H2H7 / H2H7 Team Rosters
01-March 15
Steve Offline
So Kumba badgered him into signing up so he could have him join his team on the down low? This seems kinda sketchy. I don't care much, cause Kumba is still going lose, but it seems slightly unfair to have a previous MVP to just drop in out of nowhere with no former indication that he was added to the replacement list or that he even asked to sign up in the first place.
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that feels kinda shady if he was added discretely without other captains noticing. he should've posted at least so others would be aware.
Louis! Offline
Its no different to how I got Ride6 to sign up last season to instantly pick him up. It is not shady. It is going out of your way to recruit someone to replace a drop out.
Would there be this much hate if it was Liam? No, so stop fucking hating on Kumba.
All you guys go on about how RCT is just a game and everyone needs to lighten up and be happy but all you do is complain about how Kumba is this and Kumba is that. Well do what you preach, shut the fuck up, stop being whiny dickheads and just fucking be happy or just leave NE. I'm sick of being in a shit filled community full of backstabbing c****.
Steve Offline
Fair point, Louis. In hindsight I'm glad Xcoaster is in this -- truly looking forward to see what he produces.
Lotte Offline
let's hope having to drop a player this late won't effect the hurricanes ability to deliver enough quantity. i'm really excited to see Xcoaster's work though!
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louis if it would've been any other captain then i still would've seen it as shady since it is an unfair move. one of the rules states that "(1) No captain can replace a player unless a player drops out, where they will choose a player off the Replacement List.", so having xcoaster join the contest and joining kumba's team violates that rule as xcoaster was never added to the replacement list on the first page. none of the other captains knew before hand that xcoaster was an option, so kumba was able to probably plan stuff before the trade was announced as it was fairly obvious that six frags was going to drop. if other captains had known that xcoaster was on the list before kumba took him, then they couldve seen if they were able to pick him up or not. i know you're tired of all the kumba bashing louis, but i'm tired of all the barely ok bull shit going on. if people just followed the rules then none of this backlash would've even happened
Louis! Offline
so having xcoaster join the contest and joining kumba's team violates that rule as xcoaster was never added to the replacement list on the first page. none of the other captains knew before hand that xcoaster was an option
He is on the replacement list. I added him before I announced the trade.
The captains were informed before the trade took place about Xcoaster and approved it.
There is no bull shit.
Liampie Offline
I'm okay with this. A player dropping out is a blow to both the team and the competition as a whole. The better the hole that Six Frags left behind can be filled, the happier I am. We're getting new Xcoaster stuff, even if it ain't much. I think that's exciting.
robbie92 Offline
I'm glad my PayPal transfers have been making their way through. Pac, Nin, check your email.
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