H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 1 Match 1] - Hurricanes vs Heaven's Atlas
13-April 15
wheres_walto Offline
Wow. I'm on mobile so I can't download quite yet but the preview screens are jaw dropping!
Austin55 Offline
I love lack of overviews, makes actually opening the park much more exciting. Will leave more comments when its all sunk in. So giddy right now. -
Steve Offline
I'll wait until voting opens to give my full thoughts, but my initial reaction to the Hurricanes' park from a completely objective standpoint is disappointment. Especially since I have a hunch at who built the park.
RCTER2 Offline
Port of Entry is a high quality collection of buildings.. arquitectures and rides. It looks very good but maybe needs an obvious theme to make it distinctive. It looks better than Tenochtitlan but less fun..
Tenochtitlan is very well themed with tons of little details. I have a lot of fun watching it. It's more fun but aesthetically not as good as hurricane's one.For me it's like nice vs fun... -
Airtime Offline
Please let's not have another H2H where everyone is named in a park doing something stupid. It was reasonably funny the first time. Fucking old now. Ruins the park.
202mitch Offline
no overviews? i haven't had access to the game in years but I still love coming to the site to see awesome parks and contests... disappointed I can't view these in full.
Liampie Offline
Overviews will be added when the match has ended.
And @ everyone, where are the reviews? -
Xeccah Offline
Wow, HA put up a damn good fight to our park, I gotta say. Their overall architecture is super nice and definitely atmospheric, though the amount of basic 2x2 and 2x3 forms detracted a little. Really clean shit too but does it in a way which is texturally exciting and kept a ton of colorful path details in. Frozen staff were definitely superior. 75-80% from me
Ours I liked too. Archy was top-notch and so was our rides, but seems to have less going for it than HA's does. Atmosphere was about even though, because that was super impressive for both parks. Roughly around an 80-85% from me, but I'm a bit biased lol.
Sucks one of these parks has to lose, and i just hope it's not ours.
wheres_walto Offline
Tenochtitlan- your use of textures is some of the best I've ever seen; every building makes sense from a construction resource perspective: lots of mud, wood, and stone. It really gives the park a unique feel in terms of color and immersion. I just wish that the large pyramids weren't so... ugly. The base level is fine, but it just looks too plain for my taste and the combination of building block and shake roof doesn't really work here. I would have gone with something more like this:
Maybe it was time constraints, but with the pyramids being such a key visual part of the park I think they should have been given high priority. The pyramid under construction is really cool though. Everybody is buzzing about your guys' ships, and I agree, they are fantastic: the sails and lines are definitely among the best I've seen, and I really am much more impressed by the diagonal boat than the one from the preview screen.
As far as rides, Quetzlcoatl meshes perfectly with the environment. I don't really understand the Huitzil(dfkjsdfkjwhatever) ride though; your aesthetic and readme sets the environment as being Tenochtitlan as it was, but that tall statue doesn't really fit at all. How would they have constructed that? Don't get me wrong, the ride itself is cool and underused around NE, but I just don't like it in this instance. I do like palo volador, though, cool hack, and after googling it, it's a really creative way to a bring cultural aspect into RCT.
Others have said that this is a fun park, and they're right: there's a lot to be found (the turkey, intentional vomit-laden paths, spanish sloops being logjammed- for some reason that made me laugh). This is a great park packed with content.
I haven't even opened the Hurricanes' park yet...
Six Frags Offline
Unfortunately I didn't have the time currently to continue my h2h commitments so I asked for a replacement, but I do have time to view the parks
It looks like a great first round already with 2 really fun parks in different ways. Putting all my previous involvement with the HC aside here's what I feel about both parks;
HA; Fun, kinda nostalgic with all the basic 2x3/2x2 shaped buildings. I really like the coaster, going through all the scenery makes it even more fun to watch! The pirate ships are very well constructed (but done like 200 times already), What really destroyed this park were those pyramids tho, I mean they kinda stick out like a sore thumb and just don't look aesthetically pleasing at all.
HC; As I saw this park in construction I'm amazed how this turned out! I love the architecture (except that ugly white tower on the flyer entrance) and the flyer layout. I thought the rapids was a bit cramped in the corner, but overall a nice ride.. I just wish there was a bit more 'aliveness' in the park if that's even a word
Don't really know what it is, but some parts feel a bit dead to me as the real PoE would be very lively. Overall a very high quality piece of work tho! Great job
While both parks are fun to watch I feel the HC was clearly on another level than the HA park.
If I'm allowed to vote on this I'll vote for Port of Entry by The Hurricanes
edit; I see we're doing polls this season
wheres_walto Offline
Port of Entry- Your park has this bizarre dichotomy between being unbelievably high quality work and being unbelievably lowbrow and tasteless. I really get a strong feeling from exploring that it's lacking in deeper thought; that it was constructed with the singular goal of making the most elaborate architecture ever. And I'd say you guys succeeded, but what's left? I look around and I see childish staff names, thoughtless ride names, countless ghost objects (including one right when I opened the park), and a park that functions poorly in-game.
Don't get me wrong, your park is absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Undoubtedly one of the best ever aesthetically. But where's the thought behind it? Based on some of the ride names, my best guess is that your theme is a Mediterranean port in Italy, but then you have shops named Cinnabon (American), Starbucks (also American), and Arctic Express (owned by Nestle, which is Swiss). It kills any type of immersion for me.
Notice, however, that I don't have a single criticism of what's actually been built (aside from the rapids, but it appears to me that it was due to time constraints). That makes this vote remarkably difficult, and I'm glad that the poll won't open until tomorrow.
Your team has been mired in controversy (all of it, really) the last few weeks, and now you come out with this amazingly beautiful park that is littered with crassness and immaturity. It really sends a signal to me that I was wise in not wanting to be a hurricane this season.
I implore the community as a whole to consider the game on a deeper level than just visually. Nice park, guys, but I hope to see some real thought and meaning behind it going forward.
chorkiel Offline
This was wonderful. At first glance I thought it would look a bit outdated, but that wasn't the case at all. It's a very modern way of old school parkmaking. Using modern techniques to improve the styles of the past. As expected from a Heaven'skitchenAtlas park this was very atmospheric. Both your bigger rides looked great. I really loved Huitzilopochtli. Would love to experience that ride. Quetzalcoatl looked less interesting but its interaction with the surroundings was superb.
But while I really liked the smaller structures, I wasn't too fond of the large ones. The pyramids didn't look bad, they just looked uninteresting and I'd argue they were blocking the view of smaller but more interesting things.
All in all, really great park. Reminds me of the Atlantean Ark and Corsair Veridian of your last season. Luckily, more of the latter.
Port of entry:
Some good points; the architecture was superb. The atmosphere was very intriguing. Machina looks very nice.
The main problem; there was nothing to keep it interesting beyond a first and occasionally a second look. Without meaning it looks generic, that's the word that keeps passing me by when looking through this. It's lacking to offer beyond initial beauty.
When I first browsed through this park I kept gazing at how pretty everything looked and how well constructed everything was. When I looked at it again it already lacked that initial wow-factor.
Both were great parks. With some time to think until the poll goes up, I'm probably going to give my vote to Heaven's Atlas.
Six Frags Offline
^You raise an excellent point Walt with all that childish staff naming.. I also think we should move away from them as I think names like 'El Tolsimero' and things like 'Arjan jacking off' are just childish and take the park down a lot (especially in PoE)
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