H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 1] - Hurricanes vs Heaven's Atlas
13-April 15
G Force Offline
Clearly a park that a lot of though was put into and was planned extensively. It was very true to a single idea and theme, which it replicated extremely well. Obviously it was made by someone who spends a lot of time thinking about their ideas and how to best replicate them in game. It was quite interesting the effect this had on me, as initially I was completely unimpressed, by the bland colors, lack of a concentrated center, underwhelming coaster(s). However, looking at the park more, the more I was able to look past the boring and appreciate the little things. I just wish that more time was spend on the structures and main pyramids, as they were quite honestly just ugly. I enjoyed the small market, and area around the launched ride. The ships, while cool, were nothing that blew me away. It was rather the little things like the park date being set to 1521 and the perfect execution of frozen staff that made the park enjoyable. While I dont expect this to be remembered outside of H2H, it was a cool park to see in the first match.
This park was something that had so much potential, however, a few little things kept it from being considered great. I wish I had made more of an effort to bring these up and hammer them into the heads of the builders, but at the time it was something that we had to overlook due to the time constraint. I quite enjoyed the architecture, some of the best ever, its a shame that peeps screw with it so much, as it would easily be NE award worthy otherwise. I liked the coaster in this park more than the coasters in Heavens park, but neither are quite to my liking, nor to they seem impressive. The planing of our park could have been better, the themes could have been more evident, and the inspiration should have been more obvious. Its a shame that little things like ghost objects, a few missing objects and immature frozen staff had to bring this down so much, because I really dont think this would have been close if it wasn't for those three things.
So in the end its Idea vs Skill, Safe and Finished vs Risky and Sloppy, micro vs macro, good vs evil.....
What a great match to begin with, as both parks reek of what I imagined the focus of these teams will be.
Louis! Offline
While I dont expect this to be remembered outside of H2H, it was a cool park to see in the first match.
So in the end its Idea vs Skill, Safe and Finished vs Risky and Sloppy, micro vs macro, good vs evil.....
I fully expect it to be remembered outside of H2H. And also I think you are wrong on some of your vs. Heavens' park is idea and skill, not just idea, it also isn't 'safe', certainly no more than Canes' is risky.
Louis! Offline
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G Force Offline
I just don't think its impressive, looks like something that most people in the contest could replicate in terms of architecture. In contrast, there are probably only a few who could make a park as a architecturally impressive as PoE. Where we went wrong was our planning and ideas, which is where Heavens park hits a home run.I fully expect it to be remembered outside of H2H. And also I think you are wrong on some of your vs. Heavens' park is idea and skill, not just idea, it also isn't 'safe', certainly no more than Canes' is risky.
Six Frags Offline
Looks like the HA park is winning. On a second viewing I thought the pyramids weren't as bad as I initially thought. Sure, the white distracts a bit, but it fits with your overall theme and once I got past the negative 'Wow' effect it had for me I could look past it. However, some weird objects choices became more apparent for me, like those paths in the pic Louis posted on the right side of the screen, and those barrels/logs.. I just think they look un-rct-ish and believe there are better looking versions available for what you wanted to achieve with them..
Louis! Offline
In contrast, there are probably only a few who could make a park as a architecturally impressive as PoE.
I think that's where we disagree again.
But each to their own.
Wanted Offline
Ugh I can't decide between the two. For H2H, these two seem to be pretty uninspired
Both had things I loved...
Canes - I loved the building behind the pirate ship, and the stations for the rapids/flyer
Heaven - I loved the Ferris Wheel part and the boats
By god there was some messy stuff going on in both tho
RCTER2 Offline
lol PoE is a good park but not a good H2H contest park. From the beginning you shouln't expect to win with a "best collection of screenshots in dump place".
5dave Offline
An aztec theme isn't entirely new, but this one is well executed, from the names of the rides to the solar eclipse and the whole inspiration from Tenochtitlan itself was great! The whole siege idea was really nice, but not really necessary although it offers a few nice ideas like the camp and the boats (which are really nice).
Macro (Park Impression):
The park looks well rounded from afar, with the giant coat of arms of Mexico being somehow out of place imo. I know it's connected to the city, but a mural on a square would have been much better. and discreet. The pyramids also stand out a bit, but being key elements of aztec culture it made sense.
I really love the layout of Quetzalcoatl, but what held it down where the glitches of the coaster trains. I wish you'd have used the custom Intamin looper trains instead. The speed was a bit fast (through those first two bunny hops), but still great layout with nice interaction (although not much interaction with the queue itself). Nice to see a unusual coaster (Huitzilopochtli) but IMO the ride would have been cool if it was integrated into a volcano (Popocatepetl?)... Cool nontheless besides the statueBut the part before the launch was really cool. Surprising noone thought about that before. Great stuff! The ball game saucer ride was also really nice idea. The epidemic with all the puke... Dunno - while I understand the intention I didn't like it that much, maybe because it's too 'fantasy' for a park like this, if you know what I mean... Palo Volador - nice custom ride and I wonder if it would be somehow possible to make it work for real instead of using an invisible simulator.
The stand-out structures where definately those pyramids. Although I don't really like those corner roof pieces on them. Maybe you did them because there are no corners for the 'plain' pieces but still they just didn't fit so well. I liked the detail of the other pyramid getting new layers of chalk. Nice detail. The other houses weren't spectacular in form, but the wall-layering and the textures were really nice. I'm always happy to see 'new' or rarely used textures in RCT, so kudos for that!
Micro (Details):
The chalk quarry was a nice touch, as well as the small village corner near the tower of Huitzilopochtli. All the sacrifices near the pyramids where great as well. Was really fun exploring them. This park shows how naming of the staff adds to the whole instead of just being fun (which is also fine btw). I also like how 'clean' the park is. Clear naming (rides & staff), nearly no ghost objects and you even set it to year 1521 where this took place. That's attention to detail I really like!
Port of Entry
I understand that this inspired of Disney Sea's entrance area to some extent with an excerpt of 2 themed areas (an Italian and Tripoli being what?).
Macro (Park Impression):
From the overview it looks really impressive, but I'm not sure if a part of a theme park is a good idea for H2H, as it looks really disproportional (the hotel being massive with 2 small crammed areas next to it). The size of the hotel in this context is just too much. If you compare it to a peep walking around there it's just massive.
The two main rides (Pirates of Tripoli & Machina) looked reall nice from afar. Machina proved to be a great coaster - I loved the launch and those huge elements towering over the area and that (although a bit too dense) forest area underneath. Pirates of Tripoli was an amazing ride as well. I just wished it was hacked better (being operated in continuous circle mode) - but still I really liked that one. One of the best rapid rides IMO. The (nearly working) custom flat was nice too but a little bit tucked in between everything else and easily overlooked - maybe another color would have helped.
Zoomed out the structures look really nice, but zoomed in it's an awful clusterfuck to me. The level of detail has gotten to a point where it's distracting from itself, from it's sorroundings and from the form of the building itself. You can't really tell where one building starts and where the other ends as they're all seem to blend in each other with layers of thin walls and decorative wall pieces. On top of that those buildings are glitching as hell. Please....! Go back one step and concentrate on the buildings, their forms and proportions instead of adding layers of decoration to them. I mean I really like the colors of the buildings and the work that went into them, but it's not needed, really.
Micro (Details):
I mean all the details in architecture aside - I really loved touches like the path details (that mosaic!), entrance gates, flower beds and merch stands. The aqueduct with those small wheels was also really awesome. The crane (although unfinished) at the pirates ride was also nice but I didn't quite whether it was part of the theming or a real crane...What I didn't like was that the park's name is Walt Disney studios and the general sloppy naming of rides (filler rides, ride #135 and so on...).
Very strong first matchup but after close inspection I have my fav.
"MFG" -
MCI Offline
Best RCT video I've watched on the toilet for a while.
That´s the only place I´d watch our videos, too!
PizzaWurscht Offline
This isn`t what is better. I only say my meaning:
Port of Entry
This Park has some incredibly architecture. So much details and everything is themed really well with tons of tons of new style , houses and other things . . . Maybe too much. The walls are glitchy every time and also som times I feel a bit overdetailed. but there are some nice inovations and also some cool new ideas with some things I NEVER SEEN in RCT2. Also there are some nice places who you have to search in the park and places you never really realise. I don`t relly found "cool" details and features.
The Layouts are really nice and really well hacked together. The layout of the rapids is fenomenal for the small place. The Flyer is also a awesome idea with the launch. But there are not enough rides and too much architecture.
Overall its awesome and have one of the best archy i ever seen. Im a great fan of using much elements , but it should glitch.
So much brown , but it works really well. I love this park so much. It got some oldschool architecture wich i really enjoy also there are sooo many details and features. The concept works awesome with the landscape and the islands. I don`t really have anything bad. There is one invated ride I really like, The launch tower dildo thing. Its such a awesome idea. Then of course the best ships I ever seen.
The 3 pyramides are so fkn good and they fit perfectly.
The rides are "ok". Im not a fan of Quetzalcoatl. Its too short and not smooth. Its not that bad because it has an awesome interaction with the theming on the island.
Huitzilopochtli is an really cool idea but the ride is too bumby and its not lame , but the layout havent got any adventure part that I like. BUT The idea is awesome and cool.
Overall the park is so cool and funny to explor. Its all brown and it works because of the different browns. The layouts are "ok" but they don`t burn. Tons of features and nice detailing. Architecture is nice and it works soo good.
Awesome first match , go on!!
disneylandian192 Offline
Pizza I love how little english you know but you had the insight to refer to the giant statue for what it was... a dildo.
tyandor Offline
I'm really torn on this one. One had the better ideas, while the other had the better execution... Both are of damned high quality though so kudos for that
AvanineCommuter Offline
I just don't think its impressive, looks like something that most people in the contest could replicate in terms of architecture. In contrast, there are probably only a few who could make a park as a architecturally impressive as PoE. Where we went wrong was our planning and ideas, which is where Heavens park hits a home run.
Yes, POE's architecture is incredible, but architecture is but one of the puzzle pieces that make a great park. HA's park had good architecture as well, not as impressive as POE's, but its atmosphere, concept, ideas, execution, little things, ride design, originality, etc. were all on point. You can't judge a park simply by its architecture - this is Roller Coaster Tycoon, not Architecture Tycoon.
That being said, I am loving both of these parks! Such fantastic and inspiring work coming out on the first round. I will have to explore more before I give a review and a vote. It is looking very close!
Xeccah Offline
I felt both the atmosphere and ride design were actually a bit better in PoE. I felt that Tech ended up feeling a little dull in areas due to the amount of dark brown it used, and I wasn't a huge fan of the reverse freefall. I liked the idea behind it, but it felt forced. Qwezcoatl seemed to be on par with Machina. It's PoE's composition and the lack of clarity in concept, among other things, is why HA's park may very well be the better of the two.
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