H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 2 Match 1] - Robber Barons vs Manual Laborers
29-April 15
Wanted Offline
Best match up so far for me.
I'll always be more into parks that require lots of imagination to build. It's why for me Raptor and Circus Circus while technically impressive were so boring and probably hold my attention for 5mins while these can hold it for much much longer.
Worlds Fair is incredible. I love the way its set out as a little ride space and theme in each building. Sort of like Epcot but with a more steam punk vibe. Neither of the coasters was great and yeah it was a bit cramped but the general atmosphere and feeling of the park was spot on. Oddly I couldn't figure out for the life of me why Turbine Racers crashed.
Bermuda was also incredible. A great theme pulled off really well. The planes were great (How did that one get in a cave?) and there were some cool ideas throughout. The coasters were better than Worlds Fair but nothing spectacular again. The volcano was cool and the Windseeker was well executed.
However for me this was an easy choice. World's Fair aims for something and pulls it off almost perfectly. Sure there are a few niggles but it feels fresher and more interesting than Bermuda. So Robber Barons gets my vote.
Good lord my thoughts EXACTLY
Liampie Offline
World's Fair
At first I was 99% sure I was going to vote for Bermuda. World's Fair looked really interesting, but Bermuda was better. Upon closer inspection, World's Fair got REALLY close to actually getting my vote after all. Not close enough, but this park is really damn good actually.
+ Best RCT eiffel tower by far
+ Gigavolt electricity sparks theming things, fucking awesome
+ Lots of spectacular archy in general
+ The log flume hall was incredible. Full of life and details (Dinosaur, wow!)
+ Great colour scheme
+ Steel support structures for the halls
+ We haven't ever seen a park like this finished before. Very refreshing
- The park was way, WAY too dense. This park would stand a better chance at beating Bermuda if there was LESS content actually. At least it should've been more organized. The area around the pond was a horrible mess that wasn't really enjoyble from any angle. Too bad.
- Why so many track types on the log flume? To spite me?
- Why was the Dutch pavillion the ugliest building in the park? Again, to spite me?
- The pavillions were underutilized, there wasn't really anything to them. Lots of pavillions can't be traced back to a country either, should've been more clear I think...
- Didn't care much for the coaster layouts, apart from the high camelback with box supports, they were quite uneventful. That's why the log flume is actually the best ride in the park.
Voted 80%, by the way. Absolutely loved most of the park!
Bermuda: The Lost Colony
Stylistically original? No, not really. Conceptually original? It seems not everyone agrees on this, but I think it is. I can't recall another park with the premise being that there are plane and ship wrecks scattered throughout a map.
+ Park was a coaster interaction masterclass. The Intamin was sick, especially that front view along the cliffs where it curves through and around the elevated walkway.
+ Great attention to detail. Zoom in on any area in the park, and you'll see at least a nice idea or a well placed texture change.
+ All the wrecks. The plane bridge is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while.
+ Underground bumper cars
+ The park feels huge. I counted the tiles and it's legal. But it feels huge.
+ Lovely warm atmosphere
- Moments of (semi-) plagiarism
- Textures were really messy sometimes, paths at the starflyer are a good example
- Architecture was relatively generic. You could've done more with the whole crash thing or castaway thing. Yes, there was one building that consisted of recycled airplane parts. (another + there!) That and the bridge. Missed opportunity.
Regardless, 85%.
Obviously I am voting for the Laborers after all, but it was close. World's Fair was way more original, but Bermuda was way more viewable if you know what I mean. With Bermuda, I could lean back and simply enjoy the symphony of classic RCT fun, awesome sculptures, plagiarised architecture and tropical vibes. With World's Fair, I had to lean in and focus on one thing at a time to fully understand what I was looking at.
I can't believe there are people who are disappointed by this match. This match is fucking amazing, one for the ages. Bermuda will make the best of the season list in the end, I'm pretty sure of that. Stop being such spoiled brats. -
robbie92 Offline
In defense of our team's park, the crowdedness was very intentional, but it's totally understandable that it wouldn't strike a chord with a lot of people, especially those so enfatuated with Paulism
I would say though that, despite the parts of my team's park that have been hastily finished or unfinished, there's a lot (and I mean A LOT) that's in the park worth exploring and it's worth more to check it out than to write off the execution solely on game bugs.
Manual Laborers, I definitely did enjoy your park, though probably not as much to be able to wrap my head around the vote disparity. Still, for fairness' sake and wanting to not come off as too heavily biased, I'll offer my feedback after the votes close.
Austin55 Offline
very surprised at how the votes are falling so far. thought it would be much closer. -
Cocoa Offline
The votes aren't representative of world's fair quality, just that people need to choose between two really equal parks and fortunately for us and unfortunately for the barons it falls more our way. But perhaps we'll show down again in finals -
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
This was by far the hardest match to vote for IMO. If World's Fair had been completed, I probably would have voted for it as it goes into some of my favorite themes, historical sci-fi and steam punk. I loved both parks and I wish I didn't have to vote but I wasn't about to not participate in Round 2 at all.
PS, Gigavolt totally reminded me of my Reddit park coaster from April '13 "Hightide Harbor" It had alot in common. Just saying.
Tolsimir Offline
This matchup is the first tough one to vote on this season. Both parks are extraordinary well crafted and in the end it was just the technical flaws of World's Fair the made me vote for Bermuda.
World's FairI really love this park. The archy in this is throughout outstandig and lovely. The color choices are spot on, even though the green on the metal structures is onlogical despite looking so good in RCT. I mean, it's the colour of corroded copper and when the fair was built they would have taken normal copper
But it's ok, because in the game it looks so much better in this green that I can overlook that.
The area around the eiffeltower is so calm and lovely. I love how there is the repeatedly coming bell from the trams, it really brings over the 19th century feeling. In this area the crampedness was no bad thing, it made the entrance area charming. I also really liked the little walkways on the first level with its bridges. As someone already said, it's a pity that you didn't include a lift to the top of the tower. The tower itself was well done, maybe it could have been a little taller for the right proportion but no big deal.
I went clockwise to the first exhibiton hall with the coaster. I must say that you made the right decision for the archy of the halls and how to do the cutoffs on the sides. It was nothing too special. I found it hard to follow the coasters way. The houses on the outside around the pond were outstanding, I think they just missed a little purpose.
The gigavolt coaster was ace. Firstly I waited really long for the train to start until I noticed this was the coaster everybody was talking about. No big deal to restart it actually, but I as I said in the beginning things like this were the reason that Bermuda itched it in the end. The launch was such a nice idea and pulled off so well. As a becoming physicist I would have loved it if you had called the heartline tube around it "Faraday cage", missed opportunity!
The lightnings in this hall were all ridiculous. Awesome stuff.
The logflume hall though was my favourite. The flying birds were such a nice touch. This was so warming and refreshing. The logflume winded its way through it so nicely, nothing more to say.
I don't know what the fourth mostly closed exhibition was about. Obviously this was rushed and not finished to your intentions. There was nothing to see. I think here you made the wrong decision. Instead of rushing this building you should have taken it down wholy and make a garden or something here. This would have done a good job on tearing apart the park and bring down the crampedness. I mean the building has now real architectural oustanding features you can't see on the other three so this is really a missed opportunity.
All in all the atmosphere in this park is exactly what you aimed for. I really felt set back into the late 19th century so awesome job on this. The middle of the park didn't not do what it was planned for. To be a breathing room it was to cramped, to be a part of the flair it missed content a little.
What came to my eye were some of the glitches and flaws in RCT-techniques. I don't know whats wrong with the trams but it was not pleasing to see the train 23.323. In the entrance area in the corner with the white building there is a huge peepjam that you wanted to hide behind trees
The gigavolt-laziness (not the biggest letdown, to calm BG). You can see that you went out of time in the end and couldn't finish the park to the standard you wanted.
The readme was a nice add to the park before opening. It set the mood and made me excited to open it. You had a plan for this park and you fulfilled it in every spot of it. This park is one of the highlights at the moment.
Old quarter is a lovely nice village. I digged the oldtimer cars going through it. They were so awesome and really added something to this area. The colours on the shops fitted well with the busy-ness around it. The windseeker is an awesome way to use the gokarts shoestring. Unfortunately the second train isn't filled with peeps. I would have liked when the ride had some more turns on the top befor going back to the ground. Might have be possible.
The area with the cove and mine was outstanding. I loved the way the coaster winded its way on top of the mountain before going through the loop. I also like the look of the support work on this one -- unorthodox. The rapids were a little too much covered for my likings. You missed the opportunity to make a wheel lift with the water wheel on the next waterfall
The plane bridge was mindblowing. Such a great idea and so well pulled off. Jaw dropping work.
The area on the backside of the vulcano was the weakest of the park. The archy was not as strong as in the Old Town. What liked was the little spreadness here with the dense foliage around. The vulcano was nicely done but I didn't like the stairs going upwards. They destroyed the scaling of the vulcano and did not fit. I mean areas with no peeps around tend to feel larger than the really are in the end and here it would have been better if let this way. In spite of being the weakest part of the park, this area had the most awesome spot of it. The dodgems!!! Sounds a little ridiculous but they were soooo awesomely placed. I loved it
The radar station was a nice touch to implement the freefall in a clever way. The ships and aircrafts were all awesome in this park. Maybe the wooden one in the teaser screen is a lilttle sloppy, whatever. But the plane bridge and the one in the turn of the rapids were spot on.
The park was fun throughout. You can find a nice idea everywhere you want. I didn't say a word about the mines but there you can find a bunch of nice little things. Technically this park topped World's Fair. And it felt huge with so much content, great job Laborers.
So, in the end both parks would have been absolutely on par if World's Fair was finished right. Both on their own way. They aren't really comparable because they go in different directions. But Bermuda gets my vote because when they are equal in terms of aesthetics the technical execution has to be considerd and thats where Bermuda tops World's Fair.
inthemanual Offline
@tolsimir: the second train does fill sometimes, it's erratic though, and I can't wrap my head around it. -
Steve Offline
While World's Fair was cramped and had it's flaws, the overall concept and things that it actually pulled off were pulled off so incredibly well. That Gigavolt coaster, wow. Excellent concept and pulled off wonderfully. All the expos were pretty well done but I agree with Liam that the log flume expo really stole the show. Fantastic.
Unfortunately, while Bermuda was technically a fine park, I just felt like it didn't compare. The concept is cool, and actually the black box log was one of the coolest things I've seen in the game and was a great idea. Everything else though was pretty standard. Excellently done, but standard. Seemed like it was nothing I hadn't seen before. The entrance area was charming with the old cars driving around and the architecture was great, but I really wish this builder would switch it up -- it seems like you've developed almost too distinct of style that everything you do looks too similar. Not always a bad thing, but this time it just didn't impress as much as the Barons. Still, a park to be proud of by all accounts, apologies if it seemed too negative!
alex Offline
Two amazing parks!
World's Fair:
+Loved the concept
+Truly impressive architecture, very detailed but still retaining a lot of clarity because of the restrained colour choices
+Atmosphere was brilliant, love the industrial/steampunk visual language you've used. Great little details like that tiny art nouveau arched bridge with the lamps.
+Loved how you gave each hall it's own character whilst keeping them consistent. The hall with the bumper boats and suspended monorail was my favourite. Really cool use of different levels with the walkway between the two attractions.
-Needed some more open space to balance it out. Instead of the unfinished hall I'd have extended the open areas around the tower and lake out into that area. (Not a dig at it being unfinished, I just think it's in an awkward position nudging up against the tower)
+ Really great concept and storytelling, trumped the Barons' park on this front.
+ Fantastic details scattered around, the plane/bridge, the lighthouse, the rapids going through the wreckage. The shipwrecked 'Baron' made me lol, nice touch.
- I didn't really like the coaster layout. (The cool flat rides and rapids made up for this though!)
- Clarity isn't as good as World's Fair in my opinion, I found it hard to focus on things. I think it's because of the smaller architecture scale and a lot of brown. Which is a shame because the architecture's great, it just get's a bit lost.
I voted Worlds Fair in the end, i just found it more beautiful and captivating.
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Manual Laborers beat Robber Barons
Robber Barons vote count: 14 (25.45%)
Manual Laborers vote count: 41 (74.55%)
World's Fair was made by Robbie92 (70%), Sephiroph (20%) & Sey (10%).
Bermuda: The Lost Colony was made by Cocoa (60%), inthemanual (35%) and djbrcace1234 (5%). -
csw Offline
Not really surprised by any of those builders, especially Sephiroth and Cocoa
The poll at the top of the page says 41-15 by the way.
edit: oops heh -
Liampie Offline
Congratulations Laborers. Good season so far.
Guessed all the Robbers correctly, as well as Cocoa. Didn't know who the other builders were, though I suspected Inthemanual. Could've been Jimmy too. No idea about djbrcace, though I could've known with all those bushes. -
Austin55 Offline
Nice work team <3
Great matchup though, I adore both parks and Barron's is my 2nd favorite of the season.
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