H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 2] - Italian Stallions vs Robber Barons
14-April 15
Airtime Offline
I just want to make it known, after the contest I would be happy to help with... Son of Raptor!
Can't you just picture an invert launching out of a huge bird's beak!
Just like most sequels that one was awful, sorry Kumba lol
Seriously in love with all the parks are producing atm. Amazing stuff guys. That Raptor rec, can't wait to look at it!
RCT2day Offline
Maybe it's because I'm extremely tired, but I thought both parks from the first matchup would beat these 2 easily. Don't get me wrong, they were great but they weren't outstanding. Raptor was a perfect replication of the real thing but that alone doesn't make it good in my opinion. You can make a perfect copy of a real-life coaster but it can still be an ugly coaster and it'll be an ugly recreation. Cyleal seemed unfinished in spots and lacked atmosphere for me. That drop tower was awesome though.
I'll download them again tomorrow and give me vote then. Though I'm leaning Raptor I think.
Kumba Offline
So Raptor gets an 89% AP score. Both it and Kumba fail to get a single 100% vote. I guess the real question on voting for a rec is if you are voting on how well it did as a rec, or how well it did as an RCT design. Also there is the element of "copying" that some people consider. Don't get me wrong, I agree that both our recs are not 100% vote worthy, just it's interesting to see how people vote on these. Overall, I think Raptor is better and could have been around a 95% in 2010 when Kumba came out.
When I first saw it, I wanted to go 95 and would have loved a reason to give it a 100. It's just at the end where it kicks the Q, rather than the sky, that really took it down a notch for me. That and the hacked ratings and wooden coaster break runs.
navalin Offline
I wasn't really a fan of Cyleal... interesting landscape I guess, and good architecture, but it just felt dead. The map was large and only had one coaster too which had a good layout, but I question the use of a launch for a ride that would take up less space with just a standard chain and essentially act the same. I think I would actually prefer to be lifted up the building as opposed to launched to see the inside.
Raptor was vibrant and had all sorts of little fun areas like the laser tag and carousel. I loved the pathwork as well.
Cocoa Offline
alright, time for my full review.
Not quite as spectacular a matchup as round 1, but still a really really fantastic one. Great quality r1 in general.
I really really wanted to love this, especially from the overview it was awesome. I could see that rivendell influence in the macro and I wanted to see that so badly. Overall, it was good. A bit repetitive/generic on the architecture, but still nice. The square by the other entrance to the town was the best bit of the outsides, I reckon, other than the waterfall area. I also loved the floating bit, but I wish you'd done more floating bits instead of just one random one. Commit to the idea! The ramparts were really well done, and the interior was almost there. A bit bare for an elven castle thing. the layout was pretty cool though, I loved the tunnels and interaction. And as been said, shame the boats came after H.A.'s boats, because now everyone is going to mention how average these ones are
So I can tell that maybe it was a bit rushed for time to really get it all together, and you did an admirable effort at cleaning it up. It just doesn't really hold my attention. But still good, I'd give it a low-medium silver probably.
Obviously the realism is perfect. The interiors are amazing, loved the invisible maze lazer tag (fantastic idea!) and all of the little bits that really made it feel like cedar point. the layout is perfect (I reckon the trick to inverts is- bigger is better) detailing spot on, etc. There were a lot of paths though, so it does feel a little empty. But you filled it with shit so I can easily look past all that, and anyway that is how it looks IRL... although I wish you would have chosen a different area of the park! Multiple members on your team have attempted this exact area before. Move on! The western-y area around maverix would be super cool IMO. This is really the easiest area of the park. All that said, it really feels complete and finished and shines as a piece of realistic work in its own right. I also love how it was submitted for design! good call.
So I went with raptor, as much as I want to love cyleal (it just didn't happen for me).
AvanineCommuter Offline
Are you referring to my vote on parapluie? Because while in hindsight I should have voted for parapluie, the classic didn't deserve a shutout.
Also, I'm well aware that in the future Raptor will be the one that will be remembered. Raptor is technically most groundbreaking, there's no discussion on that, but I really enjoyed Cyleal. More than Raptor.
Someone needs to stand up for the weaklings!Haha not just on Parapluie, but I noticed throughout last comp there were some strong discrepancies between the winner / loser votes and oftentimes you are one of the handful that vote against the winner. You're a martyr for the weaklings!
AvanineCommuter Offline
Maybe it's because I'm extremely tired, but I thought both parks from the first matchup would beat these 2 easily. Don't get me wrong, they were great but they weren't outstanding. Raptor was a perfect replication of the real thing but that alone doesn't make it good in my opinion. You can make a perfect copy of a real-life coaster but it can still be an ugly coaster and it'll be an ugly recreation. Cyleal seemed unfinished in spots and lacked atmosphere for me. That drop tower was awesome though.
I'll download them again tomorrow and give me vote then. Though I'm leaning Raptor I think.
Did you think Raptor was ugly?
AvanineCommuter Offline
My review:
LASER TAG IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER. So creative, unique, well executed, fun to watch, it really was a highlight of the park for me.
The midway was super realistic and had a bunch of activity going on. It was captivating to watch really.
The buildings themselves were nice, perfectly detailed and proportioned.
The recreation itself was wonderful! It really flowed well and was a beauty to watch. As I'm not a realism guru I can't tell about the details but I'm sure based on the comments and how it looked that it was really spot on.
Loved the cracked pavement. Nice detail
Those amusement park maps were so well done!
Fairground rides were awesome! I know it's an old hack but these were really nice.
Starbucks was well executed and actually felt like a starbucks. That signage too... \\(O)// is clever!
Not super impressed with the concept of recreating Raptor for H2H7. The park was great but imo H2H7 is an opportunity to make creative and unique concepts come alive because of the teamwork and the format of the contest. It's a very safe choice. Plus we've already seen some raptor recreation screens before.
Since I'm not a realism guy, it's hard for me to enjoy the work and thought that's put into a recreation like this. But this has little to do with the quality of your work, more to do with my enjoyment of it.
Cool concept with unique ideas and was really looking forward to this park based on the read me.
The architecture was nice for the most part.
I really enjoyed the castle for the coaster! Very well done.
Some of the landscaping was very nice.
That windmill was beautiful!
The gate and bridge to the city was beautifully done and at a really good level of detail - this is the perfect amount of detail to convey the theme / idea.
The sword drop ride is one of the best concept / execution I have seen for a drop tower. Genius!
Cons: (sorry I might have a lot of comments because I'm a fantasy player...
Some of the concept was weakly executed. The floating island wasn't that interesting, the "source" with magic bits everywhere was not a strong enough tie to convey the fantasy theme, there were very few "little things" to explore and look at. There could have been a lot of detail put into the park based on the read me - the crescent and the sun was not present, the source was just a bit of blue blobs, etc. There could have been meaning to the buildings too - for example, you could have a mine for the source, a building that's a refinery for the source, buildings that have mystical purposes relating to how the source is harnessed and used, how it's distributed, how it shapes the society, etc. In the end the buildings were purposeless and basically just another fantasy village / castle type thing. For such a potentially awesome concept, it was barely present.
The coaster... way too fast at first with really bad pacing issues in general. This should have been dealt with over all other considerations, especially because it's literally the only tracked ride in the park. If you're going to have only one major ride, it better be stellar.
There was a lack of rides in the park, and the relative small size (or small feel) of the whole thing. It felt incomplete, like there should be another section that didn't make it because of time.
Not much to look at in the end - I was done with the park in half the time it took me to see everything in Raptor.
In the end there was no contest for me - Raptor was a much better park in terms of quality. Sorry to the builders of Cyleal, I wasn't very impressed with the park.
Liampie Offline
Voting Closed
Robber Barons beat Italian Stallions
Robber Barons vote count: 63 (87.50%)
Italian Stallions vote count: 9 (12.50%)
Cedar Point's Raptor was made by geewhzz (50%) and wheres_walto (50%).
Cyleal was made by trav (33%), gdb (33%) and ][ntamin22 (33%). -
Liampie Offline
I guessed gee and walto right, and I was considering jjay too. Some archy looked like his work a lot, flats couldve been his too.
Gdb and trav were obvious on Cyleal. But intamin? Wtf?
Looking forward to seeing who did what screens from these parks! -
Lotte Offline
it's kinda difficult to portray here but trav did the layout and the shitty custom supports were mine
Coasterbill Offline
GDB's style is obvious from a mile away (which is a good thing). I know people complain about his style not being unique but I never got that feeling from his work.
Great job by everyone, I really liked both parks.
Dirk Pitt Offline
Gdb and trav were obvious on Cyleal. But intamin? Wtf?
Looking forward to seeing who did what screens from these parks!Yeah intamin did a good job in this park for his RCT2 work. He did make that lighthouse that a lot of people liked and enjoyed. His village buildings were also very good. A bit of surprise for everybody who didn't guess that it was him in this park.
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