H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 1] - Hurricanes vs Heaven's Atlas
13-April 15
Airtime Offline
Kinda said it before Walto about the names, Six Frags, just sayin'
Well fuck.
That port of entry blow my mind. One of the most exciting and jaw dropping areas/architecture to hit me for a while. But that where it ends. That middle segment of the map is amazing. Like fucking, fucking amazing. Then the hotel to left seems a bit odd, I can't figure it out. The flyer isn't as amazing and neither is that rapids. They're good but compared to the middle of the map, it brings it down. A little messy (then all those ghosts and missing objects) and uncohesive in places but what worked, fuck me, was just amazing, 100% shit. The shit names of people doing stuff also brought it down, have we really got to a point where we have to put names in or else it's not considered as good as a park with them in? I've got so much to say on this park but so little time.
The Atlas' park is very clever. That ship is just as mind blowing as the 'Canes park. That ship alone is worth voting for, specially as I've been trying to build one not too long and just couldn't do it. I love the AoC building references in there. They were brilliant. What's with all the aztec names? Couldn't you just make them sound aztec and shit without being all complicated, I mean what was the yellow tower coaster meant to be? It was really cool to see that being used but I was a little confused. Again I've got a lot to say on both parks.
'Canes for me. Port of Entry though. Not actaully sure it's even called that tbh
Louis! Offline
I think naming staff when done well is ok, or because it adds to the theme. But to randomly do it is a bit obscure.
Xeccah Offline
Yeah I agree that Kumba paying nin for sex was probably overdoing it. Wasn't really a problem in HA's park, those were more lighthearted and funny compared to our park.
I think naming staff when done well is ok, or because it adds to the theme. But to randomly do it is a bit obscure.
Yeah, With tech it definitely did add to the atmosphere. I guess whores add to a hotel atmosphere, I dunno...
Liampie Offline
What's with all the aztec names? Couldn't you just make them sound aztec and shit without being all complicated [...]?
What's wrong with 'Huitzilopochtli'?
Six Frags Offline
Yeah, With tech it definitely did add to the atmosphere. I guess whores add to a hotel atmosphere, I dunno...
I agree the HA park did it better than the HC, but I feel when reading team members names/certain members names of this site (or clever ways of putting them in like I mentioned before) is a bit like 'been there, done that'
edit; @ airtime; Your reply was too short, I just read over it
In:Cities Offline
I think having funny names for staff/stalls/etc is appropriate for the most part. But it really does depend on the park it's featured in. When it comes down to contests like this, I think its really fun to see the little acknowledgements to the teams and players here and there; whether they be crude, witty, or polite. All in all, it should be done with the intent to make someone smile when they discover it, and then move on to the rest of the park. It shouldn't take precedence over anything theme-wise, or determine the quality of the park as a whole.
Obviously it can be way overdone in terms of quantity and inappropriateness, and at that point I would agree with most of you. Just don't completely bash a park because someone wants to have a little fun in a fun contest playing a fun game with all of their fun friends. For fun.
I'll post my reviews later
trav Offline
Tenochtitlan -
When first opening this park, I really was not impressed. The pyramids with white sides just aren't attractive and could have been done much better. Everything is also very brown. And it's all the same shade of brown as well.
However, I decided not to let first judgements play too much of a role, and started exploring and oh wow, I'm incredibly surprised as to the amount of details this has dotted around the place for a week 1 park. The level of thought put into it is just stunning. The market stalls are all very nice, the interaction of the black coaster with the architecture is amazing and those boats are the best boats I've seen in Rct.
On the other hand, the architecture it's self leaves a lot to be desired in most places. Some parts are nice, such as the coaster station and the section around the chalk mine, but the rest of it is very boring and looks quite basic, and it brings down the level of the park dramatically.
I also didn't really like the yellow coaster at all, apart from the bird thing on it.
If this is just the start of what you've got to show us, then I really can't wait to see what else you've got in later weeks. 80/100. If the architecture was better overall, it'd be much higher.
Port Of Entry -
I kinda had the opposite reaction to PoE. When I first opened it, I thought it was going to be incredible and one of the parks of the season right from the offset. But, it's just gone too far now hasn't it?
When your buildings are 'detailed' to the point that they're twitching so much that the buildings are never the same when you look at them a second time, that's when you know too much detail has been put in, and not enough thought into how to layer them in a way to stop that glitchiness. I'll agree with what has already been said in that this is just an attempt at an 'architecture masterclass', and yes, the architecture certainly looks pretty if you can get past the twitching.
But, there's not much there other than the architecture. I can understand if you guys ran out of time, and architecture is one of the easier ways to fill the space rather than adding the smaller details, which is understandable and completely acceptable in a W1 park, but when you go up against a park which is completely the opposite, it really does hurt the park.
I dunno, it felt like I'd seen everything in this park before. Without naming names, the hotel section reeked of a certain builder, while the rapids ride looked like an evolution of the one in New Fantasyland. The coaster and area around it were different though, as neither of the two previous builders would be willing to accept that big white tower as their own I'm pretty certain. It wasn't necessarily bad, but in a park where everything has been focused on the architecture, it stood out like a sore thumb.
Overall, I just thought that this was extremely shallow and was something that we'd seen before, just recreated in 2015 with more detail. Sadly, I couldn't get into this as much as I wanted to because of the twitching which just went too far for me. Still, an extremely solid park that with more small details would have been able to overpower the competition. As it is, it'd be a 75/100 from me.
Airtime Offline
edit; @ airtime; Your reply was too short, I just read over it
Haha I'm normally opposite tbh, tl;dr that sort of thing.
G Force Offline
As for the "twitching" or "glitching" of the architecture in Port of Entry, for some reason that only appears in this version of the park. All previous version do not have that, not sure what happened, but I can assure you it was not built like that or with that intention.
inthemanual Offline
The Canes' park falls apart after looking for any bit of time. Rides breaking down and guests getting lost, stuck, complaining about trash, whatever. It's rather irritating to deal with the constant beeping of my ticker while i've got the park open.
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
Do people not know how to get rid of ghost objects? I was able to remove 2/3 in found in Cane's park. (third I couldn't find the object)
robbie92 Offline
This peep discussion reminds me of the shit that we got for Renaview in H2H5 when we drowned our opposing team in the stagnant pool.
Conclusion, Kumba is a bad influence on young minds, clearly.
dr dirt Offline
Yeah, being a part of Renaview I can't really say I look upon a park poorly for poking fun at other members considering I hypothetically drowned 10 people in mold, piss, and hepatitis water.
So no, I don't think adding these things takes away from a park. It's become a trope in park making at this point (especially H2H) and just connects the park to the community imo. -
Louis! Offline
Yeah I don't think its a bad thing, I just think its a shame that its become the 'norm' now. Everyone is doing it, its no longer anything special and it feels like it has to be done.
wheres_walto Offline
It's not so much that the staff are named, it's the unfunny jokes: Arjan jacking off, Kumba exchanging $20 for sex, nin whoring himself out, pacificoaster being nin's pimp, trav leaving nin with an STD... it's just crude humor and it turns me off, I find it cringe-worthy and distracting from a park that clearly took a lot of time and care to create.
Gee admiring the ghost object is a funny way to acknowledge that there are a ton of ghost objects, but there are more misses than hits.
djbrcace1234 Offline
^ I do like the one bush placement staff member that I got. lol. That's not happening though.
csw Offline
What a first round of H2H7, makes me super excited for the rest of the competition!
I'll start with Port of Entry.
Based on the teaser screenshot, I had high expectations for this. And they were certainly met. As others have said, the architecture is top-notch. Possibly a bit over-done with all of the glitchiness, but I'm willing to look past that. However past the architecture it started to drop off a bit. The theme wasn't very clear, and I was somewhat disappointed by there only being two major rides, one of which was a bit sloppy (rapids). It seemed as if the back half of the park was an afterthought to the giant architectural bits in the front. Still, I can't deny that this is a great piece of RCT. 75% from me, perhaps a bit more if the ghost objects, ride naming, and frozen staff were cleaned up.
Boats are an easy way to earn my approval. These were phenomenal, no other way to say it. The architecture and actual construction was pretty good, but not as stellar as Port of Entry. However I thoroughly enjoyed the ride selection and incorporation, especially the big yellow Huitzopochtl or whatever its called. But what put this above and beyond was the attention to detail. I thought the park overall was more solid than Port of Entry, so I am leaning towards a Heaven's Atlas vote. 75% again. Nothing's set in stone yet of course, but if any Hurricane wants to try to convince me, I'm listening.
Roomie Offline
As someone who tortured the entire opposing team in the afterlife I can't really complain either. It's no longer special but it does raise a smile sometimes. Although perhaps a bit crude here.
I can't view the parks Thursday so not making any comments ever way yet. But both look great from the screens. -
Stoksy Offline
Really disappointed that I won't be able to view either of these parks until later today, but that sexy boat has got me so excited!
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