H2H7 / H2H Dream Team

  • Kumba%s's Photo

    Been looking back at old H2H parks and getting pretty into all things H2H again. It got me thinking what the greatest ALL-TIME team might look like. I think...


    Fatha' (H2H1, H2H4)

    Coaster Ed (H2H2, H2H3, H2H4)

    Corkscrewed (H2H2, H2H3, H2H4)

    Turtle (H2H4, H2H5, H2H6)

    Emergo (H2H4)

    geewhzz (H2H4, H2H5)

    robbie92 (H2H5, H2H6)

    Pacificoaster (H2H6)

    Liampie (H2H6)


    Honorable Mention: J K, natelox, X-sector, ride6, K0NG, Pierrot, Magnus, JKay, Steve and RRP.


    As the captain greats like iris (won H2H1 and H2H2) and follow winners Liam and posix need to be considered. For a playing captain it's likely close between Liam and me. Maybe take iris if just for a captain only.


    MVP Recap:


    H2H1 - Fatha (not sure tho, might have been nate)

    H2H2 - Coaster Ed

    H2H3 - Corkscrewed

    H2H4 - Emergo

    H2H5 - geewhzz

    H2H6 - Pacificoaster


    What would your dream team be?

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo




    ....near, far, WHERE EVER YOU ARE!

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    I think we could hold a Draft2Draft: the Bracketing contest and Kumba would be the happiest man alive
  • csw%s's Photo

    Pretty sure H2H5 geewhzz can beat anything. whzzkids in general. 

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Pure Fantasy Dream Team:


    1. Me

    2. Turtle

    3. FK

    4. Avanine

    5. Liampie

    6. Pierrot

    7. Camcorder

    8. Kumba

    9. Six Frags

    10. Levis

  • nin%s's Photo

    1. nin

    2. nin

    3. nin

    4. nin

    5. nin

    6. nin

    7. nin

    8. nin

    9. nin

    10. nin

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    ^Was waiting for someone to do that haha. Honestly expected it to be rob though...

  • robbie92%s's Photo

    Hahaha, I already did that in the NE awards chat.

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    I belive Rob's dream team read:


    Robbie 91

    Robbie 92

    Robbie 93

    Robbie 94

    Robbie 95

    Robbie 96

    Robbie 97

    Robbie 98

    Robbie 99


  • robbie92%s's Photo

    Straight to the finals with that team.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    1. nin
    2. nin
    3. nin
    4. nin
    5. nin
    6. nin
    7. nin
    8. nin
    9. nin
    10. nin

    Fuck nin, orgy edition.
  • Lotte%s's Photo

    so robbie is just going to ignore the glory that is ronny_92?

  • MCI%s's Photo

    NCSO Dreamteam:










    -Me (?)


    Sorry if I missed anyone, but those are just the best right now + the best when I started + BigB (he was way better than anyone in his prime (except nin maybe), but did not publish anything) + Me :D

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    i want to make a dreamteam but i fear it's going to have too much legendary parkmakers :p

  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo

    I'd say:











    Lord Voldemort or "He who shouldnt be named" aka Cena


    I'd have nin,rct2day,shotguns Build an all NCSO park. That gapes A's 

    Its a tough one really rob and pac.... h2h.... just shut NE down ? 

    No.... I'd have liampie and robbie work together.

    I'd have Pac and kumba work together

    Then it would be the 3 RD's Me, K0NG and Voldemort.

  • csw%s's Photo

    lol voldemort


    I would pay money to work with x-sector or mantis, in H2H or not. 

  • nin%s's Photo

    I belive Rob's dream team read:


    Robbie 91

    Robbie 92

    Robbie 93

    Robbie 94

    Robbie 95

    Robbie 96

    Robbie 97

    Robbie 98

    Robbie 99




  • Steve%s's Photo
    I'm going for H2H7 sleeper of the year. Fuck y'all.
  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    1. geewhzz

    2. robbie

    3. nin

    4. Pacificoaster

    5. Turtle

    6. Liampie

    7. Kumba

    8. Cocoa

    9. Fk

    10. Me


    Covers realism [1-4], fantasy [5-9], and atmosphere in my opinion. J K and Steve for honourable mentions/reserves.


    I think that the NCSO dream team would be really interesting...especially to see how the different NCSO techniques of the players could be combined to create a cohesive and interesting park.

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    4/10 of stoksy's and 5/10 of Timmy's lists were Heaven's Kitchen. Boomtown


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