RCT Discussion / LL vs RCT2 debate
03-May 15
Roomie Offline
Perhaps that's it. RCT2 is a good park recreation tool but as a game it sucks. I want to enjoy making a park not feel like it's a long slog to get it finished.
RCTER2 Offline
I could normally tell you very quickly who built a park in LL because, like an impressionist painting, its little flicks give away the person who sat there making it. So it feels more... personal. In rct2, I couldn't tell you as easily whether pac or rob built a park, or sey or seb, etc. Maybe I'm looking too much into it though
I could tell Cocoa from other rct2 players easily.
Version1 Offline
36 guys care about LL, but the LL Matchups only got 25 votes each. Interesting statistic
inthemanual Offline
A large number of those who care about LL were unable to vote in one matchup or the other.
G Force Online
The people who care about LL, build LL parks and therefore are unable to vote, because they cant vote in their match.
Stoksy Offline
]['s art comparison is probably the best way I can think to compare the two. Different things look better in different games.
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
No, I had it right. You're saying LL is the older Messi which means that RCT2 is a younger messi and is thus better, which means that RCT3 and RCT4M are younger and thus better.
Which is why I said about RCT4M. So my logic was correct, you misunderstood my post because it highlighted your stupidity.
Emm No... This is LL vs RCT2 so the others don't even come into this... Fuck even if this was a whole debate about all RCT its clear that there are only 2 games in all our eyes that are actually good.Therefore your whole "ohh so by your logic this game is better because its younger means rct3 is better" Its just bullshit, RCT2 is better because Sawyer set out to make it better when he made it, Then this community enhanced it even more, So its clear that you are pretentious about LL because you play it and are good at it #haveyouseenjerusalem, #4yearsoldnowwhocares. Goodluck with this debate anyway lol
It will never end.
Louis! Offline
Im not pretentious about LL, I prefer RCT2
I just can understand the love for LL.
Perhaps we should have a thing here where to be able to post RCT2 you have to do an intensive course in LL and the history of RCT
5dave Offline
Those who own and don't care about LL should send their copies to those who don't and want to own LL.
"MFG" -
Cocoa Offline
I wish i didn't miss mm, i love that shit and rapipo was too crap to be competitive in the first one :/ -
Roomie Offline
You mean like the micro contest i hold every Christmas where you can win copies of LL? (as well as other assorted theme park prizes) that only one person entered last year?
][ntamin22 Offline
Yep. I think Roomie and I both have standing offers out to get anybody who asks a copy of LL. -
BelgianGuy Offline
I'll just go and use my window mode and mountain tool. Be right back
have you found your shift button?
wehave to use 8cars for the mountain tool, wich in my opinion is lazy and you're better off by hand.
and LL requires MOM for anything that'snot directly placed on top of the ground...
my problem with LL is that you have to know what the creator meant with something before it becomesclear,there are exceptions but honestly in my eyes it simply LLooks inferior in every way compared to rct2. And I inda agree that in h2h they should go 1game only because the teams that end up in a LL vs RCT2 match don't get the match they worked their asses of for and the public that can vote is at times extremely biased to the format used so in what world is that fair if the RCT2 biased people can't vote.
Roomie Offline
I think we covered this on the last page BG... and yes my shift button is codex.
In my eyes playing RCT2 is inferior to LL in every way. It's so boring compared to LL in my opinion.
so we'll have to agree to disagree.
FredD Offline
And this is the current state of NE guys. Good job people. No one is bothered about LL anymore.
I wanted to react on this, but in the right topic. You know, if people aren't interested in LL you can't force them too. I don't get why you're upset with that?! As a LL player I get it must be frustrating but you can't force anyone to like a game.
I'm not into LL, so I don't care about it.
Someone else is not into RCT2 and doesn't care about it.
Someone else is not into RCT3 and doesn't care about it.
Someone else is not into GTA and doesn't care about it.
My point: c'est la vie. Live your life and let others live theirs.
Cocoa Offline
He was replying to a specific comment that was something like "matchup was shit, wild west was good though"
It was a comment about how crazy it is that so much goes into the matchups and that person was like "meh". I dont think anyone cares to restart the ll vs rct2 debate ( except for us by making an ll park to prove its still competetive)
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