Music Forum / Someone did a chart of rappers, ranking them by vocabulary
21-February 15
Xeccah Offline
not surpringly, east coast held down the fort and wu-tang did excellent, given the talents of GZA and RZA
i wondered how death grips/MC ride would be on this list, given his oscure references 'Officially' based on proportions of unique words MC Ride pips Aesop Rock by 0.59%
Having done some copy & paste and writing a little script to parse the words remove ellipsis, random punctuation etc (Didn't include some of the singles)
Unique words in Ex-Military: 1387 (Out of ~5650)
Unique words in The Money Store: 1344 (Out of ~4641)
Unique words in No Love Deep Web: 1273 (Out of ~4029)
Unique words in Niggas On The Moon: 692 (Out of ~2402)
Then after re-running the script with all the albums included in one text document:
Unique words in total over all the albums: 3274 (Out of ~15012)
Now the rankings on the chart are out of the first 35,000 lyric words for each artist. So Death Grips is 21.80% unique, Aesop Rock compares at 21.21% unique.
He ranks quite low in the overall amount of unique words, however this is due to Death Grips having a smaller release amount compared to the rest on that chart. -
Xeccah Offline
It's not about how many words you use it's about how you use them
no shit, this isn't to justify that one rapper is better than another. -
Version1 Offline
even if it's terrible it's still better than 99% of other music
That can't really be because Rock/Metal is more than 1% of music
csw Offline
Watching tim's stream yesterday made me disappointed in how much y'all like rap and hip-hop.
Liampie Offline
My requests went from indie disco tot progressive metal and I didn't get any complaints.
Faas Offline
I like hip hop. The problem is just that there is a lot, I repeat A LOT of horrible rap music.
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