H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 3] - The Rat Pack vs Manual Laborers
15-April 15
Goliath123 Offline
ctrl key?? What have i missed oh dear
Edit: Thanks to http://www.reddit.com/r/rct/wiki/faq I have now been made aware of the ctrl key to keep scenery at a certain height while building. Not sure how to feel after all the years of using shift to raise scenery.
May this link save others
RCTER2 Offline
Circus Circus & Adventuredomewhat I like:1. One park two maps (with roof/without roof)..2. Great in-door rides.3. Good details in the hotel.4. Overall very clean. Very well organised.what I don't like:1. Rollercoaster support.2. The "roof on version" needs some work. But I think it's already ok for a round one match.San Fransokyowhat I like:1. Many movie-related buildings/rides/landmarks. It's a fun park which contains content.2. Interesting path design.3. Lots of nice details to dig.4. I like the go karts a lot.what I don't like:1. Some use of color is out of control. Some buildings can be improved.2. Disharmony. The entrance area is too clear while the down town part is too crowd. The giant bridge is a little too big imo. The scale of some building is odd too.And the gaint bridge is all red.I guess you don't have enough time to finish the entrance/ocean part and rush it.My vote goes to Circus Circus & Adventuredome -
dr dirt Offline
Wasn't there a topic at one point about the sort of hidden tricks in the games? Like the control key, and the rotate object key, setting your own hotkeys, etc. There was actually some pretty damn useful stuff in there.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Adventerdome is great, probably my favorite park so far, wonderful concept and execution. San Fransokyo is just okay, kind of feels dated, like H2H5 level or so. Nice park, but not up to the level of the other week one parks.
That doesn't quite make sense to say a park feels "not up to the level of the other parks" and dated at "H2H5 level or so" when H2H5 parks like Parc Asterix, Lenox Mall, and Belmont Shores, Seaworld Sydney, etc. Like really...?
That said, I absolutely love circus circus! I grew up in LA and have visited Vegas every year until I graduated high school, and Adventuredome has been one of my staple spots while there. It's nice to finally see it realized in the game! I'll do a full review later when I get a chance.
About the dome of the circus circus roof, It definitely could have benefited from having coaster track outline the shape of the roof. I know in real life it doesn't have a trim, but in RCT the shape gets lost without a guide for the glass pieces. Having a maroon track trim to outline the large dome, the smaller dome, and the edges of the slanted roof would've given the whole roof much needed structure.
G Force Offline
That doesn't quite make sense to say a park feels "not up to the level of the other parks" and dated at "H2H5 level or so" when H2H5 parks like Parc Asterix, Lenox Mall, and Belmont Shores, Seaworld Sydney, etc. Like really...?
Not every H2H5 park was of Lexon or Belmont quality, if that was the case, those parks wouldn't be special. On average, H2H5 quality was obviously extremely good at the time, but now, 6 years later, most of the parks aren't anything special by today's standards.
Stoksy Offline
Fully expected someone to do Big Hero 6 eventually, looks a little simplistic from the screen but I'm excited to check it out in-game. I expect a reference to Stan Lee in there somewhere
Corkscrewy Offline
It's the most wonderful time of the (every 3) years!! seriously amazing parks from both sides. Opening up san fransokyo first reminded me why I love H2H so much. The talent that is brought out from people is amazing. So immersive. So many things to look over. That being said I think Circus Circus takes it for me. It was unbelievable how cool it looked inside and how well it all flowed together. Sick match up to everyone.
Cocoa Offline
Wow I really loved san fransokyo. Fantastic work. I'm a big fan of big hero six and I think you nailed the vibe, great details, references, etc. Felt really fun and alive. 3 amazing matchups in a row! Easily best first round of h2h ever.
FredD Offline
San Fransokyo
My first thought about a mix between Tokyo and San Francisco was that it could be interesting. Unfortunately, I'm just not feeling it. Except for the Golden Gate bridge I didn't recognize anything from San Francisco. I had the feeling it was more a Japanese city with a rip off of the GG bridge. If it's a mix up between 2 cities, the balance is not right in my eyes. I have to admit I never saw the movie (and never will see) so I can't get the references to that. Overall this park was kinda boring, that sounds a bit harsh but it never grabbed my attention. The archy is not that special and in the corner with the elevated highway kinda weak. I'm not feeling the coaster layout and it's colors were a big turn off for me. I'm sorry Rat Pack...
Circus Circus & Adventure Dome Atlantic city
I did not understand why you guys put so much effort in building that huge ugly pink glass roof
Also the huge building was weird, looked like it was imported from Sovjet Russia. But fortunately there was a roofless version! While it is crammed on a small spot it's amazing the atmosphere doesn't suffer from that and the theming is top notch. Just like Phantasialand manages to do. I liked this park very much, glad to see the Air Race because that's a ride which is very popular these days. I've only seen it once in RCT and hope we get to see if more often. One turn off in this park was the nasty beach.
So my vote is clear, Circus Circus.
Austin55 Offline
I feel like he source material for both parks is very important to understand for both of these parks.
chorkiel Offline
San Fransokyo:
To be honest, I was really enthusiast when I saw that a team had built a Big Hero 6 park. But when looking around, it felt more as if you based this on the city before Big Hero 6 happened. That already made me less excited, but overall I didn't really like this park any way. The things that were heavily inspired by the movie were as much hit and miss as the rest of the park, so I guess I'll just do a quick breakdown;Hit:
Baymax Upgraded
Project Silent Sparrow
The entrance
Battle Bots
Sky Path Racing and the buildings surrounding it
All the streets that are so small that you see the back of the buildings better than the facades
Hero Tour
Circus Circus:
As requested, I first opened the version with roofs. And that was quite ugly. The Arrow going around it didn't look nice and all the asphalt was uninteresting. The hotel is as generic as can be. I don't really like that beach area too much.
Then I opened the version without the roofs and it suddenly all got a lot better. The hotel had a nice casino and I liked seeing how you did the interiors of the hotel. Some life wouldn't be bad in there though. Then I got to the park and I didn't get out for quite some time. I really loved El Loco and the log flume ride going around it made it even more interesting. All around, this was such a terrific concept execution. It was very interesting to go through it and while everything was very much crammed together I rarely had the feeling like I was unable to see things. When opening the version with roofs afterwards I actually quite enjoyed looking through the dome. (The hotel was still boring though, haha).
Really cool park and very nice job.
I'm voting for Circus Circus -
Fisch Offline
Circus Circus was absolutely incredible I thought. I really appreciated San Fransokyo as well, I especially liked the highways but Circus Circus is the winner for me. Incredible concept and the execution is soooo sooo good. The inside of adventure dome dealt with the little space that was avaible perfectly. So whoever did the park lay out for the inside of adventure dome has done an incredible job. The dome looks really good too. Only thing that could've been better perhaps was the actual Circus Circus building with roofs on. I realize it's probably similarly boring in real life but with some additional creativity it could've been another highlight. That said, it's r1 so I can see how you didn't really have a lot of time to come up with the hotel building.
Louis! Offline
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Airtime Offline
and that air race (why didn't anyone think of it before (well, except Airtime in Micro Madness)
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