspective, both parks look wonderful. And it seems like they are both fully completed. It’s going to be another tight vote I’m sure, but I’m honestly leaning to Man Lab’s park, but I’ll check them out a few more times before I make my final decision. -
Cocoa Offline
wow, amazing matchup. seriously great work stallions. I'll post a full review after voting ends so as not to cause any controversy
Austin55 Offline
Ishtar is based of Busch Garden's Loch Ness Monster, which has a similar two lift, interlocking loop style.
It's one of my favorite coasters of this contest so far to, really like the layout. I'll have a bigger review soon. -
bigshootergill Offline
Thanks for the clarification. I'm a total greenhorn with coasters, and I'll probably never get it right
But I'm still not a fan, even if it is based on the real thing.
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