H2H7 / H2H Dream Team
17-February 15
Kumba Offline
Been looking back at old H2H parks and getting pretty into all things H2H again. It got me thinking what the greatest ALL-TIME team might look like. I think...
Fatha' (H2H1, H2H4)
Coaster Ed (H2H2, H2H3, H2H4)
Corkscrewed (H2H2, H2H3, H2H4)
Turtle (H2H4, H2H5, H2H6)
Emergo (H2H4)
geewhzz (H2H4, H2H5)
robbie92 (H2H5, H2H6)
Pacificoaster (H2H6)
Liampie (H2H6)
Honorable Mention: J K, natelox, X-sector, ride6, K0NG, Pierrot, Magnus, JKay, Steve and RRP.
As the captain greats like iris (won H2H1 and H2H2) and follow winners Liam and posix need to be considered. For a playing captain it's likely close between Liam and me. Maybe take iris if just for a captain only.
MVP Recap:
H2H1 - Fatha (not sure tho, might have been nate)
H2H2 - Coaster Ed
H2H3 - Corkscrewed
H2H4 - Emergo
H2H5 - geewhzz
H2H6 - Pacificoaster
What would your dream team be?
][ntamin22 Offline
I think we could hold a Draft2Draft: the Bracketing contest and Kumba would be the happiest man alive -
inthemanual Offline
Pure Fantasy Dream Team:
1. Me
2. Turtle
3. FK
4. Avanine
5. Liampie
6. Pierrot
7. Camcorder
8. Kumba
9. Six Frags
10. Levis
FK+Coastermind Offline
I belive Rob's dream team read:
Robbie 91
Robbie 92
Robbie 93
Robbie 94
Robbie 95
Robbie 96
Robbie 97
Robbie 98
Robbie 99
Liampie Offline
1. nin
2. nin
3. nin
4. nin
5. nin
6. nin
7. nin
8. nin
9. nin
10. nin
Fuck nin, orgy edition. -
MCI Offline
NCSO Dreamteam:
-Me (?)
Sorry if I missed anyone, but those are just the best right now + the best when I started + BigB (he was way better than anyone in his prime (except nin maybe), but did not publish anything) + Me
Lotte Offline
i want to make a dreamteam but i fear it's going to have too much legendary parkmakers
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
I'd say:
Lord Voldemort or "He who shouldnt be named" aka Cena
I'd have nin,rct2day,shotguns Build an all NCSO park. That gapes A's
Its a tough one really rob and pac.... h2h.... just shut NE down ?
No.... I'd have liampie and robbie work together.
I'd have Pac and kumba work together
Then it would be the 3 RD's Me, K0NG and Voldemort.
nin Offline
I belive Rob's dream team read:
Robbie 91
Robbie 92
Robbie 93
Robbie 94
Robbie 95
Robbie 96
Robbie 97
Robbie 98
Robbie 99
Stoksy Offline
1. geewhzz
2. robbie
3. nin
4. Pacificoaster
5. Turtle
6. Liampie
7. Kumba
8. Cocoa
9. Fk
10. Me
Covers realism [1-4], fantasy [5-9], and atmosphere in my opinion. J K and Steve for honourable mentions/reserves.
I think that the NCSO dream team would be really interesting...especially to see how the different NCSO techniques of the players could be combined to create a cohesive and interesting park.
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