H2H7 / H2H7 Pre-Draft Breakdown
24-February 15
Milo Offline
H2H is back for its 7th season. It is an exciting time for NE and this H2H is already shaping up to be quite an interesting one. The signups were initially dominated by a slew of dark horses and newcomers to the contest, and NE as a whole. Many of these new members have shown their work in the past week and it appears there is great potential within this new generation of RCTers. What better way is there to tap into that potential than the glorious park versus park competition that H2H provides? I submit that there is none!
Cheesiness aside, there is a lot of new blood who have signed up for in the draft. I think that's great and I'm excited to see many of you guys be given a chance. Even those drafted in a late round, based on what I've been seeing, have a lot to offer a team.
And let us not forget the numerous big names in the community who waited until the 11th hour to sign up. Many older members have moved on from RCT but it's always great to see familiar faces stop by again, especially if they are willing to participate.
So in what has now become a tradition for me, I'll be posting my thoughts on the players who have signed up to participate in H2H7. A disclaimer, for this year in particular, if I don't know a whole lot about you... I really can't say a lot. The sign up list contains many guys who have been around for along time, but an equal number who I don't know much about.
Louis! - (one) of our resident overlords will hang up his rct hat for the duration of the season and act as benevolent judge: enforcing rules, lurking in team forums and harassing Airtime for not participating. In addition to running the contest Louis! will also referee the many debates that will start within H2H forum topics.
Louis, I don't know what you're doing any more. Are you playing? Are you not? I have no fucking clue.
Liampie - led his team, Heaven's Kitchen, all the way to the H2H6 championship and won. At the time he was a fresh admin of NE and an untested captain. Any doubt I may have had at the beginning of last season is completely gone. In the years since H2H6 he has remained engaged in the community and produced a steady stream of rct work both in LL and rct2. His own skills are not up for debate and as defending champion from his first season as captain, I think we're all expecting good things from Heaven's Kitchen 2: Electric Boogaloo.
inthemanual - This years newest admin and first time captain in H2H. itm has some big shoes to fill after how well Liampie did in H2H6. In the past couple years he has improved rapidly in the game with a great showing in the last Micro Madness, tackling fantastic fantasy ideas well. His style has developed into something very similar to AvanineCommuter's when he builds fantasy (that's not a knock, it's a great thing) and he has shown the capability to build in a detailed realistic style. He even has delved into LL and, with some polish, could be a dual game threat. As a new captain his leadership and drafting abilities are the unknowns... hence the potential setbacks for itm.
trav - yet another first time captain and a member who has never really broken out in solo work. In the couple years since H2H6 he hasn't been around the community much. However, this was true when he signed up for last season and he participated in 3 parks and was active throughout the season. This time he has offered to captain and while I think he has the H2H experience to qualify, I'm not sure how engaged he is with the community. This could hurt his drafting. If trav does his homework he has a chance at assembling a competitive team; if he wings it things will get difficult for him.
robbie92 - a huge name within the community and his status as an rct2 powerhouse is undeniable. He has participated in the last two H2H seasons and has signed up for captain this time around. I sense he wants to be the master of his fate a little more than in H2H6. By all accounts it was a frustrating season for the Flying Germans and even robbie couldn't pull together a win for them. His leadership is unknown but he has been active in the community and has learned some hard lessons in H2H6. At the very least he knows what not to do to run an effective team.
Kumba - Without the Hurricanes it wouldn't be a H2H, this season will be 5 H2Hs in a row where Darren has signed up to captain. His teams haven't missed a single semi finals and he has more championship appearances than anyone else has seasons as a captain. His rct work has slowed down considerably in the last couple years but in the recent Micro Madness he showed he hasn't gotten too rusty in that time. With all the new players, he might not have an ideal drafting situation but with his experience and instincts I am confident he'll find a way to put together a competitive team.
Roomie - an old old hand here at NE, someone who has been around since before the majority of us can remember. He has been a part of nearly every H2H held and is a consistent member of the community. In a controversial move, Louis did not draft Roomie in H2H6's all LL team but Roomie was able to stick with LL on the Reservoir Dogs, resulting in the first LL v LL matchup in many years. He has more than enough experience and knowledge to captain a team, I just hope he has the time. Speaking directly to Roomie, don't go for the all LL team this time, it's too one dimensional.
nin - after a strong showing by his team last season nin has unfortunately been bumped from a captain's seat this time around. Although he still hasn't broken out with the fantatsic solo project we know he's capable of, nin has continued to tease us all with screens. Hopefully his morale is high even though he isn't a captain and he can produce something great. NCSO or CSO he's capable of it.
Six Frags - another previous H2H captain, SF has participated in the majority of H2Hs, always producing quality work in a consistent style. While he won't be a captain this year, he is certain to be an asset to whoever drafts him. SF may be inactive between H2H seasons but his performance on the Hurricanes in H2H6 showed he can still get results.
Coupon - joke or not, Coupon's last minute bid for a captain's spot was unsuccessful. However, Coupon is a rising star in the community and a revamped Baker Lake appears to be on the horizon. As another refugee of last season's Flying Germans, I just hope Coupon has more of an opportunity to shine this time around.
Shotguns? - speaking of rising stars, since H2H6 Shotguns has steadily improved his game. He tackled some bold ideas in the recent Micro Madness and has shown NCSO work on par with nin's. He does have a Design under his belt and based on how quickly he has improved makes me excited to see what he can pull off in a H2H setting.
gdb - a newish member hailing from the Netherlands. His recent release , Kings Valley, showcases a quaint realistic style and a jump up in his skill level and productivity. In addition, his micro parks showed he's not afraid to dabble in fantasy or semi realism. I'm not sure what his preference his, but this flexibility means he should fit in well on just about any team.
Fisch - with a couple H2H seasons and a handful of accolades, Fisch has shown that he has the capability to produce work at a high quality. Unfortunately Fisch's productivity goes up and down and that's something to consider for the draft. Hopefully Fisch can stay focused on the single park he says he has time for. If he does, it'll be tough to beat.
MCI - one of the few NCSO only players to sign up, MCI may have a tough time getting drafted. He is certainly active in the community and productive but his style is simple and fun NCSO with no frills. NCSO has gained traction as a viable play style and if a captain was interested in giving it a try MCI could be a valuable late round pick.
Version1 - an NCSO player now dabbling in CSO. His style could use some development but his latest screens do show potential. He hasn't been particularly productive but perhaps that could change in H2H
Wouter VL - another newer member, Wouter has shown some increasingly impressive screens in the past year or two. He builds in just about any flavor of rct you can think of. His rct2 seems more developed than his LL and his fantasy screens in particular are quite interesting. His productivity and work ethic are unknown but if Wouter gets on a team he could be a potential sleeper of the season.
RCT2day - an NCSO player who has a very refined style. Kidron Park scored a gold and was a significant release of 2014. He has expressed an interest in CSO although his skills there are completely unknown. However, if he is partnered with someone like nin or Shotguns? a quite formidable NCSO park could make an appearance this H2H. Another potential sleeper
Stoksy - 2014 seems to have been Stoksy's breakout year. He has been showing some incredible talent in his screens, got to the finals of Micro Madness with some imaginative entries and snagged a Design. His CSO work has a lot of variety and feels like a blend of modern styles. His productivity has been high and his latest screens have been an even higher quality. There is a good chance Stoksy will firmly establish himself as a big name within the community this H2H.
Cocoa - another member who has a handful of small accolades and a solid background in H2H. His solo work productivity has never been high but he's capable of producing some fantastic work that's colorful and atmospheric. He is also showing an ability to play LL at a high level but prefers rct2. Hopefully even with limited time Cocoa can produce work at his full potential.
FK+Coastermind - While FK hasn't posted a lot of screens in the last couple years, he has released a steady stream of quality releases. His style has shifted heavily towards semi realism and hardcore fantasy. His Micro Madness entries showed a lot of imagination. His showing in H2H6 was great, if a little inconsistent, but if his latest work is any indication, his style has been refined a lot since then.
PizzaWurscht - I'm saying this a lot but here is yet another potential sleeper. He hasn't been around for a long time but from the beginning PizzaWurscht has been showing some really good stuff. He's steadily improving and he seems comfortable with a highly detailed style. Hopefully he doesn't get too caught up in those details as H2H is about productivity as much as it it is about ideas. If he can stay motivated and consistent, this guy is one to watch out for.
Maxwell - a very new face here at NE. He posted his first screens just this past week. He shows some solid NCSO and CSO with a lot of potential. His work ethic is unknown. Even if he doesn't make the draft, he could be a good person to pick up off the reserve list and drafted or not I hope he sticks around. He looks to have a bright future here at NE.
Coasterbill - another member really coming into his element in 2014 and early 2015. He has a very mellow, natural atmosphere in both NCSO and CSO and has a couple accolades in each. He has been quite productive and though he says he'll have less time, he could really provide some strong work on a park or two for a team.
bigshootergill - yet another newer member. Bigshooter has been productive in the past 6 months and has even gotten his first accolade within that time. His style is a little unrefined but he certainly has the capability to be a strong late round pick.
Maverix - a couple years ago Maverix was incredibly prolific, producing accolade after accolade. His style stayed consistent and he had a good showing in H2H6. Since then his productivity has dipped a bit and he's less active but he certainly is still a great mid round draft pick. He also is a dual game threat with good LL skills so he adds more utility to a team.
Pacificoaster - probably only second to robbie in terms of being an rct2 powerhouse. In H2H6 I called him a sleeper pick, now he's quite possibly going to be the #1 pick in the entire draft. He showed what he could do last season with a solo effort in the semi finals. He has since finished off Starpointe and a design. Things have been quiet since then but if he's active this H2H... just be excited for what's coming. And if robbie manages to draft him.... I don't even know what to say about that.
In:Cities - It has been quite a while since he has been producing steady rct work. However, In:Cities had a good run on the H2H6 Hurricanes and always seems pumped for rct when H2H rolls around. With claims to be coming out of retirement... if he can shake the rust of off I expect a good showing from him.
Sephiroth - a member who flies under the radar for the most part, he has shown some ability to execute ideas with CSO and is an avid coaster creator in the game. He could provide some much needed support on a realistic park although his style is quite unrefined and productivity unknown.
JimmyLaessig - country of 5dave memes aside, Jimmy is a newcomer to NE with a style similar to 5dave's. His Design is really impressive and he has shown some quality screens since then. He has been productive in the last 6 months and if he stays active would be a valuable late draft pick, possibly even earlier if someone wants to be bold.
hulkpower25 - an member who has been around quite a while, hulkpower has slowly plodded away at a few projects over the years. He has an affinity for blue dive machines and has a couple accolades to his name. He has never really broken out and if he can get a little more active I'd be pretty excited to see what he can come up with.
Jonny93 - a solid player, Jonny had a good showing in H2H6 fresh off winning a gold accolade. The last major thing we've seen from him was a silver in 2013. He did show some good screens this past summer so there is potential for Jonny to be a meaningful contributor to a team
Poke - a newer member who has shown a lot of activity this past year. He favors NCSO and LL. He's inconsistent but his LL in particular has come a long way in a short time. I see Poke as a potential late round pick to any team with an LL component.
GammaZero - another newer member. Prefers NCSO. I think his work is unrefined at this time but if he sticks with it, there is potential there. Unfortunately, has low chance of being drafted.
csw - an up and coming LL player who has slowly but steadily improved his game in the past couple years. He has remained active and has a handful of accolades for his efforts. He hasn't quite broken out yet, I think he has a lot of potential but he's missing a 'wow' factor. I'm excited for him to simply be a part of the community though. His style is straight out of the early 2000's and he's starting to sprinkle some fun ideas in.
FredD - A solid player who has made a bit of a comeback in 2014. He has shown some high quality screens and has scored a Bronze accolade. He was a member of the H2H6 Hurricanes and if he stays active I expect him to be a strong mid round draftee.
][ntamin22 - long time LL player with a unique style. ][22 had a good showing in H2H5 but went quiet after that until getting a Design in 2014 and more recently hinting at a multi map project. His style can be messy at times and he often builds at a methodical pace, but if he is focused ][22 could be an integral part of another great LL H2H park.
wheres_walto - he was an up and coming player before H2H6 and had a real strong showing. After that wheres_walto went dark until Micro Madness where he popped back up with another good showing. Considering he's been around a while, he hasn't broken out with a solo project but his rct work for contests has been at a high level. If he's motivated I predict another strong H2H showing on a park or two.
Dirk Pitt - a name that hasn't been active on NE in over a decade. His LL style is straight out of a time capsule, good for 2003 but we'll have to see if anyone wants to chance drafting him. I'd love to see some work from him either way.
SSSammy - once a prolific up and comer, SSSammy largely disappeared after H2H6. His H2H5 showing wasn't particularly strong either. He is a dual game threat but I've found his rct2 to be superior to a lackluster LL style. Hopefully H2H7 will be a successful return from retirement for him and an enjoyable H2H run. Music and other creative outlets seem to sap motivation from him.
amblerk - mostly unknown player. He has shown flashes of skill in screens that are mostly dominated by giant buildings and giant coasters.
BelgianGuy - always seems to pop up every few months with a new screen or accolade worthy release. We've seen good finished work from him since H2H6 and he had a real strong showing last season. I predict good things from him again this season.
JJayMForce - a quiet player who doesn't post many screens. A set of three Micro Madness entries showcasing some creative and varied ideas means JJay isn't someone to discount from being drafted. His productivity is an unknown but we might have another sleeper on our hands.
G Force - been around a while but doesn't have a lot of work to fall back on. Recent screens show a solid realistic style with some Cedar Point recreations but other than that there isn't much to go on.
Austin55 - he has been around for many years but he has never managed to complete a full scale solo. He has one Design under his belt and specializes in recreations and a simple, realistic style. His work might be a little low key for H2H but I'd like to see how he handles himself with a deadline.
Otsdarva - solid ride designer but limited experience with CSO... or NCSO for that matter. Largely unknown. He isn't afraid to tackle unique ride types or ideas though so with some time I think Otsdarva could produce good quality rct.
djbrcace1234 - haven't seen much of him since H2H6 where he was able to help out on one of the greatest LL parks ever. His rct2 work is quite strong and he seems determined to make a name for himself this H2H. I think he has the skills but I hope he can stay active, as his accolade worthy projects have mostly ended up released unfinished.
navalin - has a couple solid screens and one good micro to his name. His activity is sporadic at best but navalin does have some rct skills. The issue is the unknown productivity but as a dark horse navalin could prove a break out player in H2H.
conkerlfc - only one screen to his name but it does show potential. As an unknown it'll be hard for him to get drafted but I want to see more work from him
disneylandian192 - a member who has popped up off and on for many hears. He participated in H2H4 and then again last season. He has never gotten an accolade but more recently he did have a good micro park release and has shown several high quality screens in the past. A bit of an enigma, it'll be interesting to see where he ends up.
Sulakke - has not advertised any solo work since H2H6 but he did participate in the Pro Tour prelims as well as Micro Madness. Contests seem to pull Sulakke out of the shadows and while he isn't super productive, his showing in H2H6 was respectable.
lightkeeper - no releases and only a handful of screens to his name, he does have some potential. His activity level is low however and his productivity is unknown
RWE - only two recent screens to his name, they are actually quite good. He's an unknown but he could prove to be a worthy late round pick if he stays active. He loves the color brown.
Mattk48 - a handful of screens show competent rct skill. He participated in Micro Madness and Pro Tour prelims. His style is a little unrefined and a lack of finished work hurt his chances of being drafted.
Mr.Brightside711 - has one Pro Tour prelim released but other than that is unknown. Has potential but needs more shown work.
Steve - tons of skill, not a lot of productivity. There is no question of Steve's skill but I do hope to see a little more of his work this season than last. With Turtle gone there is no fantastic duo opportunity but Steve should manage to fit in most modern realistic styles. Just part of one park Steve... please.
Rofl - a handful of solid screens in the past couple months. I'm not sure if it's enough for him to get drafted but he's yet another newer member with lots of potential.
Arjan v I - has been mostly inactive for a year but in 2013 Arjan was a major up and comer. He has a very fun fantasy style that is larger than life and reminds me of a more refined Levis. If he's active, H2H7 could be where he finally makes a big name for himself.
Seb - only one release but it's a full scale solo that scored him a gold. His latest screens are very good although they are from almost a year ago. If Seb can pick up the game again and adjust to H2H deadlines quickly, I think he could do some good things this season.
ottersalad - an up and comer slowly making a name for himself in the past couple years, he still doesn't have an accolade but he is certainly capable of producing one. If he stays active he also is capable of doing well in H2H.
Sey - a few recent screens and a Pro Tour prelim show his skills. His showing in H2H5 was good. A great mid round draft pick if he can stay active.
Da_Cool - has no releases but several screens in the past 6 months show a high potential. His productivity is unknown but Da_Cool is another possible sleeper.
Wanted - haven't seen him around for several years. Got his start as an LL player but he seems to have moved on to rct2. He had potential way back when but it's hard to know how rusty Wanted is.
Tolsimir - another player not seen much since H2H6. He wasn't able to contribute much last season but he has always been a bit of a dark horse floating between semi realism and fantasy styles. If he finds the inspiration he could produce some good work this season.
CHE - one micro showcases some potential talent but CHE is mostly unknown.
Milo - me, LL only, we'll see what happens
AvanineCommuter - has a very unique fantasy and semi realistic style with imaginative ideas. He had one great park in H2H6 and has showcased a project that has gone unreleased since but the screens are great. His time is limited but I hope to see at least a good chunk of a park by him this season.
alex - new member who has showcased a lot of potential in both rct2 and LL in the past couple months. If he had some finished work to fall back on I'd say he would have a shot at getting drafted but unfortunately he's a relative unknown
Ride6 - an old member who always pops up when there is a competition. He has been there and done that in LL and rct2. He helped bail out the RevoLLutionists from the reserves list last season and I hope he can get drafted and contribute to a park again this season.
XCars - a couple recent screens show some further improvement in his game and XCars had a good showing in H2H6, helping fellow Flying German, Fizzix, finish up a park despite a frustrating season and the team imploding. It was a good display of sportsmanship and I hope to see XCars drafted this season.
Loopy - it has been a long time since Loopy was steadily active but his LL is loved by everyone and it's great he's on board. I'm not sure how much time he'll have to devote but his H2H6 effort was great and I don't think anybody has to ask any more from him this season.
Ling - he bounces back from LL to rct2 and has achieved a solid style in both games. His most recent accolade scored a gold and his LL micros showcased a simple but effective level of quality. He's not a heavy hitter but his utility and relative activity in the last couple years make him a potentially valuable late round pick.
Colorado-Fan - he has one Bronze accolade and 2 H2H seasons behind him. He's not active too often in between and hasn't been seen much since H2H6. However I believe he has the capability to do good things this season, especially after returning despite the frustrations of last season. From what we've seen his work has improved in the last couple years.
5dave - his activity has been low the past couple years but he did have a good showing this past Micro Madness. 5dave has been around a long time and will give a good showing in any contest he participates in. His style is a lot of fun and even just one park from him this season will be a treat.
dr dirt - inactive since H2H6 and has not had much of a solo accolade rct career. He was in H2H5 and 6 and had a good showing both seasons so dr dirt should produce some quality work this season as well.
René - popped out of nowhere with a gold accolade in 2014. Activity is a bit of an unknown but with a couple large scale projects and a lot of potential, he has a good chance of a later round pick. Could be a break out player this season.
thirteen - 2014 saw the return of thirteen to NE and he has been releasing a steady steam of projects and screens. His skills are improving and he has been active so I hope to see thirteen make an appearance this H2H.
geewhzz - resident web dev of NE5, gee was unable to make an appearance in H2H6. His H2H5 showing was legendary however and this time he's made it clear he wants to do rct2 only and his skills can't be milked for 3 parks. I think this is very fair and since he's on the same page as his potential captain, I expect at least one great park from gee this season. He's streamed and released a couple screens in the last couple year so we know he isn't terribly rusty.
Airtime - had a frustrating run last season, his motivation was low and LL just wasn't doing him any favors. If he can find the right captain and right pairing I think he should be able to do well. His rct2 screens have been so good I don't want to see him attempt anything else anyway.
turbin3 - solid player with a handful of accolades and a strong showing in H2H5 alongside Xcoaster. He struggled in H2H6 and hasn't been around the community much in the past couple years. His skills were steadily improving back when he was active so I'm interested to see what he can come up with.
Roomie Offline
I wouldnt worry about an all LL team.
not my plan.
Not even sure it would be possible these days.
AvanineCommuter Offline
TBH your write ups are probably one of the most exciting parts of the competition. Looking forward to more!
RCT2day Offline
Love reading analyses like these. Thanks for doing this, it was a great read. Hoping to read more.
disneylandian192 Offline
So excited for h2h! Even my fiancé who makes fun of my rct history knows what h2h is! -
G Force Offline
The activity in the sign up thread has definitely thrown this entire breakdown upsidown. -
GammaZero Offline
[][ntamin22' timestamp='1424899478' post='652815']
Holy shit, quoting ][ntamin is hard. -
][ntamin22 Offline
One of my two secret NE powers
The other is that I'm the 221st member, so my profile URL is
That's right
One day in 2002 I had a vision of the glorious PHP based future
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