H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 3] - The Rat Pack vs Manual Laborers
15-April 15
MCI Offline
I loved both parks. A little bit more going on in Atlantic City though.
Overall I´m really surprised how awesome all of the first round parks were.
Well done everybody!
Coasterbill Offline
Circus Circus
This was amazing. There were so many great touches in here with the Air Race, the swinging ship, the casino... this was really great. I've been to the Adventuredome and this really did have the same look and feel. I also like that you managed to keep the water ride and the El Loco as I always enjoyed Rim Runner.
Speaking of the El Loco, this was awesome. I loved the idea of using the standup trains, that was a stroke of brilliance. This was easily my favorite coaster in the park.
With the other 2 coasters I'm torn. I liked them but both layouts seemed a little awkward. This is always a tough call though because when dealing with Arrow coasters having weird layouts isn't always a bad thing as they did this kind of thing frequently so this could be taken as a plus or a minus. I did really enjoy how you built over the parking lot with the hyper and how much thought was put into the functionality of the parking lot before and after the coaster was added and how the lines and parking spaces were changed to accommodate it.
Great touch with the Miner Mike too...
San Fransokyo
This was great. I loved the roads and preferred the coaster layout to any of the coasters in Circus Circus. The buildings in the back corner are incredibly fun also. I really don't have anything bad to say about this park... and just because I didn't vote for it I'm not going to nit pick and try to find problems where they don't exist, I just thought Circus Circus was amazing.
Great job by everyone this round but my vote goes to Circus Circus.
GammaZero Offline
What a great matchup! IMO, the best of round 1.
SF: Never seen the movie and all that jazz. But from the real cities and the trailer, I could understand most of it. And I loved it! The buildings and the go karts were cool, and Baymax Upgraded was the icing on the cake. I didn't like bridge though, it was very bland.
CC: The roofed version was kinda weirdBut I loved the roofless version, that actually shows the park. And what a park! There was so much content crammed in a little dome, but it all felt so lively and cool! The casino was also really well done, and those hotel rooms <3 The hacks were pretty dope too. I didn't like the Arrow Hyper too much, but that's because I don't like a lot of Arrow Hypers.
Overall, my vote goes to the Laborers. Good luck to both sides and well freaking done, guys. -
Kumba Online
Circus - Can't say I was too fond of the hotel and the dome... idk, its shape was ugly, but that's how it really is. AC's comment on it needing a coaster to frame it was right on. The hyper was really good, great work on the supports, just the station felt crammed into the hotel. The most impressive work was under the dome. Everything there was really nice, tho I did kinda felt like you were showing off with the hacking. However, the hacking was likely needed due to the small space and very cleanly done. I loved the parking lot, tho had it been the first time I had seen it, more wow factor. The beachfront was a letdown and not even close to the skill level of other areas. Overall, I felt the park didn't really come together that well with some areas clearly better than others. It looked like you might have had 3 builders work in sections and the result took some flow off. Still, really nice work with some great moments. I think this is about an 80.
SF - Loved the highway with the downed cones and barriers. I also really liked the effort on the downtown area. The white tower with the mural was sick, loved that. Baymax was a really nice coaster, just that bridge was awful and the interaction with it didn't help the way it should have. Nice battle bots and I really enjoyed all the cutaway efforts. The skill level was not up to the Circus level, but skill is not everything. Someone clearly had a lot of fun with this park. My vote would be 70, 75 or 80, I cannot say for sure...
Vote = Null vote
wtf Kumba, why a null vote?
Simple, I have no plans to see Big Hero 6, which seems to be what SF was fully based on. Had I seen it, I think SF could have been more impressive to me and I don't think Circus was quite strong enough to just earn a vote over a park I cannot fully enjoy without seeing a movie.
I will not be getting upset with people who do not null vote on movie parks they have not seen, you can vote however you see fit imo. I do think it's a pretty fair move if you find the parks to be close. I am sure I am missing some fun things in SF and while I do feel Circus is the better park, I don't think I am in a position to make a fair judgement.
Liampie Offline
Good news everyone! It's 4 against 30 and the poll is fucked up so we have to restart the voting procedure. New poll coming up. Apologies for the inconvenience.
edit: FIXED! I'll leave it up to Louis to come up with a new deadline. Because we lost more than a day. -
Liampie Offline
In the old poll it was 4-30, now it is 0-36. What happenef? I feel bad for The Rat Pack!
Edit: anyone can confirm that they changed their vote? -
Louis! Offline
You've got to think that some people will not have revoted yet. These may all be new votes. -
Stoksy Offline
San Fransokyo (The Rat Pack):
I really enjoyed the movie, and seeing it translated into RCT was something that I kind of expected to happen. Still, it was pleasant to see I think even if there should have been a frozen staff called Stan Lee just as an ode to the post-credits - would have been a great touch in my opinion.
Anyways, the entrance I thought was really solid. Nice touches with the pink trees. However, the 'welcome' signs were really low I thought and some of the architecture had a few of the same problems in my opinion. Made things feel unnecessarily small and hindered the kind of 'larger than life' feel that the movie had. The Hero Tour was really awesomely done I thought, some great references in there as well! However, the actual structure it was housed in was a bit of a let down I though. Again, the scale was off I though because the building from memory is actually quite large and should have been more of a centrepiece. Its location certainly allowed for it as it wasn't as if it would negatively influence the towering structures of the city-scape.
At first I really liked the park as a lovely contrast to the bustling metropolis and really modern city, but now it just seems almost too simple. I don't know, maybe it's been sandwiched between to areas that are so open it kind of loses the contrast that make it so effective.
Project Silent Sparrow was an...odd layout I thought. I get that it's a dark ride but I just wasn't really feeling it. The housing was awesome and the portal was a really great touch. I think that this was probably the one exception where the sparseness of the area really helped the architecture [unlike the park].
The blimp ride could have been more interesting in my opinion. I think that it would have been really cool to see a suspended monorail car floating around in the sky rather than simply going for the observation tower. The architecture in the area is a decent transition into the city, but I really was not a fan of the dirt path. Maybe it's the texture in RCT, but god did the rest of that area look bland. The single-rail for the tram really didn't help and I think you would have been much better off just going with the standard tram track there. The area around the observation tower just looked bland and boring [hopefully unfinished(?)].
I actually loved the city and Sky Racing. Whilst I agree that it is unfortunate that the back of the skyscrapers were more prominent than the facades I think the feel that you created was a perfect ode to the movie. With high-rise Californian skyscrapers combined with Japanese roofing and styles. The custom cars were really great attempts, but I'm slightly ambiguous about them at times. First impression is that were a cool new addition, but on second viewing they seem a little strange in comparison with the surroundings.
The mansion was probably the best architectural piece in the entire park, and it housed a really great coaster! The small dark-ride portion went through all the indoor features from the movie and then is launched before flying all around the bridge [just like Baymax]. Really awesome job there, which is a given if ______ made the layout as I suspect. Wasn't really a fan of the trim brakes after the second launch but for the most part a really solid layout. I did feel that the boat and architecture under the 'PORT' sign left a lot to be desired though, especially in contrast with some of the other architecture in the park. Just seemed a little unnecessary if that was the execution.
The bridge was adequately iconic, but things like the unconnected swinging coaster track were a bit of a let down. Overall I think that the park was a solid ode to Big Hero 6, but there were some areas that could have been done better, whilst the layout of the park I think would have been better had it followed the movie more closely. For example having the Silent Sparrow project building located on an island would have made it look that much more iconic. As well as the Hero Tour building being more centralised. Nonetheless I still look forward to seeing Frozen 6
Circus Circus & Adventure Dome Atlantic City (Manual Laborers):
The trouble with recreations is when you build a recreation from something that is initially ugly. And in my opinion, damn is that massive maroon building ugly! I'm so glad that you made a version without a roof, because I personally think that the structure is such a massive eyesore.
There were actually some pleasant things in by the boardwalk; nice without being overly interesting and really gave the park some context which I liked. However, I do think that the scale was a little small not only by the boardwalk but something that translated into the skyscraper/hotel(?) and the rest of the park. It was probably accurate to peep size, but from my viewing perspective it just seemed really cramped. I think that the entrance [where the casinos and stuff were] could have been a couple units higher and really helped improve the feel of the area. It's a massive skyscraper, the entrance should do it justice. The detailing was acceptable for such a large structure and I did really like the lettering and colour of it.
The showing of interiors really made the park I though, especially that bottom layer of the hotel. The casino tables and individual rooms really gave the relatively large area a real sense of purpose. I do agree with a previous comment that it would have been nice to see some more guests in that area though, feels a little lifeless.
I'm a bit ambivalent about Big Top. Nothing wrong with an arrow hyper, but the colours and the station tucked away in that cramped little space weren't very appealing. I felt that the light brown supports were an unpleasant contrast to the grey tarmac and I felt that those trim brakes were kind of unnecessary although I'm sure that Louis would have given it the #datflow certification so maybe it's just my lack of coaster knowledge that lead to that critique. The surrounding car parks and stuff are obviously great, clear Goliath inspiration but it was done so well there that it might as well the norm for good looking and interesting car parks. Nice touch with the backstage areas as well, reinforced the realism aspect by adding things like cranes and better distributed old ride track which I haven't seen before.
Inside the dome was...chaotic. I imagine that was probably what you were going for, but it just too busy for my tastes. No real breathing room or section where something wasn't going on just to compliment the excitement of the rest of the area. I get that this was probably the point, but I don't know...personal preference I guess. Obviously hacking is great, the diagonal swinging ship was glorious as was the functioning air race. I did feel that as a result of the chaos the diagonal ship got lost a bit in the big picture. I mean, every angle hides parts of this really cool and innovative ride. El Loco was really well done, I think I may have seen a similar ride done before but the colours were nonetheless perfect and contrasted brilliantly with the surroundings. However, the surroundings themselves were lacking in my opinion. The LOTR rockwork in combination with their colours and the dirt landscaping just weren't particularly appealing in my opinion. Just felt really ugly, and a little unpleasant to look at.
I don't know, the interior felt like more of a mess than a well-planned out interior. Maybe that's what it's like in real life but that's not the most appealing thing for me when looking at RCT.
Overall, an interesting matchup that pitted movie and real life. The execution of both could have been improved I think but I'd say that Circus Circus & Adventure Dome Atlantic City didn't quite appeal to me as much as San Fransokyo. Chaos can be really well done, but I just felt that the dome interior was a weird combination of emptiness and messiness that didn't quite work in the way that it should. Maybe it's just a matter of me having seen the movie I could appreciate some of the features from that park a little better than others.
Vote goes to San Fransokyo by The Rat Pack, but again it's a really tough pick.
Centaur Offline
First match-up where I genuinely cannot decide between the two. Really need to look at them both again and again.
The building for the Baymax Upgrade coaster is just unbelievably brilliant!
Yet, I just love how everything fits together inside the dome and the outside theming for the Big Top ride is insane. -
Tolsimir Offline
San Fransokyo:
I haven't seen the movie (and think will never do), so I obviously never heard of San Fransokyo. When I saw the teaser pic with the park's title I was so excited about the idea of mixing the two cities. Reading through the topic revealed that this was an idea of some Disney guy not you though
That's always the problem with recs or movie/book/etc related themes. They don't come up with their own stories and much more with no real own ideas (regarding content not realization). That is btw also a reason why Le Reve Parapluie still is the best park ever.
But back to your park. I think not knowing the movie makes not such a disadvantage in enjoying the park. I know there will be some details I don't understand but actually I am not eager to search for some. Other than that I like a lot of ideas put into the park.
The entrance building was so cool, perfect shape and texture. So was the station of the coaster. Combined with the archaic music everything there worked really well. I didn't like the grey building left behind the entrance. The upbreak of the roof was confusing and I couldn't make out the right proportions and levels of the building. The movie theatre was awesome.
The best part of you park was the downtown area with the skyway race. For my taste the gokarts could have been a little longer and you should have found a way to put the ride into the race mode imo, but that's just a small thing. A little disturbing was the peep jam on top of the observation tower, don't know what was the thing there. The little area with the characteristic steep street was top, cute architecture there.
The bridge felt a little too wide but still a nice structure.
What I also liked was the unconventional path layout, but I think it worked.
All in all a great park with an incredible high fun factor!
Circus Circus:
I liked the version with the roof more. Because in that one, most of the park was covered and I didn't have to see that cramped mesh. Sorry, but the park didn't work for me. I could view almost the whole park in one screen, so was everything put together. I know it is the concept, but it wasn't very appealing. It was impossible to follow most of the rides without constant rotating because there always was something in the line of sight. And if that wasn't all, everything blended together colourwise besides the yellow coaster maybe.
Like someone already said, it felt a bit like a showoff of the same hack for 4 times, I would have preferred a little more unobtrusiveness (right word? had to look it up
). Some more standard rides would have been better imo. I must say I liked the hotelrooms, reminded me of a game where you had to build a hotel, but I missed the guests in it, same goes for the casino. I mean you had like 10 people dealing poker and blackjack but nobody who played with them. Whenever I was to Las Vegas the casinos were a place hustle and bustle. Your casino felt like the hotel lobby. Either some staff or peep objects or a mix would have done wonders here.
The outside were a dead parking lot with some very nice custom vehicles and a boring beachside. Why was that beach restaurant not accessible?
Okay enough negative comments
The diagonal ship was pure awesomeness, it's a pity it was only viewable from one angle. Also the arcade buildings on the side were really nice. They had the right amount of detail.
In conclusion, your park was too small for me, breathing room was just given outside with large amounts of tarmac but that doesn't work. Too hectic everything.
San Fransokyo had a lot more fun, and deserves my vote. Obviously I am almost alone with my opinion
Kumba Online
It's 54 to 8 with just a few hours left. I think Liam said it was okay to guess?
People really like to guess and as long as it's near the time the reveal happens and the score is not too close, I think that is or should be allowed.
Liampie Offline
Kumba, how many times do we have to tell you to stop making up rules? I never said that. Guessing is only allowed AFTER the voting is closed. Is it closed? No. It's open. Can you start guessing? No. Because it's open. Not closed.
Kumba Online
Oh... okay, I didn't realize that in our match the voting had closed when the guessing started. I don't think there has been a period between the close and the reveal before, so I was expecting both to happen at the same time later today. I like that actually, close the poll, let the eager masses guess and then announce it after some fun. That's how it will go this season?
csw Offline
Is it closed? No. It's open. Can you start guessing? No. Because it's open. Not closed.
inthemanual Offline
Voting Closed
Manual Laborers beat The Rat Pack
Manual Laborers vote count: 55 (86.36%)
Italian Stallions vote count: 8 (13.64%)
Circus Circus Adventuredome Atlantic City was made by Louis! (80%), Austin55 (15%) and djbrace1234 (5%).
San Fransokyo was made by Maverix (33%), SSSammy (33%) and In:Cities (33%).
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