RCT Discussion / LL vs RCT2 debate
03-May 15
FredD Offline
But by saying "No one is bothered about LL anymore" I think he really talks about the low interest in LL and not about minimizing the builders effort in the match up (which is for both rct2 and LL the same).
Louis! Offline
I don't give 2 shits if someone likes a game or doesn't, that is their choice.
My point was a
FredD Offline
That a builder, no matter what game, puts lots of effort in a park and deserves more reviews?!
Ok, in that case I just misinterpreted your post. My bad.
Louis! Offline
I don't give 2 shits if someone likes a game or doesn't, that is their choice.
My point was about the fact that LL used to have a lot more respect and following here, but those people seem to have disappeared from the community, which is a shame, as NE was a site founded on LL, and LL has stayed in the community.
It was also because our team chose to go with LL to show to all LL doubters that an LL park could still beat an RCT2 park of similar or greater skill. And the match just didn't go that way, so it was frustration coming out after a comment suggesting that 'LL wasn't worth the wait.'
Because if you think that great RCT and great LL isn't worth the wait for you, and you aren't interested in it, then don't bother commenting because we built an LL park for those that are.
Poke Offline
My thoughts
I think what makes me love LL is just how careless and simple it is. Rct2 in most cases is more like a painting. When you build a coaster station, it is thought out and planned and it's built with details and things like functionality, accuracy and all that jazz are considered. LL, for me, is more like sculpture. I don't even think about what I'm building. I just raise land and then shape it out a bit. Maybe raise it in some places, lower in some. Put some fences on some roofs, leave some blank. It's a lot more random and I love it.
I think the problem is that we put out heart and soul into our LL pieces just like you rct2 guys and it takes effort and time. For people to completely disregard it because it's LL is just insulting. The games aren't just about good something looks and how much crap you can fit onto a wall. There's a lot more like atmosphere, feel, flow etc. LL is much better for those kind of things and I think it can still be appreciated. I don't build realism but I can still appreciate it. I don't build fantasy but I can still appreciate it. I don't even build cso but I still appreciate it.
Version1 Offline
There's a lot more like atmosphere, feel, flow etc. LL is much better for those kind of things and I think it can still be appreciated.
My problem with the LL community here...
Version1 Offline
It's a strange attitude, isn't it? To say that LL ist jut better for atmosphere which in my eyes isn't really true. It's this elitist fanboy talk that you can hear in other areas of life and I don't really need it in New Elements.
Cocoa Offline
Yeah having a different opinion to you is the same as being elitist, good call.
I am primarily an rct2 guy, my favorite work is rct2 but i still think ll excels in many areas like atmosphere where rct2 struggles. They both are good in different ways. Now cut this eLLitist attitude that you're imagining to justify your desire to not be a part of half of this website -
Louis! Offline
Yeah I don't see how having an opinion that one game is better at one aspect of RCT than the other is a strange attitude or is being elitist fanboyism. I'd rather people have those opinions and appreciate both games for their differences and their similarities.
Version1 Offline
Because saying that LL in general has better atmosphere than RCT2 is one of these things that guys would say, that don't really know why they find LL better.
Coasterbill Offline
For what it's worth, my 2 favorite single things in H2H were the Indiana Jones drop track and the Wild West slide table... both LL.
I really like both games equally. I would but BGSS and Jerusalem right up there with my favorite RCT2 parks like Starpointe, BGA and DAW.
csw Offline
It's this elitist fanboy talk that you can hear in other areas of life and I don't really need it in New Elements.
If you're complaining about elitists on a site that was founded to be the home of the most elite RCT parkmakers you're confused.
Ling Offline
People shouldn't need to defend their preference (or equal love) for one game vs. the other. Calling someone elitist for having a different opinion to you is just insane.
Dirk Pitt Offline
I think what makes me love LL is just how careless and simple it is. Rct2 in most cases is more like a painting. When you build a coaster station, it is thought out and planned and it's built with details and things like functionality, accuracy and all that jazz are considered. LL, for me, is more like sculpture. I don't even think about what I'm building. I just raise land and then shape it out a bit. Maybe raise it in some places, lower in some. Put some fences on some roofs, leave some blank. It's a lot more random and I love it.
I love this quote. This pretty much describe the difference between RCT2 and LL accurately. Nicely said Poke.
If you're complaining about elitists on a site that was founded to be the home of the most elite RCT parkmakers you're confused.
It may be founded to be the home of the elite parkmarkers, but even as it was founded, non-elite parkmakers were still here posting their screen and parks as well as commenting on others. I believe it's the attitude of the elitists that makes the difference, if they be elitist and think and act like they're better than everyone, nobody will respect them and no matter how good of a park they make, they'll be cast away from the community as some people have been here in the past. If you're an elitist and take your time to help out others in the community who are new or moving up the ladder, commenting on the park, giving feedback, taking the time to know the parkmaker, it makes all the difference and they're respected and looked up to upon. This is what NE should be like, an community that welcomes all irregardless of skill levels and not be an status symbol for others to look down upon, i.e. elitist looking down upon all others below them. It also may be argued that the majority of NE population are actually non-elitists and contribute to the site more than they do with screens, parks, and comments.
posix Offline
Substract the H2H7 context from this and it feels just like the days when RCT2 came out. Exact same arguments being exchanged then about atmosphere...
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Im just replying to this because it was my post louis quoted to kind of kick this off.... I actually said "it wasn't worth the wait" simply because look at the state of the canes park ? Also because an extension was used I don't know who it was used by or if it was used in this particularly match up... But i didn't mean it as in "oh LL well that wasnt worth the wait" so i dunno why louis thought thats what i meant. because for me I actually think "wildwest" is one of the best parks this season
Milo Offline
@posix, this topic does feel very H2H2 era esque. The whole voting over InSomnia, on principle, over Erwindale debate.
NE seems to have a handful of newer members who are younger and/or hypersensitive about being talked down to or condescended towards. These same members have somehow got it into their heads that pro LL talk is elitest and wrong. Anything that promotes LL is coming from older members of the community who are bringing down newer members and "holding them back" with their nostalgia.
To Version1 and other guys with a chip on your shoulder - just relax a bit. At worst, pro LL talk is coming from rose tinted glasses and nostalgia. At best, people like LL as a fun game with powerful hacking tools and a way to flex creative muscles. You can argue that rct2 has better atmosphere all day long. The fact remains that people promoting LL/playing LL/liking LL is not forcing you to like LL. Nobody cares what you like. Nobody is watching you. Like what you like, just drop the bullshit angsty agenda nonsense.
Cocoa Offline
a huge of ll players currently in h2h are newer players too, relatively. Csw, alex, etc its seeing a revival imo
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