H2H7 / Round 2 Poll
05-May 15
G Force Offline
My definition of outstanding more pertains to both quality and idea. While Bermuda was outstanding quality (hence the 85%), the idea wasn't memorable or different (another tropical island based park with boats). While Raptor was of such high quality and Circuis is probably the only domed park I can remember, where both outstanding. Not saying any of the parks were bad, they were all great, but not something that is going to define H2H7. -
Steve Offline
My definition of outstanding more pertains to both quality and idea. While Bermuda was outstanding quality (hence the 85%), the idea wasn't memorable or different (another tropical island based park with boats). While Raptor was of such high quality and Circuis is probably the only domed park I can remember, where both outstanding. Not saying any of the parks were bad, they were all great, but not something that is going to define H2H7.
I was going to call you an idiot for this post, but the more I reread it the more I don't even want to dignify it with a response. I guess I just did though, so whatever. It still makes more sense than whatever the fuck you're trying to talk about.
G Force Offline
I was going to call you an idiot for this post, but the more I reread it the more I don't even want to dignify it with a response. I guess I just did though, so whatever. It still makes more sense than whatever the fuck you're trying to talk about.
Look, all I'm trying to say is that 9 years from now, when people ask me, what were the parks that defined H2H7 for you, I'm not going to think of Bermuda right of the bat. Doesn't mean its not great, or of "very high quality" it just means that its not going to be a park that sticks in my head for a long time. Not sure what the issue is, its not like I gave the parks 0% or called out the builders for making bad stuff. -
Cocoa Offline
we're not critizing how good you think the parks are, you're entitled to your opinion, just that if you think something's not memorable or that brilliant, 85% is REALLY high score to give it. I give very few parks 85% or greater scores. they have to really wow me.
Dirk Pitt Offline
My definition of outstanding more pertains to both quality and idea. While Bermuda was outstanding quality (hence the 85%), the idea wasn't memorable or different (another tropical island based park with boats).
So an park that has your rating of 85% by YOUR definition is that the park was not memorable and unique in it's own need, while NE rating defines parks of (I believe) 80% to be spotlight worthy, and to be spotlight worthy, one would argue the park would need to be memorable and unique to get spotlight status no? So how exactly is Bermuda by your definition fit the NE definition of a "spotlight" and the established rating for it.
An criticism is perhaps lower your rating scale to say 80% = Memorable and Unique which leads to an Spotlight. An rating of 70% would be for parks that has good quality but one you may consider to be not memorable. An rating of 60% for an ok-ish park that could be improved upon. An rating of 50% for an park that is sub-par maybe a tiny bit better than average. Etc, so on... Parks that you extremely like and will remember for the ages should be rated as 85% or higher. Parks that transcend generations and always will be remembered 10+ years like Jerusalem, Starpointe, DisneyAir, to name a few, should be rated as 90%+
To put it in american grading scale system 90%+ = A+ to A+, 80% = A- to B+, 70% = B to C+-, 60% = C to C-, 50% = D+ to D, so forth. -
G Force Offline
I probably should be more careful with my word choices, I didn't expect people to be so serious about the rating system in a thread like this. Especially coming from someone who isn't even on the panel or won any type of acolade.
I usually just try and rate things on quality, rather than what I like or think I'll remember. Wasn't my intention to anger anyone. -
inthemanual Offline
Polls come after voting has closed on all matches. there's still 7 hours in the Hurricanes vs Rat Pack match, so you'll have to wait until then.
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