RCT Discussion / LL vs RCT2 debate
03-May 15
G Force Offline
I'll just go and use my window mode and mountain tool. Be right back
You can do that in RCT2 as well... honestly, the option for a mountain tool in LL is rather annoying, there are so many times I've completely ruin a whole building due to accidentally selecting it.
Liampie Offline
Mute button. More land textures. Smoother banking on woodies. Steep track on the junior coaster. Codex. Save Game Modifier.
All of these things are sorely missed in RCT2. -
Louis! Offline
No... Louis I think you misunderstood... I meant 28 year old messi is better than 38 year old messi ... Meaning 38 year old messi is (LL) Its kind of a shame... but the newer members to this site including myself can't appreciate what it was like 4-8 years ago. when these amazing LL parks where coming out.
No, I had it right. You're saying LL is the older Messi which means that RCT2 is a younger messi and is thus better, which means that RCT3 and RCT4M are younger and thus better.
Which is why I said about RCT4M. So my logic was correct, you misunderstood my post because it highlighted your stupidity.
Roomie Offline
You can do that in RCT2 as well... honestly, the option for a mountain tool in LL is rather annoying, there are so many times I've completely ruin a whole building due to accidentally selecting it.
These are built in with RCT2? because they sure as hell aren't in mine? Unless you mean it was added in a trainer. In which case it doesn't count if you have to add it back into the game yourself.
And that's your fault with the mountain tool not the game
Thank god openRCT2 is adding the damn thing back in because it drives me up the wall having to alt tab in and out of the game all the time.
Everyone knows RCT2 was a lazy lazy sequel just to cash in. If people hadn't figured out how to put custom scenery in (it wasn't officially explained) it would have died a slow death.Hopefully Open RCT2 will make the game what it should always have been from the start.
Lotte Offline
i like both, but I usually appreciate top level rct2 more because i'm more familiar with it.
Version1 Offline
These are built in with RCT2? because they sure as hell aren't in mine? Unless you mean it was added in a trainer. In which case it doesn't count if you have to add it back into the game yourself.
What can you really do in LL without Trainers?
Everyone knows RCT2 was a lazy lazy sequel just to cash in. If people hadn't figured out how to put custom scenery in (it wasn't officially explained) it would have died a slow death.
Stacking is the most important innovation of RCT2, don't forget that.
Roomie Offline
Stacking is the most important innovation of RCT2, don't forget that.
Well thats my point. If poorly put across. You can window RCT2 with a trainer I assume (someone might have to show me how to do that because that is the one most annoying thing for me) and we can stack stuff with a trainer.
I know why people like RCT 2. But it's still a lazy sequel. It got slated by the community when it came out and only picked up with the custom scenery which the community added. And in my opinion that is the only innovation RCT2 has over LL if we include trainers. An innovation the community had to do itself.
Louis! Offline
RCT4m is for spotlights only. there just isn't enough time for people to build something in RCT4m in a contest format
Faas Offline
I only own and care about LL because I like the scenario play and fucking around with it. In terms of trying to build cool theme parks and making them look cool, I only own and care about RCT2.
csw Offline
I held off on giving my two cents until the Round 2 builders were revealed, but here they are now.
I prefer building in LL. Building in RCT2 is also fun, but I always get overwhelmed by all the custom objects and stick to some simple (often pretty mediocre) NCSO. I don't mind that it's not top-quality, I think it's more fun to build without worrying about every 1/8 tile. Let the viewer fill in the details with their own mind.
I build for atmosphere. It's about the feeling of a park, the impression of fun and aesthetics that leaves an imprint on the viewer. It's about how everything flows together, how everything is natural. And I feel I can accomplish this better in LL, with the almost lo-fi graphics and old-timey feel you can capture more easily. With BNE, the contrast of the large areas of water and the clumps of pine trees on harsh brown rock creates an atmosphere. It doesn't blow you away with layers upon layers of detail, but it doesn't need to.
I guess my point is that LL has an aesthetic where it's easier to create good-looking, atmospheric parks with less objects than RCT2. You don't have to like LL because of this, but you certainly can't discount it.
I really could care less if hacking isn't required in RCT2, and that object stacking is much easier in RCT2. I guess I just prefer the engine of LL and the precision that Codex can give. Again there's just something about the old-school feel that I love. So, besides the age-old argument that LL forces more creativity, that's why I prefer to play in LL. It certainly won't be dying out any time soon. -
Cocoa Offline
You make a good point I hadn't totally realized, which is that I primarily play LL because the building experience is enjoyable. Its different, refreshing, etc. After a hardcore, slow moving rct2 park, its so refreshing to just sit back (literally, who needs the keyboard?) and click away at some LL and see it evolve. And I think anyone that builds in LL then appreciates LL all the more because the building attitude shows in the way an LL park feels. I could normally tell you very quickly who built a park in LL because, like an impressionist painting, its little flicks give away the person who sat there making it. So it feels more... personal. In rct2, I couldn't tell you as easily whether pac or rob built a park, or sey or seb, etc. Maybe I'm looking too much into it though
Louis! Offline
^This is exactly it.
RCT2 is fantastic, it really is, but until you build in LL, and build properly in LL, you can't appreciate just how wonderful it is, both for the viewer and the builder.
It has this real calm quality and its just so simple and uncomplex, so relaxing and refreshing to play after RCT2 has you burned out.
That is until you add codex into the mix and thats when it can start to get stressful again
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