H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 2 Match 3] - Italian Stallions vs Hurricanes
01-May 15
inthemanual Offline
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Version1 Offline
What's so wrong with LL that you don't even consider giving LL parks a chance? That's pretty closed-minded if you ask me.
Pretty simple:
The only LL park I've ever seen in game was Pebbles In The Sky and it gave me no reason to look at more LL. I've even completely forgot how the park looks which I can't say about RCT2 parks from that time.
inthemanual Offline
Pebbles in the Sky is your only reference, so you suddenly hate all LL? It's hardly an example of a quintessential LL park. Look at Jerusalem, SWS, Escapist Experience, Walkman of My Brain, or even Portal for a glance at the different amazing things LL can do. You can't write off an entire genre because you don't like one song. That's like saying "I don't like rock music because I don't like November Rain". There's just so much more out there.
Version1 Offline
It's not that I didn't like it I just found nothing that I would prefer over RCT2. From the overview Jerusalem doesn't do it for me either.
It's always "It looks good...for LL"
Cocoa Offline
If you judge a fish by its ability to walk blablabla. You cant hold ll to the exact same standards as rct2. Part of what makes ll brilliant is the simplicity of choices in scenery and rides and how you can manipulate them to create whole new things. It's creativity on another level. But it won't look as detailed or specific as rct2, because it can't. Maybe if people tried to build in ll it would make them appreciate the skill and control it takes for someone to make a great ll park. Natelox didn't just put some bushes here, some land there, he thought about the aesthetic value of every tile and how it adds up to the whole. And that's something you never get in rct2. What I'm saying is don't write ll off based on overviews or a couple parks. That's ridiculous. Go back through the old spotlights, the classics that made ne. Build a design in ll. Use codex. Then come back and if you still think ll is shit, fine.
I know we have this conversation every h2h, eh. Still important to say -
Version1 Offline
You cant hold ll to the exact same standards as rct2.
And that's why they are both in the same contest, or what? It just doesn't make sense. I don't like the visual of LL at all.
Cocoa Offline
I can still decide between a bad burrito and a delicious apple pie even though they aren't held to the same standards.
I'm hungry -
nin Offline
Can we move this LL vs. RCT2 debate elsewhere? I'm so sick of it appearing and ruining the discussion of two parks, it happens every season. If you favor one game over the other, so be it. Just play that and go about your day. It's why most of play whichever game we do.
That said, funny enough our park was inspired by the old LL parks by natelox, pyropenguin, etc. where they took the Disney brand and gave it massive coasters. It became something else, but it basically explains the Disney-meets-Busch approach the park has.
I've yet to download and view your park in-game, Stallions, due to the fact that I need to install LL on my computer. I'll give me review and thoughts on both parks as soon as I can. -
][ntamin22 Offline
Alright, fellow LL players. The mission is now clear:
Make a park so good Version1 can't not install and look at it.
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