H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 2 Match 1] - Robber Barons vs Manual Laborers
29-April 15
inthemanual Offline
Who did what. Cocoa did the clump of trees to the left of the mine shaft, but I have it marked as DJ. DJ did launcher supports, foliage on the back mountain, and the volcano rockwork. I did the flats, two buildings in the jungle area, one building in the town, and most of the wreckage. Cocoa did everything else.
Cocoa Offline
Tim also hacked everything, no small feat on the WINDSEEKER as it is labelled ingame
Everyones favorite bits (plane bridge, etc) are all tim -
GammaZero Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1430697255' post='668948']
isn't it Coçoa? I thought he was brazilian.
bigshootergill Offline
Sorry guys, I’ve already voted obviously, but I wanted to do my review now.WORLD FAIR REVIEW:- The detailed architecture is very well executed, so much variety and unique elements to the buildings, plus the gorgeous work on the Eiffel Tower - this shows some serious skill from the builders.- So many rides packed in here, the one I enjoyed the most was Gigavolt, wonderful execution. It’s amazing the planning that went into this to organize such a wide variety of rides in here, as some rides meander throughout the entire park, while others are tucked into their own buildings.- I found the park too cluttered for my taste, didn’t have much room to breathe. Perhaps in this setting it fits, but I personally felt it was too much- I understand the roofs need to be there, but I think including a second version with them removed more than you had, like Circus Circus did, it would have enabled me to enjoy it better. It seems like there are some gems missing that could only be seen with the buildings fully opened up.- Overall a great park obviously, well done to all involvedBERMUDA REVIEW:- As soon as you open the park, the explosion gives you the vibe for the theme, and as you examine the details of the park you see busted ships, planes, helicopters. Well played. Especially love the plane bridge.- Very nice architecture too, good variety. But I feel you have given your park more space to enjoy what you created- Windseeker is great hack and one awesome ride. Hats off to itm for that one.- Planes don’t crash deep inside caves to the best of my knowledge- I really love the scattered path layout. Of course there is main pathways, but to have the little wooden bridges, walkways, docks etc is so cool. Just the whole atmosphere in general is great.- I think the volcano could have been executed better. I didn’t really like all the black 1k rocks, maybe just the grey 1/4 land tiles would have been better with less 1k’sI know my review could be lengthier, but these honestly were two great parks. However my vote went to Bermuda. I could spend a lot of time looking around to see what little things I missed. It’s one of my favorite parks of the contest so far, it’s just in my wheelhouse (which I think means I can build just like that, which isn’t remotely true, but it’s totally the building style I enjoy, that’s all I’m trying to say), so thanks to Laborers for a great park, and to the Barons for one heck of a battle. -
robbie92 Offline
Thanks for those of you guys who voted for our park. I think from a stylistic and conceptual standpoint, we took a risk, and unfortunately it didn't really pay off for us. About the park's concept, we weren't aiming at replicating the standard Belle Epoque expositions, which were sprawling and grand. Instead, the aim was to take that general aesthetic and design and apply it to a much more layered, complex system, with overarching bridges, gravity-defying buildings, and an otherworldly feeling to it; basically, the intention was to filter the exposition through a more fantastical, exaggerated lens (a la Miyazaki). In terms of inspiration, I looked a lot towards the more complex fantastical works from NE, particularly Coaster Ed and Evil WME's Illium City. Funnily enough, for those of you saying that the area surrounding the pond was the least planned, that was actually the main section from which I wanted to base the whole atmosphere of the park off of; I wanted it to feel cluttered and overwhelming, and perhaps trying to shoehorn that same atmosphere into a more traditional park setting is where I failed. Additionally, personal issues led to the rushed nature of the park towards the tail end of construction, and I ran out of time to really double-check some of those bugs that were occurring. I guess on a narrative-related note, I can just say that experimental technology is temperamental.
As an aside, here's some of the inspiration pics I used as a way to set the mood of what I was aiming for:
G Force Offline
It was just to cramped, the large exhibition halls really messed with the sight lines and made it hard to appreciate the architecture. The layout was kind of odd as well, the transition between the main tower area and the exhibition area really hurt the flow. More time would of probably been great as well...
Overall, still a great job by both teams for the complexity and detail in both parks, just a shame that there is a time limit...
Cocoa Offline
Thats funny, we had those images floating around our ideas thread too at some point
I never gave a proper review of your park but I think it was fantastic. I opened it up and I said to Tim, "I'd probably vote for this one". If it was totally finished/lived up to its full potential, I don't think we'd have had a chance. There are so many stunning details, amazing expos, movement, life, etc. Its right up my alley, which is funny, because I totally made the opposite in our park
People who think it was too vertical/cramped/whatever, well, I disagree. It was just right, although you could absolutely have done without those massive trees everywhere. Seriously, deleting them opens up the park 10x more, and allows you to see so many more details.
Obviously some stuff is unfinished, and in h2h, "safer" parks tend to win. Maybe thats a shame, maybe its a skill to really finish a park properly. IDK. But that said, I really enjoyed your park and hope we can see you guys again somewhere in the playoffs for a rematch
I'm just gonna go ahead and cross off "beat robbie in rct competition" from my imaginary rct bucket list
chorkiel Offline
I guessed Cocoa and ITM. Also guessed Robbie and Sephiroth. Didn't guess their #3s.
Sephiroth Offline
Sorry it's late and I don't have time to type out a review for the ML's park, but I will say I liked it a lot.
I did, in this order:
-The tower
-just a little trusswork for the "logflume" hall's roof
-All of the Gigavolt hall minus the exterior wall in the front, and the glass pieces
-The "art" hall minus the exterior walls and glass pieces, and the initial shaping of the roof truss.
As for Gigavolt not working.... I don't have anything nice to say to any of you that complained. The one and only Rivers of Babylon has that same problem with the woodie and I NEVER hear anything about that, not to mention there are other very good parks on this site with rides experiencing that block-brake glitch and no one complains. It worked before I passed the park back and Rob was extremely crunched for time. That glitch comes up when a ride is in operation and zero clearence is used, and Rob just didn't catch it. Sorry for offending all of you so terribly.
@those who complained, get a life.
Also in direct response to Mr. Brightside.... no. Never downloaded any of your work.
To those of you who thought this was a disappointing match.... I don't even know. What do you want to see? What was so very wrong with the ML's park? Could you not find anything you thought was neat in ours? Are you this cynical to people face-to-face? Whatever I'm not going to respond in this topic from here on out. My point is that quite a few of the arguments being made ABOUT BOTH PARKS were either hypocritical or logical fallacies and I wanted to address that.
To the rest who actually had CONSTRUCTIVE things to say, thank you. both the positive and the negative. You know who you are. Also congratulations to the ML's on the win. Here's to more awesome RCT work from all sides.
*edited because the response to Mr. Brightside was a bit harsh.
inthemanual Offline
Seph, I think Mr. Brightside was just saying that they were similar. I just looked at his layout, and really the only things that are the same are the indoor/outdoor aspect, and the launch through the heartline twists.
I think I owe a full review? I've given Rob a short one personally, but I'll take some time to write up a full review.
Also, cocoa, that was hilarious.
Six Frags Offline
I think some people on this site should man up and don't be so offended by every bit of criticism (both constructive and non-constructive) they get and don't like. NE has always been about being some sort of elite group of parkmakers (though the amount of people playing the game nowadays is really small) and its harsh nature of discussions, and it has been waaayyy worse back in the days compared to now. If you don't want the possibility of people bashing your work you should not post it in a public forum and just build for your own.
That said, I ended up voting for World's Fair as I could look past the unfinishedness in spots, which was like 5%, and the 95% that was finished was really fine work and more important it was so refreshing, refined and new that it excited me more than Bermuda. I thought for sure FK+ was a builder on World's Fair though, but guessed Robbie and Sey correctly. Very surprised to see Cocoa on Bermuda, but guessed ITM. All in all still an enjoyable match
Louis! Offline
I think some people on this site should man up and don't be so offended by every bit of criticism (both constructive and non-constructive) they get and don't like. NE has always been about being some sort of elite group of parkmakers (though the amount of people playing the game nowadays is really small) and its harsh nature of discussions, and it has been waaayyy worse back in the days compared to now.
The difference is that those people were well respected members and well established members. The members at the minute giving those harsh comments are not respected members and are not well established members, therefore the criticism and elitism isn't accepted, and rightfully so.
Lotte Offline
at what point does someone become a well respected member though? something such as that is very subjective, you make a good point though
bigshootergill Offline
Respect is earned over time, but it's also one's demeanor, how they treat others on the site, the reputation they've built up over the years, which is basically based on their compilation of commenting on other people's work over time. And of course it also includes their ability to play the game, giving them more freeness of speech to tell others how to improve, what they did poorly etc. They don't just dump on other people's work all the time. They would balance commendation with constructive criticism, which at times may be very pointed. But you'd have to look at the spirit behind what they said, which goes back to what kind of person they've become on the site.
Looking at the comments from the first rounds of H2H this year, I think it's quite obvious who is truly a respected & well established member, and who is shooting their mouth off with no reputation to back up what they've said. I can see the difference, and I haven't even been around that long.
Louis! Offline
The point at which someone becomes a well respected member is when I say they are a well respected member and they get an invitation to join Club NE, an exclusive upper echelon society led by Lou
No, its exactly like bsg said. An example:
Sammy was once a little annoying shit that got on everybody's nerves, I told him he needed to start being a better member and he did, and then over time people forgot that he was a little annoying shit because how good a member he was, and now he is well respected in a community.
People that come along and feel they have a right to be elitist or have a right to piss on everyone's parade just because they are a member of NE and that's what NE is about are people that aren't going to go down very well, and like bsg has said, I think its clear who those people are, and I'm glad other people are also taking note.
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