H2H7 / H2H7 Match Schedule
01-March 15
Louis! Offline
Head to Head 7. A new round to the biggest contest in RCT history.
H2H7 MATCH SCHEDULETrading is now over and the team rosters are complete, which means that the Team Forums are now fully open and the match schedule can be released. The schedule is as follows:
Round 1:
[6th April] Hurricanes vs. Heaven's Atlas[6th April] Itallian Stallions vs. Robber Barons
[6th April] The Rat Pack vs. Manual Laborers
Round 2:
[20th April] Robber Barons vs. Manual Laborers
[20th April] The Rat Pack vs. Heaven's Atlas
[20th April] Hurricanes vs. Itallian Stallions
Round 3:
[4th May] Itallian Stallions vs. Manual Laborers
[4th May] Robber Barons vs. Heaven's Atlas
[4th May] Hurricanes vs. The Rat Pack
Round 4:
[18th May] Manual Laborers vs. Hurricanes
[18th May] Robber Barons vs. The Rat Pack
[18th May] Heaven's Atlas vs. Itallian Stallions
Round 5:
[1st June] Heaven's Atlas vs. Manual Laborers
[1st June] Hurricanes vs. Robber Barons
[1st June] Itallian Stallions vs. The Rat Pack
[22nd June] 1st Place RR vs. 4th Place RR
[22nd June] 2nd Place RR vs. 3rd Place RR
[6th July] SF1 Winner vs. SF2 Winner
[6th July] SF1 Loser vs. SF2 Loser*
*Third Place play-off to take place if agreed by teams -
Dirk Pitt Offline
Trading is now over and the team rosters are complete, which means that the Team Forums are now fully open and the match schedule can be released. The schedule is as follows:
Just curious, was anybody traded and if so from who to who?
Louis! Offline
Head to Head 7. A new round to the biggest contest in RCT history.
H2H7 MATCH SCHEDULEThere has been a contest push back. The new deadlines are on Sundays and are due at 23:59 GMT. The new schedule is as follows:
Round 1:
[12th April] Hurricanes vs. Heaven's Atlas[12th April] Italian Stallions vs. Robber Barons
[12th April] The Rat Pack vs. Manual Laborers
Round 2:
[26th April] Robber Barons vs. Manual Laborers
[26th April] The Rat Pack vs. Heaven's Atlas
[26th April] Hurricanes vs. Italian Stallions
Round 3:
[10th May] Italian Stallions vs. Manual Laborers
[10th May] Robber Barons vs. Heaven's Atlas
[10th May] Hurricanes vs. The Rat Pack
Round 4:
[24th May] Robber Barons vs. The Rat Pack
[24th May] Manual Laborers vs. Hurricanes
[24th May] Heaven's Atlas vs. Italian Stallions
Round 5:
[7th June] Italian Stallions vs. The Rat Pack
[7th June] Hurricanes vs. Robber Barons
[7th June] Heaven's Atlas vs. Manual Laborers
[28th June] 1st Place RR vs. 4th Place RR
[28th June] 2nd Place RR vs. 3rd Place RR
[12th July] SF1 Winner vs. SF2 Winner
[12th July] SF1 Loser vs. SF2 Loser**Third Place play-off to take place if agreed by teams
Louis! Offline
The captains requested it. I evaluated it on a team by team basis. Push back has occurred.
Version1 Offline
Is this supposed to be a elitist contest or a community event? You kinda jump back and forth
Version1 Offline
It never really was a community event, and pushing back dates kinda takes away from the idea of being a elitist contest
Lotte Offline
it seems people have difficulty finishing their parks on time, what would you rather have 2-4 rushed parks with perhaps even an unfinished park or that every park gets finished and handed in on time?
Louis! Offline
How does it though? That's what I didn't get. I don't get how moving a deadline makes it not either of the things you suggested it could be.
It is a community event and it is an elite contest, the deadline changing doesn't make any difference to either of them.
Gdb, it wasn't to do with finishing parks really, it was more to do with us having an extra week anyway (something we had planned) and the fact Monday deadlines were awkward.
René Offline
I have no problems with it. It will give us a bit more time to make the parks even better!
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