H2H7 / Advertise yourself!
18-February 15
Mattk48 Offline
Ill throw in a resume of screens as well. I don't like the whole pro/con format. The screens should speak for themselves. I don't have LL and Ive never done anything fantasy.
trav Offline
I probably have more cons than pros in all honesty, so I'll just put some screens out there as well.
Stoksy Offline
Oooo, interesting thread.
Now I gotta talk myself up, fuck...uhm
Poor mans robbie92
Acceptable hacker
Also Australian
Relatively fast builder *with inspiration*
Not the best at layouts
Generally lacking in ideas
Fantasy might be a bit of a stretch
New to H2H
Screens: Um, anything from Micro Madness til now really. Although Ethereal is a little dated.
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
-Expert on Realism (Massive Coaster Knowledge)
-Ride Layouts
-Planning / Creativity
-Have Worked on Full Parks with Others
-Good With Landscape
-Little Hacking Ability
-Struggle With Scenery Details
-New to H2H
-Bad with Foliage
-Can't do Fantasy (Realism Nazi)
Otsdarva Offline
I'm clueless in the scenery department and I struggle with park layouts but I do like to build and tinker with custom functional rides such as this zacspin.
You can also check out a Windseeker type ride and a large Ferris Wheel featured in my park submissions. Those are outdated versions, however; since then, I have created better versions of them.
Rofl Offline
- perfectionist
- quick learner
- good at recieving feedback
- lots of free time
- perfectionist
- not very expierenced
- mostly don't know where to start with a park
Sephiroth Offline
Self-proclaimed expert in the fields of coasters and structures. Let the screens and stuff on my profile speak for themselves I figure.
Unreleased Works
GammaZero Offline
Can make decent layouts in cramped spaces
Good at making small shit. Same can't be said about putting it all together
Historical architecture in my city
Am Brazilian
Never finished a good park
The only hacks I can do are ZC and some MOM (Wenders 7)
Dropped out on MM2014
Can only build NCSO (and not very good at that)
Lazy as fuck
Sometimes, can't build for shit
I suck at foliage
Am Brazilian
And the rest of my shit is here, just check my account.
BelgianGuy Offline
If you need to advertise yourself, you're not really made for this contest
the thing I see is that there are a LOT of inexperienced players that show some promise but no greatness at this point... I know people can surprised but I'm actually worried some of the people who signed up can actually deliver a h2h quality park without being told what and how to build all the time...
and I know I'll get scolded for this post but I'm really waiting to see some more big names in the sign ups, like a gee or some others that I haven't seen registered.
And I don't want to put anyone down but there just are a lot of unproven players in the field of choice right now...
Version1 Offline
And I don't want to put anyone down but there just are a lot of unproven players in the field of choice right now...
Well, I basically only signed up to fill the field. NE isn't as big as it was
robbie92 Offline
BG, the reality of the community is that we're losing more of the established and seasoned members as they grow older and grow into their own personal lives and careers. I do agree with you that there are names on the list that haven't really shown us what they can do, or that just haven't quite reached NE-level parkmaking skills yet, but H2H has always been an opportunity for the better, seasoned members to act like mentors to the more inexperienced builders (think of S_F's transformation from H2H6), and this season could be really interesting in seeing how the lesser-known builders can evolve and step up to the plate.
That being said, newer members, just know we won't go easy on you.
Louis! Offline
New members are exciting, much more so than established members. We know what established members can do, we don't know what new members can do. It's a risk captains have to take when drafting relatively unknown people, and that's what makes it exciting, what a captain can bring out in a new player, and whether the new player has enough potential to break into the fold.
H2H is about up and coming players, they are the ones that bust a gut to finish a park, always strive to do the best they can and are never half-assed about building, unlike the more established members.
Liampie Offline
I agree that there are fewer 'stars' in this h2h signed up so far, but I'm not worried about the quality. All the rookies have shown considerable talent and skill. In h2h their work will double in quality, if past h2h's are any indication. Every h2h has had unexciting names signed up yet all of them produced quality parks. The Classic in H2H6 was interesting and unique because it had no names attached to it, yet it was a very good park that no one ever suspected.
Yes, I'd pick Fatha, Turtle, RRP or geewhzz over any rookie. But both types of players make H2H exciting in their own way.
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