H2H7 / H2H7 Team Rosters
01-March 15
Kumba Online
This was a very hard move to make. I was thrilled to draft both Coupon and Colorado-Fan. I had hoped they would be key members of the team. Colorado-Fan was busy early and hardly posted. When that continued into this month and he didn't respond to/view a PM after a few days I had to decide to drop him. He had not built all season. Coups was quite early after the draft and only had a couple of ideas he wanted to work on, but there was not that much enthusiasm for them. He didn't seem to want to work on other team ideas, so after he posted more of his thoughts for his idea, I decided to let him lead a park. In that time, he built very little and did not post any updates until it got to the point where I had to ask Louis to ask him to post. His park was for later in the season, but he didn't have any other team park to work on and was well behind other parks. I don't think things would have got any better if we had to try and get him to work on something else. He seemed to want to do his own thing, so me and Louis agreed a drop was okay even tho he was somewhat active.
No hard feelings guys, I wish you good luck going forward and hope to see some RCT work from you in the future.
Picking thirteen or G Force would have been a really hard choice, so that's why I went with the double drop. I got in touch with them of both a few days ago and they seem ready to go
As for my team falling apart... nope. We'll be fine and have some really great parks in the making. You guys can call me a strict captain if you want, but I do what needs to be done to win. My team has the strongest core in the contest and will be winning the championship.
Coupon Offline
" he didn't have any other team park to work on" That's not true at all, Darren. I was willing to work on other parks, but no one had stepped up and asked me to build with them. I have checked in with some other teams as well, and the park that I was leading was well ahead of the competition for that week. It wouldn't have been such a tough decision to make if you had asked the team, or myself, on their thoughts about booting me off the team. It was quite a surprise as I just came out of surgery with the thought that I am going to be able to build for an unlimited amount of time for 14 days.. I even told you guys in the team AIM chat that I had 2 weeks to build for an unlimited amount of time per day.
I'll admit that I didn't build very much, but whenever I built I showed you guys on AiM and I got comments about what I did build. I was hoping to be able to catch up to your "standards" in the next 14 days, but oh well.
Xeccah Offline
it was honestly a decision that, at the very least, kyle, justin, darren, and myself agreed on. we mean no ill harm about it, and we do sympathize with the fact of your surgery and whatnot. your apparent lack of communication with the team and your lack of motivation both in the form of lack of downloads and the messages you posted on AIM. we were constantly urging for you to build with others, and for others to build on the park that you led, so it's not that we didn't try to include you in every potential possibility. finish blap now, will you
(we besides darren didn't make the decision, but we agreed with it. sorry for the shitty wording)
Coupon Offline
Darren was the one who made the decision, and I even read the team chat and it was all him. You guys just decided that it was a good idea after the fact, so don't act like you guys made worked with Darren to decided to boot me off.
Cocoa Offline
if you don't want colorado-fan, we have pizzawurst, and they're pretty much the same if you want to trade
jokes, pizza is like our best player/food you can't have him
Kumba Online
Darren was the one who made the decision, and I even read the team chat and it was all him. You guys just decided that it was a good idea after the fact, so don't act like you guys made worked with Darren to decided to boot me off.
I did make the final call on my own, but knowing the team would be okay with it.
Coupon Offline
That doesn't excuse not consulting about the decision. When ITM's team dropped Ling, they had a lengthy conversation about it so that both sides were on good terms. This decision was made by one person, and I didn't even get a PM or an AIM message about me being dropped. I had to look on the forums to find out.
Cocoa Offline
i'm surprised thirteen wasn't drafted actually. g-force only really posted stuff recently so thats more understandable I think. but thirteen has some pretty solid screens. or did he just sign up late?
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Wow I don't have the GIF but MJ eating popcorn 'lots' of popcorn applies.....
csw Offline
Well whatever the issue is/was, one thing's for sure: Coupon is a changed man. He uses punctuation now!
inthemanual Offline
There was no lengthy conversation. I simply asked Ling if he was still able to it to H2H and he responded that h didn't have the time anymore.
I agree that you should have been notified prior and that you should have had a chance to respond. I do trust Louis' judgement on the matter though, and if your participation were poor enough, a removal without your consideration may have been appropriate -
nin Offline
I'm sorry Coupon, but you've posted more in the past two pages of this topic than you did in our team forum.
You know I'm a fan of yours, not only from an RCT standpoint but that of a friend as well. You're a cool, bright kid, but I cannot take you seriously. I urged you from the start that to gain interest in ideas you'd have to sell them to us, telling why your idea could really work out for the team and contest, and that never happened. While what was built was nice, we fought to get you to post any sort of screen or download outside of a small bit shown in an AIM conversation. We urged input in park ideas, and when the majority of the team was on board with something and awaiting feedback from you, you'd jokingly suggest something entirely unrelated. You're a good guy and a great RCT player, but I don't think you're fit for this contest. I know you were hoping to build for lengthy periods over the next two weeks, but honestly how were you expecting us to take you seriously?
I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just explaining our side, and the fact that it wasn't nearly "one guy's decision".
I support Kumba's actions and welcome thirteen and G Force to the Hurricanes. You two are going to like it.
For the rest, #thestormiscoming.
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