H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 2] - Italian Stallions vs Robber Barons
14-April 15
dr dirt Offline
I'll write a full review when I can view the parks in game, but looking at the screens both parks look to have decent quality but there looks to be parts that make me cringe a bit in each.
In the Cyleal screen its like some parts were built underwater and others were just disregarded. The bridge supports continue underwater, but then on the other structure they just float? It's the same looking base as well and it really throws me off. Same with the floating rocks. These things take a few seconds to fix. And the waterfall makes no sense. Some water falls off the edge but some just doesn't. You even have the rapids pieces there.
The Raptor screen has some solid stuff on the right side, but the left sorta falls off. There's some little things that really take away from the quality that was produced. For example the overhangs over the doors on the right side of the building look too big and awkward. The row of planted bushes against the building are clearly sitting on concrete. Why not throw in a short fence to hide it and make it look more realistic? You've got this nice pathong details going on but then it reaches the posts of the big building and the trim gets haphazard. It's probably due to glitching but there were better ways to handle this.
This all might seem nitpicky but these are the sort of things I look to not be an issue in a great park. Judging by the skill it took to craft the majority of both the screens, these things just seem sloppy and drag the good stuff down for me. -
Cocoa Offline
omg guys I haven't spent enough time in the parks to write full reviews but I just wanted to say
thank you so much for making those diagonal roof edge pieces. I've wanted those for years but I always forget about it after I find a new solution. So perfect. Is it like, cheating, if you import new objects from r1 of h2h and use them in other weeks? because there are so many cool new objects. also, I love liam's concrete circle
also, awesome matchup, yet again. go wildcats
csw Offline
Quick reviews, after about 5 minutes looking at each:
Raptor is quite nice, and while I've never been to Cedar Point, I can imagine myself there in this park. The subtle hacks are great, and the architecture is solid. Atmosphere is great. Overall great little park, kind of surprised to see a recreation but it does well.
Cyleal had a better first impression on me, but as I got deeper into it there didn't seem to be much going on at all. The architecture is solid and the landscaping is fantastic, but the coaster seemed sloppily done and the theme pasted on at the end. A solid attempt, but my vote currently leans towards the Barons here.
nin Offline
Raptor was fantastic. The shadows were an amazing touch and helped break up the path a great deal. I generally avoid "basic" amusement parks because the expanses of path kill any atmosphere, but the pathwork additions helped madly. Kudos to you. The coaster itself was great and recreated very well, I really loved the queue and (new?) custom footers. Nice touch. The custom carousel and laser tag building were awesome, and I'm glad to see that the chairlift was operable. Some archy was a bit bland, but there were touches of brilliance with the Johnny Rockets facade, among other things.I'll also say that many elements looked exactly like those in Starpointe, but I can't blame either of you because they share the same source of inspiration. Overall, excellent work and I'd love to make something with the builders behind this.Cyleal, while good, definitely felt unrefined. I'm a fan of the massive bridge leading into the center of the map and the Sword and the Stone drop tower, but I didn't care the dive machine's layout or its offset pacing. Much of the work felt reminiscent of a certain builder, with the small village being an evolution of the one in New Fantasyland. It's a bit of poor timing and bad luck that this park went after one with the best #boatflow, as the ships here, while good, simply don't compare to those we've just seen. There were some moments of sloppiness like the extended coaster supports in the moat, and tree supports mentioned above, so it may have helped to had a moment of time to clean it up. I'm sure some of this was just due to time constraints so I can look past some of it. Overall, the park is not bad, but feels dated when you compare it to Raptor. It's just a modern style of RCT against something that feels a bit aged.Though I do tend more towards realism as a builder, that does not have a huge influence in my decision when I say Raptor has the better ideas, rides, and execution than Cyleal.Still, both are great parks. I'm loving the quality of Round 1. -
Austin55 Offline
Ok, looked at everything in depth, another solid R1 matchup.
I'll go with Cyleal first.
Love the landscaping on a macro level, it's very strong. On a smaller scale, it feels unfinished in parts, such as underneath the bridge where its just a wall. In some places its just covered with bushes and vines. In places where its good is like the diagonal tunnel on the coaster. But overall its solid.
The architecture of like the village buildings is pretty nice, but after a while they get boring and lack life, they just sortoff turn into the same thing over and over with minor variations. If some of them had opening or more meaning, they would have been better. The castle walls and architecture was solid throughout, I like it a lot.
The actual themings are odd or lackluster. I don't understand the blue shit, the boats are terrible, and the random floating castle peice just left me confused.
The pathing was odd because it felt like the peeps were on just one big half arc, there is a lot of places where it needs more peep life.
Rides are pretty lacking to. The drop tower is sick, I love the theming and idea, I think you could've done the loading platform up more but it is really cool. The coaster was not that great, I like the idea (Very Feudal Freefall, haha) but yea, the layout was just to fast for me and had some moments where there were some weird decisions made with elements. I would like to see more rides and better layouts in future parks.
Overall, solid park folks.
On to the Robber Barons.
Raptor!!! Woooo. Cedar Point! Wooooo.
It feels a bit recycled from Walto's previous edition which dampens the mood a little, but damn, this is a fun park.
The landscaping is pretty not there and very flat but it is a rec so that's cool. Whatevs, easy to overlook.
Rides are of course solid, Raptor's layout was pretty damn well done, supports and everything looked great.
So many fun little details like the single queue for the carousel, the buffet line, the laser tag, the interiors in general were some of the best I've ever seen. Some of the exterior architecture felt a bit small especially in relation to the size of Raptor, and some of it was a bit boring, like the restroom building, but overall the archy is very spot on and well done.
The shadows I can't decide on, they look awesome and are very subtle and function well to make the pathing more interesting, but of course without the peeps or other things missing them and sometimes it doesn't work with the view rotated.
The fact that the park has 1,600+ guests all happy and everything operating and working well is another huge bonus, tons of livelihood. Really awesome park, my favorite of the R1's so far (besides my teams
Stoksy Offline
^Read the readme
Robber Barons: New objects = win. Mulch paths was a stroke of genius I think, really great way of getting the more realistic base for flowers. Masses of tarmac gets very boring, very quickly, but I think that Raptor combated this quite well with the use of several different shades of grey throughout. I think that I know at least one of the builders, and if I'm right I just want to say: FINALLY!!
EDIT: Regarding the carousel, pretty sure that was done in Belmont Shores. Not really a 'new' hack I don't think. Unless Version1 was referring to how it was done in which case I'm in total agreement
Nice recreation. Will do an actual review after voting is finished.
True love does exist, and it's called Raptor.sv6.
Best. Fucking. Comment.
Coasterbill Offline
3 simple steps to getting Robbie to sign off on an invert layout.
1) Have amazing flow
2) Have amazing pacing
3) Have an equally amazing intensity rating.
Nice try with the Son of Beast Trainer but that only works for like 3 seconds... lol. Just remember, if your intensity rating isn't red then you're not trying hard enough.
Coasterbill Offline
Possibly, but I'm not drunk enough to fall for the old Son of Beast Trainer trick. lol
bigshootergill Offline
I’m going just go all over the place on this review, in no specific orderCYLEAL- To start off, I suggested an Elven Village for one of our H2H parks, but now we have change our plans!... nah, it got squashed from the get-go. But the execution was going to be very different, more village than city. I do have the idea on the back burner, so one day I may release my own.- The foliage was very well done, a great touch to the park- Great themeing of the Sword in the Stone, best ride in the park IMO- I’m kind of undecided on the architecture. For me, I wish I could do something like this. Just generally speaking it’s cool construction, no question. I like the castle, the dock area, castle door etc. I can't really say anything bad about each building on it's own. But honestly I didn’t get an “Elven” feel to this design. I would have maybe expected more wooden beams, more greens and browns, beiges etc.- The Source ride felt kind of fast in certain areas, especially the twists and the loop.- The blue magic source didn’t seem overly magical, but more stagnant. Why didn’t you add in some animation to it, like something as simple as blue 1K fog to make it come alive? I think that would have sold the theme a lot more.- I guess what I felt overall is this park needed more life. If you took 20 minutes to add more pathways for peeps to walk, more rides (there was only 4 or 5 rides), maybe even just let the park stay open a bit longer to attract more guests before releasing it.RAPTOR- Stellar idea for lazer tag, loved that so much.- Can’t really go wrong with a proven coaster design, it looked great- I think you actually could have opened up the pathways a bit more since you had some many peeps in the park, but I liked the hustle and bustle- It was great to peak inside the buildings to see the restaurants, tables/chairs, shops etc. A lot of attention to details.- Hats off for all the custom rides, hacking that paid off- Perhaps this is what the foliage really looks like in Cedar Point, but some of the flower beds were kinda lame, and the trees growing out of the cement looked goofy- Your new objects added a new angle to rct, literally. Well I don’t know what was new and what was used, but the diagonal benches and roof pieces were nice touchesAnyway, that’s a few thoughts. High quality parks for Round 1. Thanks to the Stallions and Barons for treating us to 2 great parks. Raptor has my vote. -
Liampie Offline
This park looks quite impressive, but could've been so much more! The readme promised me a fantastical elven city with magic and shit. Instead I got a map full of generic looking architecture. Like in Port of Entry, I think a lot of the architecture was very detailed yet did not offer much actual concent. That was the problem on the whole map, the concept was just too thin. There were exactly four rides on the map; two are called 'Drunken Barrels' and 'Escape Chute' (generic...), and the Sword in the Stone seems to be in the wrong park as my first association with that thing is King Arthur and Avalon. Only the coaster seemed to be in the right place. Too bad the coaster itself wasn't very strong. The park also looks unfinished in places, but that's forgivable. It's a pretty cool park with some good architecture (hit or miss, though) and a great bridge, but it's a hollow shell. 60%.
Clear winner in my eyes. It's not as revolutionary as I hoped from the guy who I suspect is behind this park, but it's not a disappointment either. This is about as good as realism gets in RCT. Coaster recs sometimes tend to have a bad flow (Kumba was a disaster), but this Raptor was perfect. Perfect supports. I love how it dominated the map, creates a fantastic atmosphere. The station music was an unlikely choice, but it really helped the atmosphere as well. I just got good vibes from the music, all the colour, and life on the path. The shadows were a neat idea. While I don't think it's a very succesful experiment, it didn't distract either. All the other features on the map kept my attention for much longer than Cyleal. Even the path was interesting. Half of the map was infrastructure and I love it! 90%. -
Kumba Offline
Raptor was nearly perfect. I can cut you some slack on the rating because I can see you tried really hard and a large B&M invert north of 6 inversions is really hard. Also, I am 99% sure you had the good rating and then it was something like rotating the entry hut that knocked it off. I had to add painful breaks and remove all the scenery just to get it to pass at 9.99, but of course you guys could not do that. However, using a hack to give it a temp 9/6/6 was weak, looked fake and didn't even stick. Would have been better with the red, which showed up anyways. Ratings mean a lot to me, but again I understand why it didn't make it here.
The coaster itself and supports were flawless (except where it runs into the Q on the ending helix, which would likely cause a crash with numerous injuries, so yeah that's something you guys should have found a work-around on... then again Kumba's loop is so close to the lift that the train touches the rail on 3/4 view, but that will be the first thing I fix if/when I update it...). It's still clearly better than Kumba in accuracy. Really great work on the supports too. You guys clearly did your Raptor POV homework. The only thing I would have done different was use mini golf on the break runs, the wooden track with breaks didn't seem right or accurate. As Liam just said, great flow. However, him saying Kumba was a disaster is laughable... has he ever even made a realistic coaster?
I like the effort on doing shadows, tho I did feel you were trying a little too hard. That would be an annoying new trend in RCT and is not quite a first (look at Xcoaster's entry to Shadowlands). I really liked it in some spots, but it made viewing the park a little confusing.
The feel of the other areas was very accurate to CP, tho they seem to go for something of a classy carnival/fair look. Still, I loved pretty much all of it. Awesome work and imo it worked in RCT even with the cartoony colors. Tho I really disliked those round arcade games. No idea what they are. You guys did a very nice job working in my 1K objects, (I lol'ed at the Kumba photo seat at the entry which will be even more fitting when you join it with a 90%+ rec score) tho you should have used the wooden support blocker to knock off the game's default wooden supports.
Cyleal had some nice points and I really liked that whole back area near the sword in the stone, just this was not on the level of Raptor, which will be getting my vote.
Cocoa Offline
my reviews coming tomorrow but ill give the kumba version now:
cyleal: sort of some buildings, good
raptor: coasters and stuff, good-er
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