H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 2 Match 1] - Robber Barons vs Manual Laborers
29-April 15
Lotte Offline
Good call on the braille, the folks who made these parks deserve to be able to read a review.
G Force Offline
Obviously talking about the good is important to, but for me, hearing someone say "looks good" or "I like it" is somewhat worthless. Again, this is just me. So I kind of stray away from talking, about the good, because obviously these builders have it figured out to produce quality parks and probably don't need people to come and tell them they are good. Maybe that's just me. Idk -
Louis! Offline
Yeah so dont say "looks good" or "i like it" actually say what you like about it and give a good in depth review.
a good review contains a lot of positive, and negative of course, but that negative is constructive.
plus negative reviews tend to be read better when they come from someone that is well respected rather than someone that only ever posts negative reviews without any real work or forum contribution to prove they deserve a level of respect that entitles them to give only negative reviews
Louis! Offline
Good call on the braille, the folks who made these parks deserve to be able to read a review.
Also, funniest fucking shit ever
Louis! Offline
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Xeccah Offline
To be honest, I really don't get the shit a park's getting for just a ride that you have to restart to work. I mean, sure, it's a flaw, but amidst major facets of parkmaking- architecture, planning, composition, rides, atmosphere, creativity, concept- something as small as that has to be negated. It's amazingly nit-picky to say something like that, really, especially to bring it up more than once in the comments when both parks are far more deserving of actual praise/commentary/critique than something so unbelievably minor. Negative critique in general ought to be constructive, and though I'm not the best at walking that walk, I still believe it.
Also, to go along with the copying comments and whatnot, it really has nothing to do with what was built or what was the work inspired off of. Rather, it's how it- it referring to whatever object is in question- is made. The style of it is what should determine if something is copied or not. Look at DAW and DCA; both of those parks use Buena Vista Street, or inspiration thereof, for their entrance area. However, the style in which Justin was able to do his in DAW contrasted those with how Rob did it in DCA, and there was no fuss or no one claiming that DAW somehow ripped off DCA. It's the same here. The compasses are clearly different and for different purposes, and though the glass walls with the water is similar to what i did with rock walls in PoE, it's something so petty that it doesn't need to be brought up; it's been done before anyway.
Xeccah Offline
The baron's combination of intricate architecture, a dense, complex, multi-leveled composition, ride integration, and atmosphere is among the best I've seen in any park, H2H or not. Despite really being only 85-90% done, it doesn't really feel unfinished. All of the pavilions were fantastic, and gigiavolt was damned good. The barons hit the World's Fair feel here exact, I feel, and it doesn't spare any punches in its execution. This park, as a whole, felt really tangible which is the highest mark in realism, and has only been achieved in this season of H2H by both this park and Raptor, with Circus Circus falling just a tad behind. Overall, the execution allows me to look past the glitchiness in some parts and the slight unfinishedness that I can visualize will be nitpicked to death anyway.
The builders of the Laborer's park excelled in the other aspects of parkmaking where the baron's park didn't necessarily lack but wasn't prominent in. It's almost an equal tradeoff, the ideas, color, and little details present in Bermuda for the architecture and ride design in the World's Fair. Both of the parks, I reckon, are fairly equal in atmosphere and composition though; both parks did their respective jobs well and carried out what the builders intended to precisely. The details in bermuda, to be said, are fantastic. The boats and planes definitely add to the concept and are brilliantly done. Same can be said with the flat-rides. The coasters were, though good, below the level's of the Gerstlauer and the Launched whatever-the-hell-this-is ride in World's fair, and I didn't care for the flyer's color choices too much either. Magnetite was definitely the better of the two and worked with the landscaping, architecture, and railcar perfectly though.
To be honest, this is the tightest match yet. Both parks had their flaws and both are well deserving of a win by themselves. I hope, if both are going for an accolade, will score above 80. The race is really tight, and the park of preference really depends on what one wants to see out of an H2H creation. I'll vote tomorrow, but kudos to the (obvious) builders of both parks! -
Ride6 Offline
Holy shit is this matchup completely unfair. Both of these parks are absolutely incredible and probably among my all-time favorite RCT things. UGH.
Though I agree that both parks are heavily over-detailed, I think this might be the strongest matchup so far. I actually want to spend a lot more time looking at both parks, which hasn't been a strong inclination that I've had in most of the R1 parks.
Cocoa Offline
"life of pi reference, I don't really care."
I actually laughed out loud.
I think version1 may not like boats
chorkiel Offline
- 'fixing' the Barons' ride isn't a problem
- I'm still too lazy to do it. We're all humans, which means we are mostly lazy beings
- Bermuda is not even remotely featuring rebuilds of Sea of Sagas
- Their overviews give a similar vibe
- are these points to make a fuss about?
- no.
Louis, I'm about 80% not too serious about this, but your "It's been great watching these parks get build" comments may be getting out of hand.
To finish this; I voted for Bermuda. -
Dirk Pitt Offline
When I read "World's Fair" I had a vision of those 1800's world fair, and I'm glad I was about right on when I opened the park. The architecture and imitation of the steel structures I can greatly appreciate with the glorious grand halls. My favorite hall was the steampowered carriages. I loved the intamin track on top of the suspended monorail, It gives a very strong "steampunk style" and reminded me of the suspended train in Wuppertal, Germany, http://en.wikipedia....pension_Railway . I enjoyed the transportation ride, Turbine Racer, choosing the twister car does give it a bit of a futuristic look. Mechanica had a very good short compact layout. Paced very nicely and with the minimal theming, it does work at least for me. Gigavolt - I was a bit dissapointed with the ride not being operating when I opened the park, it doesn't affect negatively hugely that it didn't work for me, but that should've been something that was caught while doing the final inspection before handing in the park for submission. But, it wasn't a make or break the park thing, just a minor detail that I didn't appreciate in the park. The layout of Gigavolt was more sprawling than Mechanica due to it's higher speed. I have to say it just didn't work for me, it was too "flat" and not enough height for me, there was just a total of two tall hills and two medium hills while the rest were just flat, so I didn't enjoy the layout as much. I did love La grande vue elevator ride to the balloon, using the vertical steel support was clever and works extremely well. In the great hall right next to the effiel tower replica, I thought that was the weakest great hall in the whole park, just the two transportation rides goes through it and a lot of dead space inside that we can see in the section cut, no peeps, no shop stalls, concessions, restrooms, It was just dead, and I can't figure out why there's an barrel room that is named "arch." I can appreciate the Effiel tower in terms of how much work that was put in it, how much 1/4 object I see in it, but in this case, it just doesn't work for me. An Effiel tower already exists in RL and something else could be created in this park that is unique and different as an centerpiece than a replica, but I do appreciate the work that was put to it.
Overall, this park had the potential to be a hit, but for me it was a miss. With the error trapper glitch, turbine racer being stuck then eventually all cars of it being stuck and unable to function without a reset, resetting Gigavolt, the incomplete great hall near the Eiffel tower, and the middle of the park that felt weird. The architecture in this park however is a solid hit and the theming of some of the halls were a hit with me. I just felt this park was rushed and incomplete than a "finished product."
LaborersMore boats! I loved the boat scenery and I thought you pulled all three boats off very well my favorite was the sunken Baron ship. You pulled off that classic look well. Classic Jalopy car tours was also done well and gave the introduction village a good filler and made it look more busy. Windseeker, holy shit, a working swinger ride, I loved it! It was executed perfectly! Shipwreck Cove Rapids had wonderful scenery, I enjoyed watching the raft go through it's course. I'm still unsure about the monorail that was used for it's platform, I don't think it worked quite as well since it glitched more than it actually worked. Loved the side profile view as well with the plane underground. Magnetite layout was great I thought and flowed well with good speed throughout. I again enjoyed the underground side profile view in the mines with the working mine cart. The support works was fantastic as well, I loved the uniqueness of it rather than a plain post support, it actually had decorations on it which I can appreciate. Caldera layout was okay, just a standard layout I thought, nothing special, just ordinary coaster with good flow but it didn't exactly overwhelm me or notice anything too special about it. But at the same time I can't really say anything negative about it since it just worked for me. The catacombs was a nice hidden surprise, a bit small for me to fully appreciate but it was themed very well I thought for a such small space.
Overall, the park was polished, well done, and well thought out as in terms of the layout where everything was going to go and I can see that the Laborers had an plan and they stuck to it with the theming of the park. I enjoyed looking at all the custom planes and ships in this park, it was executed well. Theming of the rides was done well, and forced me to explore the entire layout of the ride to discover some secrets or things I would've never noticed if I didn't follow along, it was well thought out and done.
For this round I'm going to have to go with the more polished park that I enjoyed exploring and discovering things and that was the Laborers park. All in all, a great round and both team should be proud of the work they have done. -
Roomie Offline
Best match up so far for me.
I'll always be more into parks that require lots of imagination to build. It's why for me Raptor and Circus Circus while technically impressive were so boring and probably hold my attention for 5mins while these can hold it for much much longer.
Worlds Fair is incredible. I love the way its set out as a little ride space and theme in each building. Sort of like Epcot but with a more steam punk vibe. Neither of the coasters was great and yeah it was a bit cramped but the general atmosphere and feeling of the park was spot on. Oddly I couldn't figure out for the life of me why Turbine Racers crashed.
Bermuda was also incredible. A great theme pulled off really well. The planes were great (How did that one get in a cave?) and there were some cool ideas throughout. The coasters were better than Worlds Fair but nothing spectacular again. The volcano was cool and the Windseeker was well executed.
However for me this was an easy choice. World's Fair aims for something and pulls it off almost perfectly. Sure there are a few niggles but it feels fresher and more interesting than Bermuda. So Robber Barons gets my vote.
Sulakke Offline
Wow, I see the Barons made a good comeback last night. That’s good, as both parks should deserve a win in my opinion.
Robber Barons
The main problem in this park was the lack of room to breathe, like a lot of people already mentioned. While the architecture of the buildings around the pond was top notch, it was very hard to focus on these buildings and their details. You could have easily left out some of the buildings to give the other ones some more space. Also, I think you could have left out Turbine Racers as well as it was another causer of the cramped feeling. Too many ideas for such a small map.
The pavilion around the tower was good, but that area felt cramped too for me. With more gardens in there, it would have looked more serene and the architectural delights could have shine more then. The tower itself was nice. Not entirely sure about the color, but black works okay. It's a shame there is no lift leading to a restaurant or viewpoint in the upper ring. That would have been really cool.
I thought the glass halls were very well done, as was their content. While the layout of Gigavolt was a little bit boring, it looked very cool with all those steampunk reactors and lightning. I really liked the log flume as well. The dinosaur skeleton was one of the coolest things in the park. The Gerstlauer was pretty good as well, just like the hall with the bumper boats. I’m curious what you were planning for the fifth, unfinished hall?
The names of some of the trackitecture made me laugh by the way. A lot of lattice haha. And did you really used 122 RCT years for this? With this level of detail, you guys build very quick.
Manual Laborers
A Bermuda park was done before in one of the first H2Hs. That one was for the greater part under sea level, while this one has a completely different approach.
The town part was really good, but what held my attention a lot longer was the mountain side. So many cool features and interactions I like to see in H2H parks! The radar tower was very well done and the zip-line is a great new ride. Never seen a treehopper ride executed so well. All the wrecks, with as highlights the crashed plane bridge and the rapids through the ship wreck, they all were very well done. The entrance for the rapids and the magnet coaster were awesome. I loved all the disappeared people in the park. It made a good connection between the park and our ordinary world. And the flight log was nice, too. It was good to see that there were so many rides in the park and they were all peepable. It was a pity that the mine walk could handle only one guest at a time and that the zip-line waiting line was causing a lot of unhappy guests as it was too long. But those are just minor negatives.
The only major downside for me was Caldera. I’m not sure what was off exactly, but the ride just felt a bit empty. Must say I didn’t like the colors of the coaster that much, but I don’t think that’s the cause. Perhaps it was the somewhat sloppy execution of the top of the volcano. And it was a shame the coaster only operated with one train. The coaster station was brilliant by the way.
All in all two very good parks, but I have my clear favorite and that is Bermuda. In my opinion, it’s up there with H2H parks like Sea of Sagas and Lijiang. Together with Tenochtitlan my favorite H2H7 park up to now. I thought the Manual Labores would be one of the weaker teams, but I must say they have produced two very solid parks these first rounds. Well done and I hope you guys can keep this up!
Version1 Offline
I think version1 may not like boats
It's not that I don't like them. I just feel boats are getting to a spot, where teams think they are costumary for a h2h park for some reason.
Roomie Offline
Surely that's just because most H2H parks need an area of water either through A) the theme requires it or B) the park wasn't finished in time and it needed something there (usually the former). And large areas of blank water are boring. Therefore people add boats.
Kumba Offline
Shit, this is a hard one...
Bermuda was really awesome. I don't think it looked like a copy of anything (ironically I might get accused of copying the entry area when I do my Key West theme in DR3 since that's pretty close to the look I want to get). It kinda reminded me of JKay's later work. All the plane crashes where pretty nice as creative themeing and I liked that a few boats were mixed in too. Great frozen staff cameos too. The rapids were great and I liked the hacked rides, tho sometimes I cringe at the insane amount of work it can take to get some of those rides to work, yep great work making a finished park even with that (last week too). Magnetite was great, tho Caldera was a miss imo. That volcano was just ugly and note I say Volcano because with how raised it is, it kinda cannot be a Caldera since they are normally low into the ground and look like creators. Also a miss for me was the buildings throughout the park. They just felt sloppy instead of smooth. Maybe too much white on some of them. Still, a fantastic park overall. 80/100
World's Fair was quite amazing in some spots, but yeah the unfinished spots were there and it's clear you guys had some type of issue getting it finished even with the extension. Still, a park being a little unfinished does not ruin things for me. I was still able to enjoy 4 of 5 of the expos, the custom suspended flat and balloon ride. Both this park and Bermuda were a little hard to view with all the layers and levels. I like that it's realistic, but it does make parks a little hard to explore. The level of awesomeness in areas of this park are very high. I'll never get around to a "little things" post, but damn, if I did... In the end, I did feel that this map was not planned out very well and squeezed into H2H size. This would be an NE Spotlight on a larger map. 80/100
This was really VERY close. I was almost tempted to null vote on another Laborers park. I am still undecided on which way to cast my vote. I can't remember a more awesome close match-up, maybe Shadowlands vs. Alice, but this is a classic no matter which way it goes.
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