H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 2 Match 1] - Robber Barons vs Manual Laborers
29-April 15
nin Offline
Good stuff. Just when I think I know who to vote for, I'll find an extra detail in the opposing park and it changes everything. The World's Fair is more of my style, but there are moments of brilliance in Bermuda, the plane bridge being a major highlight. Stuff like that is great, but I do question why/how a plane ended up underground..?
My thoughts and vote will continue tomorrow, Props to both teams for an epic match-up.
turbin3 Offline
Gigavolt isnt working. Turbine Racers crashed. Les Frankfurters has no path to it. Guests are getting lost or stuck. Mechanica isnt peepable. Good work -
Cocoa Offline
I give them slack for that, they clearly struggled to finish and id be annoyed if people excluded/judged my park on the technical bugs and not on the merits, of which there are many to be found. (The merits i mean haha) -
Jappy Offline
Da-a-a-a-mnnnnn.... This one is hard...
World's Fair: I love steam punk, and as a history student, the nineteenth century is my favorite one, so that's a big plus. The architecture is really well done and has the right feel to it. There are a few issues though... For instance, quite a lot is piled on top of each other, making it difficult to see which building started where. Also, being kicked out of the park because of an error trapper is really annoying. Nonetheless, for what I can see, it's an impressive park, and certainly one of my favorites this H2H.
Bermuda: The Lost Colony: everbody is saying that this park is made up of elements from previous H2H-parks, but that's no issue for me, since this is the first H2H I'm actually following! The airplanes are really cool and a backstory is always a huge plus. I love the wacky feel it's got, like an outpost where all the people lost in the Bermuda Triangle are all just partying, far away from the hectic world they left behind. It's colourful, playful, tropical and just....fun! But I have to say... I could have been a bit more crazy...
Conclusion: it's so far my favorite match-up in H2H, but that does make it really hard to pick a winner.
Version1 Offline
Weakest Match-up in this H2H in my opinion. I just find both themes pretty dull to be honest. World's Fair has 2 annoying bugs for me (Gigavolt doesn't run. You have to close it and build on it to work. Plus, there is a non-moving tram car that causes an error trapper when you hover over it). Bermuda looks a little better for me to be honest, World's Fair just seemed cramped.
Louis! Offline
Let's not comment on how weak or strong a match up is please.
This is about discussing both parks, giving reviews and thoughts on each.
Discussion of how strong or weak a match is compared to others is quite unfair IMO especially when people worked so hard to provide you all with great RCT. This discussion can take place in the best round topic that comes later, for now just concentrate on reviewing the parks, not the match up. -
chorkiel Offline
World's fair:
Really digged the concept. Also really digged the architecture and the execution mostly, except for one thing. My two favorite areas are the entrance and the one that you displayed in the screenshot. Only for the simple reason that they had at least a bit of breathing room. The glass structures, while very good looking, were so overpowering and they blocked the view of what was underneath and behind it. Which was a bummer, because from what I could see, there are some really cool rides in there. The park is indeed a bit unfinished, but that wasn't really bothering me, although I would have liked to see some of those not working rides in action.
All in all, I thought this park was really cool and very well made. It just would have looked much better if you would have more space to place everything.
Bermuda: The Lost Colony:
This was beyond lovely. The colors, the landscaping, the architecture. I loved it. Your main coasters weren't revolutionary, but they did their job. The concept was executed very well too. I don't really have words for this. Could easily be my favorite h2h7 park.
I'll look back on the parks tomorrow before voting, but damn. This was a good match.
Stoksy Offline
Gigavolt works fine; just pause the game, close the ride twice [until the trains disappear], and open again. Runs perfectly.
The trams that were stuck on the track were quite amusing, a glitch that I haven't seen before as well - nice job
By the way, the Harold Holt frozen peep is just...amazing.
World's Fair is dense, almost too dense I think. Unfinished bits are unfortunate, but didn't take away too much from the park. If I was a peep I think the park would be outstanding, but from a 3rd person viewing perspective everything seemed to get in the way of everything else. Even the lake, which provided for some calm, seemed to be squashed in the middle there. Just felt too cramped for my tastes.
Bermuda was almost the opposite, really great use of space I thought. The theme was interesting, and all the crashed planes/boats were well done [the crashed plane bridge was the best in my opinion]. The volcano was an...interesting change, maybe a little too bare though. The landscaping by the black coaster with the mine underneath was a lot better I thought; not too dense, but also not just landscaping.
Interesting matchup, full review coming after further viewing.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Interesting how people are saying it's either a great match or a weak match. Quite the divisive round!
But I agree with Louis, matchup discussion should be reserved for later, it's probably more pertinent to discuss the individual parks more than the match up here. -
Version1 Offline
But I agree with Louis, matchup discussion should be reserved for later, it's probably more pertinent to discuss the individual parks more than the match up here."I think this is a weak match" is like saying "I think both parks aren't quiet as good as the round 1 parks" but shorter
Fisch Offline
"I think this is a weak match" is like saying "I think both parks aren't quiet as good as the round 1 parks" but shorter
Louis didn't mean you shouldn't talk about what matchup is the best.
Louis meant you shouldn't come in here and practically insult both parks when the builders have put in countless hours of their swet and tears just so you're even presented with a matchup at all. So the fact that you just called both parks weak again without having said anything positive isn't helping.
Aside of that both parks were very well thought out, very creative, and generally of high quality anyway. They both had a lot more depth to them than perhaps any r1 park aside of Tenochtitlan (not trying to be biased, just talking about depth, storytelling in the parks, etc).
Faas Offline
Yes I'm back in time for round 2!
Bermuda park: Really cool park. When looking at it closer some ideas are recycled but I find this park far more pleasing to the eye than the other park. Really cool tropical feel, somehow reminded me of the tropical island in a book I recently finished (Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut). Cool crashed vehicles and I loved the town square with the cars.
World fair. Cool entrance area and the area around the tower (cool tower!) was awesome. As soon as I got to the exhibition halls however, I couldn't focus at all and I soon lost my interest, no matter how hard I tried to focus and look at everything.
Bermuda for me.
I'm so excited for these parks! It's like my birthday for a few weeks! -
Six Frags Offline
Let's not comment on how weak or strong a match up is please.
Then why organise a contest like H2H, which is about match-ups?!
I think it's perfectly fine to compare match-ups against each other, as has been done in all H2Hs to date, as long as you review each park properly.
Version1 Offline
Louis meant you shouldn't come in here and practically insult both parks when the builders have put in countless hours of their swet and tears just so you're even presented with a matchup at all. So the fact that you just called both parks weak again without having said anything positive isn't helping.
First of all: There are countless parks on this side that builders spent a lot of time in that don't get high scores or even feedback, so there's that.
Second of all: This is just my preliminary opinion, as I ddn't spend to much time with either park I won't say much else because it would be pointless. I liked a lot in these parks and will probably do a video reviews.
Most important: Saying that this matchup is the weakest is like saying Tyson Chandler is the weakest member of the 2012 US Basketball Team. He might not be as good as the other players but he is a hell of a player.
Fisch Offline
First of all: There are countless parks on this side that builders spent a lot of time in that don't get high scores or even feedback, so there's that.
Second of all: This is just my preliminary opinion, as I ddn't spend to much time with either park I won't say much else because it would be pointless. I liked a lot in these parks and will probably do a video reviews.
Most important: Saying that this matchup is the weakest is like saying Tyson Chandler is the weakest member of the 2012 US Basketball Team. He might not be as good as the other players but he is a hell of a player.
To be fair to you, I totally forgot you do the review videos. So it's true that you do give plenty of credit and feedback to the builders. Looking forward to more of these.
Louis! Offline
I think it's perfectly fine to compare match-ups against each other, as has been done in all H2Hs to date, as long as you review each park properly.
That is the point I'm trying to get at. Coming in to find several posts discussing how weak or strong the match up is without any decent feedback on the parks themselves is a problem.
After a lovely long review on each park, feel free to comment on how the match up is.
turbin3 Offline
I really love it, I think it's my favorite park so far. Lovely atmosphere created by those nice buildings and the great foliage. The rides were nice, pretty good job on the hacks! Furthermore I really liked the crashed planes + the overall details.
World Fair:
I am not a big fan of the park, still you did a great job. As mentioned before the failures got it down in my opinion. I wasnt delighted with your coasters but the custom flatride looked spectacular, unfortunately it wasnt peepable/working. Of course, the overall architecture + tower were really well done.
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