H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 3] - The Rat Pack vs Manual Laborers
15-April 15
Lotte Offline
same here seph, each park was great and an absolute treat to look at, i'm really looking forward to round 2
ottersalad Offline
It was very fun to see the work Josh, Sammy and Mav put in. A lot of commitment and effort.
Good job Manuel Laborers. I never thought I'd see a park like you guys made. Really caught me off-guard.
Stoksy Offline
Picked Louis, I remember seeing the first half of the Canyon Blaster layout before. Kind of guessed Austin, but definitely thought Tim was on this...
Maverix was relatively clear, but great job by Sssammy and In:Cities who really brought the park together quite cohesively.
Xeccah Offline
Honestly I just built what i thought looked cool. I suck at the whole rct component of this game in terms of rides and hacking, but it's enjoyable to build fun cityscapes essentially with virtual Legos with my online friends.
Coasterbill Offline
BTW- Everyone blame Lew for the hyper
Like I said in my original post that layout was terrible, but I wasn't sure if it was terrible because it was an Arrow or just because it was terrible. I was hoping it was the former and now that I know who built it I know it was.
The ride was obviously heavily inspired by Desperado which has one of the worst layouts in coaster history. It's gutsy to build something with a layout like that in RCT but it's something Arrow would absolutely build so I love that you guys did it.
G Force Offline
Layout was fine except for the turnaround, didn't have a problem with it however because all Casino based Coasters are terrible, except perhaps for Speed the Ride (actually was a really cool ride if you can get over the 10$ ride fee). Sadly, however, it isn't even standing anymore. -
Maxwell Offline
Haha that POV reminded me of that old Discovery channel show about coasters, and how the guy they filmed riding it was wearing goggles... I remember thinking that that dude was a total nerd.
I think you did a fine job on the layout Louis, considering it's an Arrow and the inspiration for it!
AvanineCommuter Offline
full review of circus circus:
The hotel rooms were really detailed very well! Great use of scenery
The casino was fun to look at.
LOVE that diagonal swinging ship, it's amazing and it looks super convincing!
El Loco was a great ride - compact, fun, great supports, a bright pop of color, and a perfect fit scale wise.
Loved the airplane flatride! Beautifully executed and very clean and attractive.
The landscape outside by Big Top was really cool, and I could totally imagine a coaster like this being a great addition to Circus Circus! It's exciting when parkmakers take some creative license with recreations and use similar inspirations to create a hypothetical addition to a real park! Very well done! As for the layout, I would have liked there to be more of an indoor portion near the end so that it interacts more with the rest of the park, and especially after seeing Gee's amazing Desperado turnaround, I expect there could have been more done with the helix/turnaround.
The Cons:
That dome... pretty terrible. Not the best attempt at a structure like the original. Definitely needs ribbing to give it shape.
The whole park feels way too squished. You can basically see the main chunk of the park in one screen Well, not really, because it was so squished a lot of things were blocked and you can't see it unless you rotated the park. I know you made due with the size constraint for such a lofty undertaking so it's hard to get around, but in the end I don't think you made it work that well. A lot of things, such as the flume ride (which wasn't the best) and the main Canyon Blaster got lost in the mix. The amazing diagonal swinging ship gets covered in most of the views. Also, for such a condensed park, it felt relatively bare and lacking in the architecture department, which is surprising.
The casino + hotel cutaway could have benefited from some breathing space - the former more open and more of the hustle / bustle of a typical Vegas casino, and the latter built higher up so more of the casino is visible. Right now with the hotel cutaway sitting right above the casino it just adds to the squished vibe.
The landscaping inside left a lot to be desired...
Not a fan of the beachside, parking and the shantys. Interesting choice to add those details in but they weren't particularly interesting to look at and it would've been nice to use those extra squares to expand the adventure dome itself and give the interiors much needs space; it feels like filler and a poor use of space.
San Fransokyo:
The entry was beautiful and really nice and spacious. That entry gate is great!
Upgrade was a great ride and I LOVE the layout. Very well done there, the way it interacted with the bridge and the little cheetah portion was awesome! Very nice unique layout and fun to watch.
The mansion was beautiful as well and the interiors were well done.
The go-karts and freeway are unique and I love the idea / execution! I really loved this ride and it was fun to watch the riders weave in and out of the city like that. Great job!
Those cars... Droolworthy detailing. Beautifully done.
The whole city portion has a very BH6 feel and I think you captured it very well. I love the blend of the two cities and I think while certain buildings aren't as strong as others, the whole feel is spot on. Also loved the little area with colorful hanging lamps by the mansion
Project Sparrow crashing in and out of the building was a nice touch.
The little details were great to find.
The observation tower... a misstep. Not attractive and caused a peep jam.
The Golden Gate was okay but not as stellar as it could have been. As a centerpiece to the park it definitely should have had more attention and detail.
The Port and the boat outside it - filler quality. I think time constraints played a role? I'm not sure, but they weren't very nice.
The dirt pathing threw me a little. I'm not a fan of that mixed with the city, it looked unfinished and bare because of all the exposed ground and it didn't fit the vibe in my opinion.
The cutaway buildings also added to the unfinished vibe, as some of the wall planes weren't obvious as to where they start and ended, and a lot of them were flat and oddly proportioned.
Could have done some unique custom flats that would have sold the theme more instead of multiple generic flats with minimal theming.
Some of the staff naming -.-
I should have given critiques of my team's park BEFORE we submitted it so we could fix it but I was out of commission for a few weeks due to school.But in the end it still is a great park that I spent a lot of time looking through so it's not a big deal.
Overall I liked both parks because there was definitely a lot of great work being done in both.
Congrats to Louis Austin and DJ for the win!
tyandor Offline
Not gonna give a detailed review of both park, but wanna share some thought. I still have to see the movie, but wouldn't have taken that into consideration if I was in time to actually vote xD (graduation project is a bitch
That said just reading through the forum I saw being confirmed what I saw, when I opened the parks: there's a big difference between their consistency and it is obvious now why if we look at the share the different people had in them. While both parks are pretty good, it shows that Circus Circus is mostly by the same person and other people just added to it within the same style (or atleast it's not very noticable). In the Hero park it is actually surprising it still comes away with its cohesiveness to a certain extent, but there are big differences and the feeling is really present it has been built by 3 different people with each their own area. Also the quality levels are a bit different, with In:Cities definately coming out on top. There was some really strong stuff over there.
I think it can be a mistake to built three areas separately, because you're basicly building 3 parks with the same theme, just on one map. You have to build on one map together and yes that sometimes requires that that the strongest player takes the lead, just not towards the percentages that Circus Circus is displaying. That requires some trust between team mates when someone decides they will change something someone else has built. I've experienced the same with only 'succesful' H2H park I built together with Levis, although it was in that case not much of a skill difference, but a style difference. Every one generally has an area they excel at. Molding it to one whole is what the challenge is.
5dave Offline
Figured I never replied to this:
Despite being my own team, I think it's just fair to do a review (after giving annoying advices in the building topic from time to time) of our teams' park as well.
San Fransokyo
I was afraid the concept of the park was too much based on the movie therefore alienate a lot of potential voters (I aswell didn't see the movie yet), but I really loved the concept of mixing an Asian city with an American city - so that was really nice and unique!
Macro (Park Impression):
The park feels kinda quartered with the skyscrapers being crammed into one corner, and two bigger buildings (Silent sparrow and Baymax building) being in two opposite corners as well. What really shines at first glimpse is the harmonic feel it has nontheless, nice use of colors, kickass coaster and some room to breathe as well (loved that garden corner).
The main ride clearly is Baymax upgraded. I really love the whole thing basically; nice elements, great pacing and the interaction with the bridge and the water is really amazing - just a fun ride IMO. The queue was a bit of a let-down imo. It could have used the huge station building much better going through different levels and the garden as well, right now it's a bit boring unfortunately. Project silent sparrow was an unique but strange ride, could've used some theming indoors to make it pop more, but those 2 outdoor sections are nice! Another great ride was the gokart track through and above the city - one of the highlights of the park. The flatrides were kinda boring most of the part (besides battle bots - great idea!) - shame for the viewing tower which didn't work well.
I loved some of the buildings in every builders area - which is a good thing. Maverix' scale seems a bit off compared to the other buildings (especially next to Sssammy's stuff), but structure- and detail wise they were really great. Sssammy's small road buildings were also colorful and exciting. The skyscraper area had 1-2 nice towers (the one with the orange window structures being my favorite) but the others were kinda wacky and strange to me. I wished you'd have included more landmarks from both San Fransisco and Tokyo and adapt them. The bridge as a landmark was really great, but felt a bit short and it missed some concrete parts at the bottom IMO.
Micro (Details):
The details throughout the park made this one really special. I loved the road details! Also some interiors were really nice - especially the hero tour and the blue screen in the office building - nicely done! Overall a great park that turned out really well, but it felt kinda sloppy and not very refined in some parts.
Circus Circus & Adventuredome Atlantic City
Using an existing casino complex and place it into another city - why not? But why should it be so similar to the original one in Vegas? While I understand the idea behind, I don't really get why you neither built a recreation of the original nor something new and exciting instead?
Macro (Park Impression):
To be honest - the roofed version is really ugly. I understand the real thing looks ugly as well, but why the hell would you built another pink tumor dome like that again? If the geometry would have been more clear I think it would have been better, but still it just looks ugly - haha. Also the hotel tower looked like the real thing in Vegas - I get it, but why would they built it like that again? That thing was built in 1968! The coaster surrounding it looked nice and relaxed the eye a bit, as well as the beach in front.
I liked Big Top and its placement behind the building - what I didn't like were the mixing of supports and the canyon part which didn't look that nice. The rides inside the dome were really cool and also a great mix - sure from a realistic point of view - why would the park that doesn't exist (yet) built old Arrow rides - but I think my rant before was enough ;D. The El Loco coaster was my favorite - loved that thing! Also those custom rides were perfect. A diagonal swinging ship, an air race, pick axe - awesome work! Canyon blaster was fitting, but nothing spectecular, I'd have prefered a more modern ride instead (Intamin, Gerstlauer or a small B&M).
The structures inside the dome were really nice and had a nice scale, nice job with the interiours as well! I loved the different height levels throughout the park. Wasn't a fan of the canyon structure, but I think I don't like those objects that much, so it's not your fault I guess. Also great hotel interiors!
Micro (Details):
As I said all those interior details were really nice, also the stalls everywhere. The outside details were also nice (crane, beachbar, casino, light chains,...) All in all a great park with some logical and aesthetic flaws, but those custom rides and the interiors made up for it!
"MFG" -
Cocoa Offline
^I think its not so much that they built a new adventuredome in 2015, but that circus circus (in this fictional universe) invested in two hotels/parks way back in the 60s, so in true cheap amusement park style, built similar rides and style at the same time. That pretty much solves the whole issue really... its all intentionally sort of ugly and realistic and dated, which is why I love it
djbrcace1234 Offline
So I'm staying at the real Circus Circus and It's really cool to see how unique our take on the park is presented. El loco is a pretty decent ride. Canyon Blaster still blows. lol.
wheres_walto Offline
Major bump but I didn't appreciate Circus Circus nearly as much when it came out as I do now. The sheer scale of building a hotel with enormous glass dome before scenery manager is incredible, and the interior detail and ride design still hold up pretty well
Gustav Goblin Offline
Circus Circus has always been one of those "whoa" parks to me ever since I joined NE. Kinda blew my mind how people just thought to Do That.
Recurious Offline
I too remember Circus Circus blowing my mind when this just came out. I do think it has aged a little bit but this is still one of my all time favourite H2H parks.
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