H2H7 / Player Expectations
22-February 15
Kumba Offline
Having been a captain in this contest four times, I have worked with many parkmakers and for the most part it's been a great experience and I think I would want all those guys back on a team if ever possible. I wanted to start this topic before the draft to point out what I expect from players. I cannot speak for every captain, but assuming I am one again this season, I want the guys on my team to live up to the following:
- Build 4-5 days a week for 4-8 hours a week if possible. I think that's realistic, but if you can do more for the team that's great.
- Let people know when you can/cannot build. It's fine with me if you need time off, just give notice in advance when possible.
- Post the park whenever you are not building or go to sleep. This is good for feedback even if a partner cannot take it. Also post when you start building on a park so people know. Sucks when two people unknowingly build at the same time.
- Post comments on other team parks and provide feedback as they build. At least 1 comment on other parks in production every few days.
- Understand that you have a commitment to other people and a team. Family, friends and work are more important without question, but remember that other people are counting on you in this contest.
How to get on my bad side:
- Vanish for 3+ days with no reason given.
- Drama in the team forum.
- No comments on other team parks.
- No comments on other team parks, except something negative once released.
- No download posted while your away and others want it (why RRP had to go and likely will mean being removed from the contest this season).
If this were a real contest I might ask everyone to sign a contract like this, lol.
So can you live up to that, or are there some things you think would be hard?
Steve Offline
I don't think I have what it takes to be a Hurricane, so it's okay if you don't draft me.
Liampie Offline
Is this the Hurricanes team forum?
If you want to cook with me:
- Build as often and as long as you like as long as you finish the damn park
- Cram as much good ideas into a park as I can post the word 'as' in one sentence
- Be polite and announce it when you want to disappear
- Sanitize your hands upon entering the kitchen -
robbie92 Offline
It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose...
I mean, it builds the park and finishes it on time or else it gets the hose.
nin Offline
Going to be a lot tougher this season.
-40 hours of build time per week (minimum); school and jobs can be put on hold.
-Player must be willing to sacrifice self if their park loses round.
-Place Texas Giant signs and 1k ruins in every park, no exceptions.
-Must be able to beat Evergreen Gardens without the aid of hacks.
-Must wear team tshirts in all public places at all times, exception being Wednesdays where we wear pink.
-Remember there is no "i" in team, but there is in "nin".
Kumba Offline
It will go in the team forum too, but I figured it going here first might help.
I am not too strict, as most of my players can likely confirm. While most of my experiences have been good in H2H, the bad ones really stick in my mind and trying to avoid them is key. If I can avoid drafting someone that might bitch out great because I sure as fuck can't do anything about having to face parks like SoS or DAW!
If someone has an issue with a few things on there it would be great if before the draft they let me know by posting or via PM. Hell, if a lot of people think that's too much to ask maybe I should not be a captain?
Steve that's fine. You helped us win a championship once so it's okay if you rather call me a whiny baby and be on another team now. No hard feelings.
Oh and nin, I actually LOL'd. Funny nin does not quite have the same ring to it tho, so it will remain "fuck nin" for now.
Kumba Offline
nin, is "must talk shit about kumba" rule in effect?
No, I get to be a frozen staff member in some awful way or another. Like how I get ran over by a truck in DAW.
Sephiroth Offline
-Regular enforced build hours are a great idea considering everyone's lives are exactly the same and rigid and no surprises or unexpected things ever happen.
-3 days is an excruciatingly long time to not be in contact because real life never pulls anyone away that long during a period of almost half a year unexpectedly.
-Taking a game super seriously is always a excellent idea, especially when the whole world (4679 NE members/7 billion people = 0.000067% of the human population) is watching and will recognize such amazing achievements.
-Requiring regular commentary on other's work every few days is totally doable for almost half a year.
-Getting upset over the above stated things is totally reasonable.
-There is no "i" in "Team", but there is a "u" in "Turd".
-Each day, all members of the team must take this stick and repeatedly jam up their ass as hard as they can, as far as they can, as many times as they can per day.
-There is zero sarcasm in this post and I expect you all to take it seriously.
-I'm an asshole.
-Trying to give a fuck.
-Looks like I don't have any.
-Going to the store to buy more.
-They're out of stock.
RCT2day Offline
Kumba is a competitive guy. He wants to win. I get that. He'd be a bad captain if he just sat back and didn't set some rules for his team. Maybe some are a little tough, but he seems reasonable and flexible for the most part.
Mattk48 Offline
-Place Texas Giant signs and 1k ruins in every park, no exceptions.
-Must be able to beat Evergreen Gardens without the aid of hacks.
I'm in. Sooooo many ruin rocks. Mission thunder mountain is a go -
Steve Offline
Kumba, you're a decent captain and have won this whole thing before but you take it way too seriously man. Even if you were kidding (but I'm sure you weren't), anyone who even thought to post something about signing a contract just sounds ridiculous.
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