H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 1] - Hurricanes vs Heaven's Atlas
13-April 15
PRMEshockzzNE Offline
These parks are amazing. Port of Entry has amazing architectural buildings and great micro detailing only things I don't quiet care for is the white tower and the coaster layout. I can't quiet put my finger on it quiet yet with the coaster. I'll stare at it for a little longer ;-). The names of workers are a bit over the top but the geewhzz "admiring ghost object" is perfectly acceptable in my mind. Great park overall 80%
Tenochtitlan was wonderful. The architecture and detailing was out standing and I loved the overall theme. The boats, the Spanish camps, And the river through the city are probably my favorite areas I've ever seen! The real issue for me was the pyramids they seem to be a big eyesore. 85 % just an amazing park!
This is my first "live" head to head and this first round was awesome can't wait to see the following matches!!!!! -
In:Cities Offline
If every Heaven's Atlas park is like this, I will fully support their rise to glory. Tenochtitlan was magnificent and so well thought out. I actually love the white pyramids, as the concept behind them is so cool. The chalk mines fit into it perfectly.
The frozen staff was perfect.
Thoroughly impressed with this park.
][ntamin22 Offline
It would probably spoil my vote to say that I have a copy of the Popul Vuh and a catalog of Olmec statuary on my desk right now.
Steve Offline
Is that a companion to the classic television game show, Legends of the Hidden Temple? #silversnakes
It would probably spoil my vote to say that I have a copy of the Popul Vuh and a catalog of Olmec statuary on my desk right now. -
RCT2day Offline
Nice job, Heaven's Atlas. Beautiful park and definitely an incredible start to the competition from you guys. Boats were awesome and I loved the accelerator coaster. Can't wait to see what else you all do later.
As for the in-game "twitching," all of us on the Hurricanes have no idea why that's happening in this file when that never happened in the other files. Yeah, it totally detracts from the buildings at times, but try to see past that. If you can't and you think small things like that take away from the larger park, then don't vote for us.
Congrats to both teams.
inthemanual Offline
If you've only added peeps in the last save, that could easily be why. Peeps tend to cause object layering to go nuts a bit.
Kumba Offline
Was I fond of the staff names? No, but I try and let my builders make their own calls on everything and didn't want to say, "sorry you cannot name a staff member like that."Immature? Yeah. However I think it's not something that should be taken into account with a vote. Please judge your vote on what you see in the park and not on the names of staff members. I understand it's gross and in the future things like it will not be included in our parks. I didn't expect this type of reaction to it, but I understand that it detracts... btw, the HA park has a Liam object with actual RCT peep sex... just sayin...
The Good
- You win the frozen staff battle in a landslide. Some of them where really awesome like the guy burning bodies. Great work on creative us of them all over the park.- LIM coaster statue at the top was really nice and that was a pretty clever ride
- That compass-star looking symbol inlaid into the entry path
- The arcade in the hotel was sweet
- De Vinci's aerial screw at the entry to the Q
- The hotel was... damn...
- Unfinshedness/not quite 100% done... this park really needed another few days to really get right, but we decided it was better to save the extension and hope people would understand some stuff was missing due to the amount of work that went into this for week 1
- Messy and glitchy building style
This will be a great match-up. Thanks for letting us kickoff the season
Austin55 Offline
Well I wrote up a big ass review of the Canes park and somehow hit the back button and lost it so here's just a short synopsis.
-Architecture is fantastic throughout but simply overdone, the detailing is so much and intense that it takes away from what is positive. Detailing needs restraint. Colors are excellent.
-Middle section is great, some of the best archy for sure. Love the building at the end of main street and the one in front of rapids station.
-Pathing is great, especially love the compass rose near the entrance gate. Ends up in peep jams on the bridge though.
-Coaster is not great, I like the idea though.
-Love the rapids, very nice for being so compact but perhaps to many drops, looks awkward. Don't understand the broken crane though, lol.
-Great foliage throughout.
-Unrefined, but honestly I don't care, its easy to look over for a wk1 park.
-Couldn't give a crap about the peep and staff names. They don't take away anything but are'nt beneficial either.
-Loved how it started with the "eclipse" but brightened up.
-BOATS FTW. The best boats ever?
-Pyramids were ugly tbh, the white chalking is cool but meh, I did'nt like them.
-Supports archy was nice, but got a bit reptitive and suffered from being mostly 2x2 or 2x3 boxes.
-Love the sport game court thing. Can't remember or know how to spell the name.
-Loved the idea and interaction of the reverse freefall but it felt very forced.
-I'm not really a fan of parks with obcsure or tough to follow stories and I couldnt open readme.
-Excellent layouts on the launcher, really fun coaster.
Ride6 Offline
Both parks are excellent entries and deserving of victory. Sadly, in H2h, only one victor can emerge. Whether both or neither was worth of such a feat is irrelevant.
Port of Entry (Hurricanes):
Some of the most impressively executed, if not necessarily thought-through architecture I've ever seen. The beauty of the park may've only been skin-deep, but this park has thick skin. The headlining attraction Machina, didn't initially work for me, but the more I viewed it the more I came to enjoy the subtle ways in which it's unconventional flow challenged me. It's definitely a great ride, and one that using the ol' "would I enjoy riding this if it were real" scale, would be incredible.
Pirates of Tripoli (the rapids ride) while aesthetically pleasing and well-executed, seemed like the kind of the ride that would have a coaster over it. Or would otherwise serve a good supporting role in a larger park.
Small stalls, map racks, and other details along the paths were well executed as well.
The biggest downside to the park was the glitching caused by the peeps meandering about both above and below ground paths. And I fear if the peeps were removed that the loss to the park's atmosphere would be unrecoverable since it already felt kinda dead somehow even with the peeps. Like I was saying to start with, this park might have thick skin, and that makes it's beauty deeper, but ultimately, there might not be enough meat to back it up.
Tenochtitlan (Heavan's Atlas):
Sort of the opposite side of the coin: busting at the seems with ideas, but a bit uneven with regards to execution (which I never would've predicted watching it go together). Still, it's highlight reel (the Spanish Gallions, and tents, Ullamaliztli court, the little shops) is every bit on par with that of the best buildings that Port of Entry has to offer.
While the building make a lot of sense from a materials and architectural integrity standpoint, they weren't necessary innovative in structure, color, or design. I always had hesitations about the pyramids in this form, but I ultimately think that they work. They're supposed to be gaudy and imposing -- they're religious structures meant to inspire awe and fear.
Quetzalcoatl may not be up for coaster of the season when it's all said and done. but with the way it's married to it's environment it doesn't need to in order to be just as effective in-game. The area around this ride's station is arranged with an SAcoasterFreak or Turtle-like quality that I expected this entire contest to be sorely lacking in. It's refreshing and yet familiar.
I really wanted to love Huitzilopochtli, but the "adventure ride" portion is just to jammed to one corner, the pacing too slow, and as a peep I would go mad waiting in line for it. I also suspect that it's meant to be more symbolic than literal; both in scale and the fantastic sculpture atop it.
Still, the more I searched Tenochtitlan, the more I liked it. The paths had been carefully laid out and were free of peep jams. Staff had been applied excellently throughout. The flat rides were carefully integrated into their environments. Workers applied chalk to pyramids, merchants and craftsman attempted to hock their wares... If it wasn't for (a rather hilarious) logjam of small Spanish Sloops, the entire park runs like a well loved and oiled machine. It's immersive and there's a lot to be said for that.
Stoksy Offline
First impressions are glitchy and at times overdetailed architecture vs phenomenal boats and relatively simplistic architecture.
Can't deny that there are some gorgeous touches in Port of Entry but the overall feel is a little ambiguous as to the theme. I think the biggest problem with this park was that I wanted so very much to love this; detailed architecture is a key component of parks for me that this had it in abundance. Yet I just couldn't get past how messy it felt. Will require further viewing.
Alternatively, I found that Tenochtitlan had relatively simplistic architecture that relied more on foliage and atmosphere. Not enough praise can be given to the two incredible boats [whoever built them...just ugh <3]. Like others, the pyramids were below average especially in comparison with the rest of the park. There just wasn't enough 'going on' with them, the under construction pyramid was a great touch but I just felt that the final product lacked any interesting features from a more technical/detailed standpoint. Must admit that I was a little confused as to the reason for using the Reverse Freefall Car...any particular reasoning you wanted to use a car there? (just curious).
Obviously, these are just my first impressions and I will definitely make more detailed reviews of the respective parks after several more viewings. Awesome start to H2H7!
turbin3 Offline
Both of them are really amazing!
When I first opened the Canes park, I thought that Tenochtitlan would never ever have a chance of winning against it. But looking at it again and again, I like it a little bit less. The architecture is perfect yes, but the amount of details is just distracting. Some things are just useless in terms of functionality and look. I think I dont have to mention all these flickering on the buildings, looking on some of them is like looking on a TV without a TV cable. Furthermore the amount of ghost objects and the missing of some useful details (like underwater footers) is something I really dont like. Still, it is a very impressive park. The rides are good, I really liked the B&M layout and the rapids looked good too. Unfortunately, as longer as you open the park, the more error messages appear, for example peeps cant find toilets, cant reach XY, etc.
Tenochtitlan first wasnt on the same level to be honest. But checking Wikipedia and so on it became more and more a fantastic park. The amount of details is insane, for example the market, the chalk mine, and so on. What I really hate are the spanish ships, they just look ugly and out of place. Just kidding - I love them. Best RCT ships I have ever seen. The statue on top of the yellow coaster was nice, thanks for using a coaster type that isnt used very often. I really liked the other coaster and its interaction with the buildings. Many people are criticizing the big pyramids, they are okay imo, nothing special.
All in all I have to go with TENOCHTITLAN by Heavens Atlas, I had more fun exploring this park.
Two very high-quality parks, sad that one of them has to lose.
Cocoa Offline
What an amazing match-up, first of all. Really hard to choose between the two parks, they're both really wonderful in totally different ways.
So what really shines here, and is the centerpiece, is the architecture. This park is totally formed around the buildings. They're really intensely detailed, and most of the time, it works. You get a bit of clash of architectural styles, but I know thats what the port of entry is all about so its forgiven. It does create a fun, tropical atmosphere. That said, I think its a bit of the forest for the trees, or whatever. Like the details are great, but the actual building structures and placement is awkward and struggles, and it doesn't come to life or feel like a real park. It certainly doesn't feel like a complete, er, "whole" thing. I also think the flyer layout is daring, almost works, but that first drop is just ugly. That station is a great example of really amazing detailing and ideas on a structure that feels awkward and confusing. So overall, fantastic park, really. But it gets pulled down by the level of finishedness, awkwardness as a park, and a bit of structural issues. It didn't hold my attention for as long as I thought it would from the overview.
Heaven's Atlas:
This park really grew on me. As everyone said, the pyramids suck butt, although I do enjoy the chalk mines (seriously cool detail) and they're probably accurate or something. But the foliage is awesome, and its full of ideas and life. Obviously those ships are perfect, possibly the best wooden ships I've seen, and I love all the canoes and row-boats that bring the story to life. The markets are full and varied and bustling, really amazing level of details. The buildings are a bit samey and lifeless but I don't know how you could possibly do it otherwise, and they are executed just right for what they are, so its not really a fault IMO. Actually, the park is unique in theme and layout and that is really a plus for me. A lot of people are saying they didn't like the yellow coaster. I fucking loved it, I thought it was a fantastic idea to put a little prelaunch adventure bit on those sort of rides. Why don't they do that IRL?? It just works so well. And the eagle at the top is really cool. So overall, a fanastic park, and will be getting my vote when the polls open.
But the choice wasn't so easy or clear cut, I had to think about it for a while and figure out what park drew me back the most, because they really were both fantastic, don't get me wrong. But HK felt fuller, more complete, more detailed, etc and that gave it the edge over the canes. But both parks would and will be better, I bet, than tons of other parks in the competition. So feel proud that you made some great rct
cocoa out
Liampie Offline
- Having two sides of the park not connected by nothing but simple plain underground paths. That really hurts any realism this park had going for it. If you finished this two weeks early, why not work in a bridge or underground tunnels. You can theme underground.
I respect the criticisms for our park like the architecture being repetitive in places and the pyramids being a bit plain, but this comment here has me genuinly confused. Does it look like this park was an attempt at realism? Is it really hard to imagine that the bridges leading out of the city are connected to the land beyond where the map was cut off? And besides, it seems pretty obvious that boats are the main means of transportation in Tenochtitlan. Are peepable islands on an RCT map now a major turnoff? Theming underground tunnels is a ridiculous idea I won't even respond to. I'm trying not to get too defensive of our park, but I also can't help but feel that you're trying a little too hard to find flaws in our park.
As I said I've got no problems with the rest of your comment, fair review. I'm definitely not proud of that sex object. Made it like seven years ago but still pops up in parks now and then. The past is haunting me!
Good to see the reviews coming in. Great match, great match thread so far! Can't wait for the poll to open. It'll be a close match, I predict.
Kumba Offline
Well, you refer to it as a park and you put peeps in it. Due to those facts, you guys made some type of an effort at "realism" and really did not make any effort to move them to them to the islands in a realistic way. It honestly bugged me and I am find with posting again now to confirm that. Otherwise, a really great park, not denying that, just it was a very lazy move there.
Louis! Offline
I expect Machina to be up for coaster of the seasonI doubt it will be, it wasn't all that special.
Liampie Offline
Well, you refer to it as a park and you put peeps in it. Due to those facts, you guys made some type of an effort at "realism" and really did not make any effort to move them to them to the islands in a realistic way. It honestly bugged me and I am find with posting again now to confirm that. Otherwise, a really great park, not denying that, just it was a very lazy move there.
Guess you're right about that, I referred to it as a park and therefore it must be a plausible modern day theme park. Reminds me of something, Bayfront Parc could've been something really special if you had connected the island featuring you and several 'hot babes' to the mainland. I assume they didn't swim 30 metres to get there and I also didn't see any boats. But more importantly, what I think really hurt the park was that the UFO wasn't supported. It was just floating in mid air! You could've fixed that with a large crane and a piece of string. Totally ruined the immersion for me.
Goliath123 Offline
I agree with Liam, the parks is perfect as is with or without bridges and is clearly not intended to be an attempt at a realistic park.
Time to let the bias go Kumba and try have a fair opinion in the park.
Saying that both parks are amazing. Very good and i cant wait for the next match ups.
The hurricane park while on the outside is amazing you begin to notice the faults of it when you look closely. Theres missing objects and unfinished buildings with plain walls and peeps seem like a big after thought. Besides the little unfinishedness of the park every thing else was great. The entrance area really is amazing and is of 100% marking quality - I just wish the rest of the park had been finished to that standard.
For the Aztec park i loved it. Great details like the turkeys in the market for example and the canoes everywhere, really created a great atmosphere. I enjoyed both coasters alot, but Huizta could of had a better pre launch stage as it felt a little drawn out - still loved the ride tho. And of course those boats were really great, as every one has said.
All in all, two great parks from the outside, but from a deeper look and browse i find my self enjoying Heavens Atlas' entry more.
SSSammy Offline
Liam and kumba I will knock your heads together. Stop bickering. And everyone else, stop looking for fights. -
MCI Offline
Let the games begin!
Great first match!
I loved both parks very much. Not sure on wich to vote yet, so Im glad I dont have to decide now.
It took me a full nights sleep to realise all the AOE buildings in the Heavens Atlas park, wich I´m a little ashamed off...
The big coasters were both solid. Not mindblowing (although I like the idea of a launched flying coaster) but very well made. The big supporting rides were both better than the main coasters IMO.
I´ll look at the parks again later, maybe I´ll find some more usefull things to say then
Good luck to both teams, you did an awesome job!
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